Chapter Seventeen

Dani heard the knock on the door and looked out the peephole. Chip the chipmunk greeted her and she sighed before laughing.

“Dani, Chip of the notorious Chip n’ Dale has come to apologize for the idiot actions of the other Chip aka JC. Will you let him in?” Dani smiled as she opened the door,

“Sure Chip can come in.” JC went to take a step forward but Dani snatched the stuffed animal from his hand and shut the door in his face.

“Dani!” JC said knocking on her door again, “I’m really sorry.” Dani talked to the little stuffed animal.

“What do you say Chip? Should we let the jerk in?” She pretended to listen to the stuffed animal, “Uh huh, hmm, only if he slips fifty bucks and a naked picture of Justin Timberlake under the door? Chip you perv.” She acted all shocked, “But that would get a good price on ebay.” Dani heard JC huff and walk away. “Well he didn’t put up much of a fight.” She said to the stuffed animal before walking into her room and tossing it on her bed.

Dani was reading in her room later that day when she heard a knock on her door. Something was slid under her door. She got up and saw the large envelope.

“What the heck is this?” She picked it up and quickly opened it. “Oh my God.” She laughed at the photo and fifty dollar bill that was in the envelope. She quickly opened the door to see an empty hallway.

“Chip?” She called and no one answered. She shook her head and went back inside her room.

JC opened his door and saw the envelope he slid under Dani’s door with Chip sitting on it.

“Jesus, what the hell is it going to take?” He reached down scooping up the stuffed animal and envelope. He went back into his room and the envelope felt very light. He opened it and found the fifty-dollar bill and a note.


1. I don’t know why you have a naked picture of Justin and frankly I don’t think I want to know.

2. You’re not very good at this apologizing thing. When you left the envelope you were supposed to wait outside my door so that I could forgive you. Making me come to you is not the best way to get me to forgive you. But you’re a boy, so I’ll let it slide.

3. You can keep your money because lord knows you’ll need it when you can’t dance anymore. Don’t think that you’ll get by on your good looks, trust me you won’t. :)

4. Be a frickin man and come down to my room so that I can forgive you properly or I just might replace you with Chip the stuffed animal.


JC laughed after reading the note and went down to Dani’s door. He knocked and she quickly opened the door. He smirked,

“So Miss Lucca, just how do you plan on forgiving me properly?” She crossed her arms and leaned against the doorframe.

“By smacking you upside the head.”

“Such violent tendencies. Wonder where you get it from?”

“Frustration caused by you.” She rolled her eyes and walked into the room. JC quickly followed shutting the door.

“So I’m forgiven?” Dani flopped down on her bed,

“Yeah, Chip you are. As long as you don’t push the performing thing anymore and you keep Tony from pushing it on me.”

“Deal.” JC sat down next to her and then he smiled, “You know I didn’t get that picture of Justin back.”

“And you won’t. That one is going in the vault.” She laughed.

“He’s gonna kill me when he finds out that you have that.” She shrugged,

“You should have thought about that when you gave it to me.”

“Hey I was just trying to get you to forgive me.”

“I was just kidding. You didn’t need to get the picture. I seriously didn’t think you would have one.”

“Things happen.” He shrugged,

“Maybe you and Justin are gay lovers.” She smirked and he rolled his eyes at her,

“Yeah that’s exactly it. Justin’s the main man in my life.”

“Well I’ve always wanted a gay brother, now I’ve got two.” She teased ruffling his hair.

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Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen