Chapter 3

Rushing around her apartment to finish getting ready, Bridget couldn't stop thinking about what Taylor said a half hour ago. 'Tell him?' Bridget thought aloud 'God, what do I do?' Her thoughts were interrrupted by the ring of the phone.
"Hello?" she answered.
"Bridget, it's Josh -- we're on our way to your place now, we should be there in five minutees or so, ok?" he said.
"Yeah, ok. I'll be waiting" Bridget said, already getting nervous.
"Good. Hey -- you ok? You sound kinda funny" JC asked concerned.
"Yeah, I'm fine" Bridget lied "I'll see you in a few minutes."
"Ok, bye" JC said.
Bridget hung up the phone. She took one last look in the mirror, re-applied her lipstick and smiled. Bridget knew Josh cared for her, and nothing could please her more. 'Well, this is it' she thought to herself, as she made her way out the door to wait for the limo to arrive.

*****Meanwhile, in the limo...*****

"So, JC....what's up with you and Bridget?" ask Justin, ever so bluntly.
"Hah!" JC laughed, stunned by Justin's question, "man...if I knew - I'd tell you. All I know is that's she's back in my life and --".
"-- and you're still crazy about her -- " Justin interrupted.
JC looked at his four best friends, all of them waiting for his reply. "Yeah, I'm still crazy about herr." JC answered.
The rest of the guys knew of course, some things don't change -- even after two years. And if anyone knew how two years could change the world around you, it was these guys. Just then, Lance broke the silence.
"Why don't you tell her how you feel, man?" he asked.
JC looked at him. "I can't, I won't take that chance" JC said. "She's a friend, and I have to leave it at that."
"Ok -" Lance sighed "it was just a suggestion. I mean, after we leave New York on Monday, what? You're not gonna see her for another two years?"
JC just smirked "It's different this time, we can keep in touch" he said.
"Yeah, but not the touch you'd like to keep" Joey chimed in, laughing.
The guys, incuding JC, laughed at Joey's comment. "Ah, when he's right, he's right" Chris said.
JC just sat and thought for minute. They were fastly approaching her apartment. "Hey guys," JC said "not a word of this to her, ok?"
All the guys nodded.
"But maybe" Justin started, "maybe you really should just tell her."
"Yeah man, " Lance said "don't let her get away this time."


The limo pulled up to Bridget's apartment building with Bridget right there.
"Wow!" Justin said "Is that Bridget -- she looks great!"
"Yeah, she does, doesn't she?" aggreed JC.
As the limo stopped the driver got out and let her in.
"Hey Bridge!" they all said.
"Wow! Hey guys -- what a welcome!" Bridget said.
Joey enveloped her in a huge bear hug until breathing became a problem. "Geez, Jo, I missed you too!" Bridget said once Joey loosened his group.
Bridget went around a hugged Chris and Lance. She stopped when she got to Justin. "Well, I see someone's looking as hot as ever!" she said while touching the tip of his nose.
"You don't look too bad yourself there, Bridge!" Justin said grabbing her into a tight hug. Justin released her and she took the seat between him and JC.
"What? None for me?" JC asked.
"I already saw you! Bridget retorted.
"Shucks!" JC joked.
Justin felt so bad for JC. It was clear that he loved Bridget. He saw the attraction too. She had a charm about her that lit up the room when she walked into it. He hoped JC knew what he was doing by not telling her his feelings.

Chapter 4