Chapter 9

Back at the hotel

Justin hung up the phone as Lance rolled out of bed and made his way to the coffee machine.
“Who was that?” Lance asked.
“It was JC” Justin answered.
By now, Chris and Joey had made their way out to the sitting area.
“So, what’s up with him and Bridget?” Joey asked.
“Well,” Justin started, “JC says they’re an official couple.”
Chris rolled his eyes toward Justin “Of course, I think that’s a little obvious seeing as how he’s still not here!” he said.
“Ah! See that’s what I said. But he claims nothing happened.” Justin said nonchalantly.
Just then Lance butted in, “He must be so happy right now. He finally told her. Well – at least we won’t have to hear about it anymore.”
They all nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, he sounded happy.” Justin said, “The man was making her breakfast.”
“Are we talking about the same JC her?” Joey laughed.
“I know, I know. My thoughts exactly.” Justin said.
“Well, I think they’re cute” Chris said, “She’s good for him.”
They all nodded again.
“Did you tell him we’re staying here for another week?” Lance asked.
“Yeah, I did. He was pretty happy.” Justin said.
“So what are we doing today?” Joey asked impatiently.
“I vote we rest” said Chris.
“Sounds good to me” says Lance.
“I can’t just sit here” said Justin “anyone up for a game of basketball.”

Back at Bridget’s

** Ring, Ring **
“Ah, man” Bridget yelled, “Josh, can you get that?”
“Yeah, no problem” JC said “Hello?”
“Hello? Who’s this?” said a voice on the other end of the phone.
“This is Josh. Who’s calling please?” he asked.
“It’s Bridget’s mother – is she there?” she asked.
“Oh my! Hi Mrs. Cariac – it’s Josh…” he said, wondering if she’d remember him.
“I’m sorry, who?” she asked, still clueless.
“It’s JC. Um, Josh Chasez” he answered.
“Wow! Hi sweetie – how are you?” Mrs Cariac asked. She had always liked Josh.
He’d been so sweet to their family a few years back.
“I’m great – you obviously want to talk to Bridget, huh?” he said happily.
“Well, the though did cross my mind, yes.” she said humorly.
“Alright, let me get her” JC said.
JC found Bridget in the bathroom brushing her teeth.
“Your mom’s on the phone” JC told her “she doesn’t know about us does she?”
“Josh, ‘us’ only started yesterday – of course she doesn’t know. She doesn’t even know we’ve seen each other in two years!” Bridget said.
“Alrightie! Well, it sounds like you got a lot of explaining to do” JC said “you mind if I take a shower?”
“Not at all, towels are in the closet” she answered.
JC went into the shower and Bridget picked up the phone.
“Hey mom!” she said into the receiver.
“Hey Bridget” Mrs. Cariac replied “Ya wanna tell me what’s going on?”
“Well, ma – sit down. Cause boy do I have a story for you!”

Chapter 10