Chapter Twenty-One

“Hey sunshine.” Justin called to her and she looked up at him,

“I know you didn’t just call ME sunshine.”

“Oh that’s right.” He said sitting down next to her, “Evil night temptress is more like it.” She smiled,

“Ooo, I kind of like that.” She said making him laugh and she turned serious, “So, how are you doing and I mean in an everything kind of way.” Justin looked at her, then back at his hands,

“I broke up with her.” He stated, looking at her and her eyes flew up to meet his,

“Oh baby.” She said and he hugged her,

“I had to, I couldn’t deal with it. I completely lost any trust I had in her and I can’t handle a relationship like that.” He sighed, “I gave her the world and it wasn’t enough. What did I do wrong?” Dani lovingly stroked his head,

“You didn’t do anything wrong. Everybody has their problems, but no one deserves to be cheated on.”

“I felt like I did something wrong, like I failed her.” Dani pulled back and held Justin’s face in her hands,

“Don’t let her insecurities be your faults. You’re a great guy and you did nothing wrong.” She told him seriously and Justin put his head in his hands,

“Okay, I guess. God! This is so hard! I can’t be with her, but I can’t live without her.”

“I’m here for you, even though I am a girl but I’m here if you need me.” She said rubbing his back reassuringly, “I wish I could do something more for you.” He looked up at her,

“What you’re doing is what I need.”

“Then I’ll keep doing it.” She smiled and dropped a kiss on his shaved head; “You wanna watch a movie later? I’ve been dying for a good action flick with lots of gory scenes.” Justin looked up at her with a small smile,

“Yeah, I’d be up for that. What do you have in mind?”

“I don’t know, Gladiator? Braveheart? Cum shots VIII?” She said and he smirked at her, then he began laughing. He was laughing so hard that he was crying and Dani joined in his laughter.

“Thanks Dani.” He said wiping his eyes after he had calmed down a bit,

“You’re very much welcomed.” Dani caught sight of JC walking in their direction. She hopped up, “I’ve got to go. See you later shorty, give me a call.” She dropped a quick kiss on his head and left before JC could reach them.

“J, where was Dani going?” JC asked when he reached Justin and he shrugged,

“Got me, she just said that she had to go, why?”

“I’ve been trying to talk to her and I just can’t nail her down.”

“She’s just bouncing around a lot. Tony’s got her running around like crazy.”

“Oh, I just thought that she was avoiding me.” Justin gave JC a look,

“Why would Dani do that?” JC shrugged,

“I don’t know, I just get that feeling.”

“Well, it’s just you overanalyzing things.” Justin said and JC sighed,

“You’re probably right.”

“I know I’m right, because I’m always right.” He smirked and JC smiled,

“Okay.” He laughed and walked away. On his way back stage he stopped in Tony’s dressing room, “Hey Tony?”

“Yeah Jace?” He looked up from what he was doing and JC sat down next to him,

“Have you noticed Dani acting weird?”

“Weird as in how?” He joked and JC nodded,

“I guess, I don’t know, she’s just been really cold to me.”

“Really? You want me to ask her about it?”

“Could you? I can’t seem to nail her down to do anything about it.”

“No problem.”


Tony went on a search for Dani and found her backstage. He sat down in the empty chair next to Dani,

“What is up with you lately?” He asked and she glanced his way,

“What do you mean?”

“You’re a bitch, well more than usual.”

“What’s it to you?” She shot back,

“Hey, I’m just trying to see if everything’s okay with you.”

“I’m fucking fantastic.” She muttered,

“Otherwise known as yes there is a problem and no you don’t want to talk about it.”

“Whatever you wanna take it as.”

“Wow, this must be big.” Dani simply flipped him off and got up from her seat, stalking off. Soon JC sat down next to Tony,

“Hey Tony.”

“Hey Jace. What’s up?”

“Ah, nothing much, I just had a slight run in with Dani.”

“Oh man, what now?”

“I tried to talk to her and she brushed passed me like I didn’t even exist. I don’t really understand what’s going on.”

“Join the club. I tried to talk to her about and she nearly bit my head off about it.”

“Really? That’s so out of character for her.”

“No it’s not. I’ve been through this before. She’s royally pissed at someone and just taking it out on everyone else. That’s the way she deals with things.” He shrugged, “Once she gets over it, she’ll be back to normal. Just avoid her till then.”

“I won’t have to because she’s avoiding me.”

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Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-two