Chapter 6

JC released Bridget's face long enough to see her green eyes sparkling under the street lamps.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that," JC said smiling.
"Well, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to do that" Bridget said.
JC smiled, and for the first time in a while he was truly happy. Sitting on the front steps with the girl he loved and at the same time, his best friend. Life didn't really get any better.
"Josh?" Bridget said.
"Yeah..." JC said.
"How long have you felt this way?" she asked.
"For you? About two years, that's why it killed me not to see you", he answered.
"I want you to know something", she said turning to face him "These past couple of days have been hell for me. I wanted to tell you what I was feeling so bad, but I was so scared. Seems kind of silly now."
JC smiled. "I know exactly what you mean. I went through that dilemma too. But, really, I knew I couldn't leave without letting you know exactly what I felt. Besides, now, not only are you my best friend but also my..." JC stopped himself.
Bridget saw his hesitation.
"Ah, right. What exactly am I? Bridget asked.
Josh looked deep into her eyes. "Girlfriend. You're my girlfriend." JC said with certainty.
"Ya sure about that Josh? That might cause some problems with your career and I don't want to hinder anything you've worked so hard for." Bridget said to him, meaning every word.
"Bridget, I thank you for being concerned, but I'm allowed a life. We'll, just have to keep it on the down low for awhile." JC said.
"Ya mean I get ya all to myself?" Bridget asked laughing.
"Baby, how long have you known me? Have we ever been completely alone?" Josh laughed.
Bridget smiled, "I know, I know", she said. Bridget smiled to herself. This was really going to work. Her and Josh, together at last.
"Well," said JC, "I better get going"
"Don't you wanna come up? Bridget asked.
Of course JC wanted nothing more than to join Bridget upstairs - alone. But being a gentleman he had to control himself. "Bridge, you know I'd love to but, after I do that, things get complicated and...."
"Josh, relax" Bridget interrupted "I'm not talking about sex here. I just asked if you wanted to come up!"
JC laughed. She never ceased to amaze him. "Alright, alright. Down girl!" JC smiled. "Fine - I'll come up. But only for a little." JC said smiling.
"Uh-huh, sure." Bridget said, "we'll see about that." Bridget smiled slyly as she grabbed JC's hand and walked up the stairs to her door.

Chapter 7