Chapter Twenty

A couple nights later Justin knocked on Dani’s door.

“Go away.” She called from inside,

“Dani, it’s Justin. I need to talk to you.” It was silent inside for a minute then Dani opened her door.

“Come on in.” She said sadly and flopped down on her bed. Justin came in quickly and closed the door behind him. He looked at her for a minute and knew something was up. She looked so sad and tired, almost worse than when she was sick. He walked over to the bed and she looked up at him,

“Pop a squat.” She said nodding to the spot on the bed next to her. Justin sat down next to her resting his back against the headboard. She flipped around so that she was facing him, “What did you want to talk about?”


“Me? Why?”

“Because I know something’s wrong.” He said crossing his arms,

“Nothing’s wrong.” She shrugged and flipped on her back, staring at the ceiling.

“Then why do you look so depressed all the time?” He asked and she shrugged,

“I get in funks sometimes.”

“Why are you in a funk?” He asked and looked over at her art supplies, they were all packed up.

“Got me, it just happens. Nothing’s bothering me.”

“Your art stuff is all packed up.” He pointed out,


“This is the first time since the beginning of the tour that I’ve seen them like that.”

“So? I didn’t feel like painting, forgive me.” She said sarcastically,


“Justin really, I don’t need an inquisition.”

“Not even a Spanish Inquisition?” He asked and she let out a small giggle, “Oh my God, was that a laugh?” He teased moving down towards her,

“Shut up.” She said smiling,

“Holy Shit! A smile too!” He grinned down at her and she burst out laughing,

“I hate you.”

“Yeah I’m sure you do.” He said and she rolled her eyes,


“Anytime, Dani. You wanna watch some TV?”

“Yeah, that’d be great.”

Dani was glad that she had Justin around to hang out with. Just being with him made her feel happier, even though she was still sorely pissed at JC and her brother. She did what she had to do for Tony and completely avoided JC at all costs. Which was difficult sometimes when she hung out with the guys. So she just placed herself away from JC and made sure that she was never alone with him. She’d be damned to have the same thing happen again…

The guys had some down time before they had a sound check to do and Justin convinced her to hang out with them. She was planted between him and Joey on the couch with Chris taking up the rest of the space on the other side of Justin. JC walked into the room with Lance, his eyes fell on Dani and he instantly brightened.

“Hey guys, hey Dani.” He greeted everyone and Dani cringed inwardly. She couldn’t take that smug look on his face. It was like he was rubbing it in that he landed her.

She waited till JC and Lance had settled down and turned to Justin,

“I think I’m gonna go, shorty.”

“No, stay a little longer, trust me Tony won’t mind.”

“I really shouldn’t.”

“Tony won’t mind if you’re hanging out with us, Dani. You know that.” JC said and she simply threw him a ‘butt-out’ look.

“Anyways, I have OTHER things to do. But maybe we can hang out tonight? Okay?”

“Alright.” Justin sighed and she laughed,

“Such a whiner.” She rubbed his head playfully and got up off the couch. “Call me later, kay?”

“You’re not staying for the concert?” Joey asked,

“Just Tony’s part. I’ve got other stuff I want to finish up. Is that alright with you?” She teased Joey.

“Well I guess, just get me a note from your mom.”

“I’ll be sure to do that.” She laughed and started walking out of the door when JC called out to her,

“Dani!” She ignored him and kept on walking, quickly disappearing in one of the side rooms so that he couldn’t follow.

JC turned to the other guys,

“Does Dani seem weird to you?”

“No, she’s being normal Dani, why?”

“Well she just kind of blew me off.”

“C, she probably didn’t hear you. Don’t overanalyze everything.” Justin half scolded him.

“Okay.” He said turning quiet and thinking over this whole situation with Dani. She WAS acting weird around him, he just knew it. It was like she was avoiding him, but why? Was she unsure how to act around him because of that night at the club? But they didn’t really do anything and it wasn’t like he could have really stopped her. This was seriously going to drive him insane, if he didn’t figure out what was wrong with Dani.

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Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty-One