Chapter Eighteen

JC, Joey and Justin walked through the hotel on their way to their car to get to another interview. The walkway went passed a glass protected balcony of sorts that overlook the pool. Joey whistled,

“Man, I wish I was swimming right now.” He said and the others looked to see why. In the pool was a woman swimming in a little itty bitty bikini.

“I’m with you on that one.” JC whispered staring at the woman as she swam to the side and climbed out of the pool. They were too far away to clearly make out her face but she was beautiful from what they could see. She had long dark hair and a body to die for. She stretched a little, bending over for them, before settling in on a chair to read.

“Damn. Maybe we should skip this interview.” Justin said,

“Or at least change our paths to pass by the pool.” JC suggested looking at the other two who instantly agreed,

“We’re early anyways.” Justin said,

“I saw her first.” Joey said as they made their way towards the pool,

“She doesn’t look like your type, she reads.” JC said with a small smile,

“If she’s reading the Karma Sutra then she’s exactly my type.” He smirked and took another look at her, “Man what I wouldn’t give to get my hands on a piece of that.”

“They don’t make them like that on tour.” JC said, “Her body, damn.” He licked his lips letting himself slip into that male pigness. Wicked thoughts went through his mind as he imagined the things he could do to that body.

They made their way down to the pool and began walking towards the woman. For some reason she turned their way and smiled with a little wave. They were taken aback for a second,

“Did she just wave at us?” Justin asked and JC nodded,

“That was definitely towards us.” They started walking again, unsure of the situation. The woman glanced their way again, this time she got up and began walking towards them. The sun was in their eyes so they couldn’t see her that clearly but knew that she was coming over to them.

“Man, fan alert.” Justin sighed slipping on his shades and shading his eyes,

“She can be my fan anytime.” JC muttered slipping on the shades.

“Hey guys! I thought you had an interview to get too?” She said cheerily and the guys stopped in their tracks as she came up to them and put her sunglasses on top of her head.

“D-dani?” JC stuttered and she put her hands on her hips,

“Uh, yeah. It’s me.” She said looking at the three guys with a strange look. “What’s up? Why are you all looking at me like that?” She said, JC and Justin both blushed while Joey just smirked even more.

“Because you’re hot Dani.” Joey said with a smile and she rolled her eyes,

“Okay now, Joey. Why are you coming down to the pool? It doesn’t look like you’re going swimming.”

“We’re, uh, not. We were just, uh, taking time, to uh, go outside before spending time inside all day.” JC explained,

“Why are you so nervous?” She said moving closer and crossing her arms, which pushed her boobs up. This in turn gave each of the guys thoughts they shouldn’t be having about her.

“We’re not. We just didn’t expect to see you out here and it threw us off.” Justin explained.

“Kay, whatever.” She shrugged and moved closer to each of them kissing them all on the cheek. “Well have a good day, I’m going to get back to my book. See you later.” She said waving and walking back to her seat. The guys made a beeline for inside and Joey broke down in laughter,

“I can’t believe that, that was Dani!”

“Ha ha Ha funny!” JC said taking another sideswipe at Dani, not believing that, that was her. Justin began to chuckle too,

“You gotta admit, it is kind of funny, because it was Dani.” The corners of JC’s mouth began to turn up,

“Okay, maybe you’re right.”

That night Tony and Dani walked into the after party together. They were earlier than everyone else because they hadn’t stayed to see the whole concert. Tony was wearing a simple black button down shirt and jeans. She decided to go the same route. She had on low-slung jeans and a black fitted t-shirt that had the sleeves torn off and a v torn into the neck.

“Did you run out of clean laundry and have to search the rags for clothes tonight?” Tony teased and she rolled her eyes,

“You will never understand style, Mr. I’ve-lived-in-the-city-most-of-my-life-and-pretend-I’m-a-cowboy.” She teased back. Tony’s response was to flip her the bird.

“What do you want to drink?” He asked,

“Labatt blue or Killian’s.”

“What, no Bass Ale?”

“They have it here?” She asked,

“They might, I’ll check.”

“You’re my favorite new brother.” She smiled and Tony rolled his eyes,

“I’m your only brother.”

“Details, details.” She shrugged with a smile and he laughed as he walked away. Dani watched the club as it began to fill with lots of over 21 fans. They weren’t so bad, they didn’t scream as much, but they did tend to get touchy feely with the guys. That she didn’t like at all. She didn’t know why but letting these guys into a huge sea of women didn’t seem like the best idea.

“Jeez, smile it is a party.” Tony said depositing two bottles of Labatt in front of her and she looked up at him,

“I was thinking.” She replied,

“I know could smell the burning,” He replied, she rolled her and took a sip of beer.

“No Bass or Killian’s?” She asked nodding to the beer,

“They did, but I decided that it was Lucca drunk night. Don’t you agree?”

“Do I have a choice?” She smiled clinking her beer with his.

“Not at all baby sis.” He grinned drinking down his beer.

The Lucca’s were well on their way when they guys showed up at the party. Tony had made some comment that sent them into fits of giggles as JC sat down at their table,

“I see you guys didn’t wait for us.”

“Well go get some beers and catch up, Chip!” Dani said loudly and began another beer.

“Okay, I’ll be right back.”

“Tony we need to go mingle and dance.” She said standing up,

“Jace just go here, wait till he gets back.”

“I wanna dance now though.” She half whined and picked up her beer. “I’ll be right back, you wait for Chip.” She said and walked down to the dance floor.

JC came back to the table,

“What happened to Dani?”

“The dance floor.” Tony nodded off to the side with a smirk. JC glanced over the railing as he bounced along to the music. He looked quickly for Dani but couldn’t find her so he turned back to Tony, who was swaying a little in his seat,

“How many have you had?” I’m working on my fourth though Dani’s on her sixth so you’ve got a lot to catch up on.”

“Are you trying to get drunk?”

“It’s Lucca drunk night.” He smirked, “So start drinking.”

“I’m not a Lucca.”

“You are by default.”

“Well beer ain’t gonna catch me up. Hold on.” He waved over a waitress and ordered a bunch of shots.

JC reached Dani on the dance floor.

“Hey.” He said into her ear and she turned around,

“I was wondering if I was going to get to dance with you.” She smiled wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I’m just here to tell you that Tony went home.”


“He didn’t feel good.”

“Too much to drink?” She asked,

“Got me, but I’m now in charge of you.” He smiled,

“So, you’re taking me home tonight?” She said suggestively and pressed herself against his body as she danced. JC instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist keeping her tightly against him.

“Hell yeah.” He breathed as they began dancing.

The alcohol was messing with his senses, he knew who this was, this was Dani, Tony’s little sister. He was supposed to be taking care of her, making sure that she was okay and here he was dancing with her and caressing her body. He was turning into one of those guys he was supposed to protect her from. She smelled so good, like clean laundry with a hint of musk. It had been a while since he had felt something like this. He couldn’t understand why dancing with Dani was turning him into a horny guy, but he didn’t want it to end.

Dani breathed heavily as the alcohol coursed through her system. She liked dancing with JC and the way his body felt against hers. She wondered what it would feel like without the barrier of their clothes. That thought brought a smile to her lips and she felt JC tug her leg up around his waist. She held it there and increased the friction of their grinding. She rested her forehead against his and stared into his eyes, wondering what the hell was going on. She had never really thought of JC in a sexual way. Okay once in a while when they were younger, she was a female for gosh sakes, but not like this where she wanted to rip all his clothes off and have her wicked way with him. He was like her brother, that’s how he had always been, how she had always been with him.

They danced a couple of more songs till she couldn’t take it anymore,

“How about we blow this joint and go home?” She whispered to him,

“Okay.” He said keeping one arm around her waist and guiding her out of the party quickly. Once in the car Dani half crawled, half was pulled onto JC’s lap, both of them craving body contact. She straddled his lap, letting her knees press into the back of the seat. JC had his arms around her waist holding her as close as possible. His hands slid up under the back of her shirt, feeling her soft skin. Their noses touched and Dani leaned her face lightly against his as she grinded her body slowly, against his.

Their breathing got heavier as the friction created by their bodies stirred up the passion between them. Dani looked at JC as she felt his hot breath sweep across her face. She saw the desire in his eyes and was sure that hers matched. Their bodies cried to be released of their restrictive clothing and unleashed on each other.

Dani’s slow grinding body was driving JC insane. He knew this was wrong, it was Dani, but it also felt so right with her. She felt so good against him that it took every ounce of control to keep her clothes on.

Dani dragged her cheek up against his, letting her bottom lip catch lightly on his stubble.

“Dani…” She heard him breathe and brought her eyes to meet his as he pulled her lips to his.

Once Dani kissed him, she didn’t want to stop, she couldn’t stop. Her hormones had completely taken over and her brain was shut off from all forms of thinking except for ‘God I want him right now’.

The car stopped in the back of the hotel but the heated couple didn’t notice. Finally Dre opened the back door slightly,

“C, we’re at the hotel.”

JC broke away from Dani, completely out of breath.

“We’ll be right there.” He told Dre and turned back to Dani, “How about we take this upstairs?”

“Lead the way.” She breathed and JC moved her slightly off of him. He moved out the car basically dragging Dani with him. She clung on him for stability from the alcohol and desire that was making her head swim.

The elevator ride was one of the longest ones in either of their lives. Finally they reached their floor and JC pulled Dani to his door with a slight wave over his shoulder to Dre. He fumbled with his door key as Dani began kissing and licking his neck. The door unlocked and JC pushed them both in, slamming the door behind him. He pushed Dani up against the wall, kissing her again as his hands fumbled under her shirt.

Dani forcibly took off JC’s shirt and went for his pants. It was then that everything was clicking in for JC. It was Dani, they had been drinking, they were both really drunk.

“Dani, wait baby.” He moved away from her, but she pulled him back to her,

“No, Jace, it’s been so long.” She whispered and tore off her shirt,

“No, Dani…”

“It’s just hot in here…” She mumbled and pulled him close again,

“There’s AC we can turn on.”

“No, this is way better.” She breathed as her pants dropped to the floor, “Do you want me to put my clothes back on?” She fingered his belt as she smiled against his lips,

“You should keep your clothes on.” He couldn’t believe that he was saying this,

“Do you WANT me to put my clothes back on?” She challenged and JC ran a hand through her hair,

“You’re so gorgeous, Dani.” He kissed her and she succeeded in ridding JC of his pants as well. She pulled away from him and walked backwards towards the bed, beckoning him with her finger and a coy smile. JC just watched her as she moved gracefully up on the bed, never losing eye contact with him.

JC couldn’t resist her and quickly went to her on the bed. He moved over her and connected their lips again. She moved her bra straps off her shoulders and suddenly it was gone. She moved JC’s hands to her breasts and he quickly moved them back to her neck.

“Jace…” She whined as her hands wandered down to his boxers,

“Dani, no…” He whispered,

“No what?” She reached in and stroked him firmly,

“Oh, God, please, don’t…” He tried to pull her hand away but he was weak against her touch. He wanted her to touch him; he LIKED her touching him, “Dani…” He whispered as she continued to pump him. Soon he exploded into his boxers to which Dani giggled,

“Whoops, my bad.”

“I bet.” He said in between deep breaths. Dani quickly removed his boxers, cleaning him up,

“Dani…” He warned,

“JC, it’s warm in here, that’s all. I thought I was helping.” She pouted before kissing him again. She pressed her body against his, “Jace you feel so good.”

“You feel good too Dani.” He whispered and realized that they were both naked now. He held her against him and kept kissing her. Then he felt her go limp and he looked at Dani, she was passed out. He smiled slightly at her and shook his head with a little chuckle. He pulled her under the covers tucking them both in and kissed her forehead,

“Good night Dani.”

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Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen