Chapter Ten

Few days later Izzy walked over to Joey in the studio after talking on her phone,

“Joey can I borrow your car?”

“What do you need?”

“I have to go to Pine Hills.”

“Where’s that?”

“Like ten minutes away, I really got to go, can I borrow your car or not?” She said impatiently,

“Woo, someone’s got attitude.” JC said,

“You know where you can shove that attitude? Oh wait you like that don’t you.” JC shut up quick,

“Iz, what’s wrong?”

“I’ll explain later, I just really need your car.”

“Hey Izzy, you can borrow my car for the day, you drive standard, right?” Justin said searching for his keys,

“Yeah, of course.” She said and Justin tossed her the keys,

“I think I blocked in Joey’s car. It should be the last one.” She glanced out the window at the silver Porsche, and a smile grew across her face,

“Timberlake, I think I just fell in love with you.”

“Yeah, well just don’t tell Brit.” He joked,

“Yeah, okay.” She said and started walking out of the room Joey followed her,

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I will be, Joey I don’t have time to talk, really I have to go.”


“Bye.” She said and ran out of the house, a few minutes later they heard music pounding and then the squeal of tires. Justin turned white,

“She’s a good driver right Joey?” He asked and Joey shrugged,

“Hey, you offered.”

“Joey that’s not funny!”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll bring it back in one piece, what shape that piece will be in…” He said and Justin slugged his arm,

“Not cool Joe.”

“She’ll be just fine.”

Izzy came home that night exhausted as hell, it was almost five in the morning. She wearily opened the door to the house and walked in. All she wanted to do is get into her bed and sleep. Before heading to her room she gently opened Justin’s door and left his keys and a note of thanks on the table right inside his room.

Izzy was so grateful to see her room, she would have stopped by Joey’s, but she was just too exhausted. She opened her door to find that her bed was already occupied, by Joey. He was laying on top curled up under one of her afghans. She would have laughed at the sight if she hadn’t been so tired. He must have been waiting up for her and fell asleep. Izzy kissed his forehead and tucked him in with another blanket before taking off her shoes and crawling in next to him. Her eyes were just about shut when Joey said,

“Izzy?” She sighed,


“You okay?”

“I’m dead tired Joey.”


“Go back to sleep.” She murmured and Joey rolled over and pulled her close.

“Tell me in the morning?” He asked but all he got in response was Izzy’s even breathing.

The next morning Joey walked into the dance studio with a cup of coffee, barely awake.

“Woo, if that’s not the scariest thing I’ve ever seen.” Chris quipped and Joey didn’t even attempt to respond, he just sat down on the couch.

“Wow, you must be tired.” Justin said.

“I was up all night waiting for Izzy to come home, I fell asleep waiting for her, I don’t even know what time it was when she finally did come back.”

“That’s awfully rude of her.” JC said,

“C, lay the fuck off.” He said laying his head back,

“Man, chill.”

Wade walked in right then and wanted to start, it was grueling, especially for Joey, he could barely concentrate. The lack of sleep and his worrying about Izzy was taking their toll. An hour later a tired looking Izzy came into the room and slumped down on the couch. Seeing her like this worried Joey even more.

Izzy felt bad for Joey, he looked so tired and it was all her fault. It made her feel ten times worse than she already did. She hated when Joey was upset, it never suited him right. Her cell phone rang and she jumped. Quickly she picked it up and answered it. It was hard to avoid Joey’s staring at her.

“Hey…yeah, of course….I’ll be right there, bye.” She slowly got up from her spot, rubbing the sleep out of her face and sighed. Izzy looked at Joey,

“Joey I need your car, I’ll be right back down to get the keys.” She said and went upstairs to pack a little bag. When she came back down Joey was waiting for her in the foyer. She came over to him and he enveloped her in a huge hug,

“You’re freezing Izzy.”

“Oh,” she said pulling back a little, “I just thought that it was cold in here.”

“Here,” he said pulling off the sweatshirt he was wearing, “put this on, you’ll be a little warmer. Are you getting sick?”

“Joey, stop worrying about me.” She said and pulled on the sweatshirt.

“It’s hard not too worry about my little sister. Where are you going this time?”

“Pine Hills.”

“Why?” He asked and Izzy took a deep breath,

“It’s Gina, this guy she was seeing slapped her around and she’s really scared.”

“God, Izzy, you’re not going back there, it’s too dangerous and you’re too tired to drive.”

“What do you want me to do Joey?!” She said in a strained voice, “I can’t leave her, she’s my sister!”

“I’ll have someone take you and bring Gina back here.” He said gently,

“Joey you can’t fix this, please, Gina needs me.” She pleaded softly,

“Let me go with you, I don’t feel safe with you going by yourself.”

“Joey you have to stay here, now give me the keys, she’s expecting me.” She said and Joey sighed,

“Call me when you get there and if you need me at all, anything, promise me that you’ll call.” He said holding out the keys,

“Okay, okay, I will.” She said as she reached for the keys but he pulled them away,

“Promise me.”

“I promise to call you if I need you Joey.” She said impatiently.

“Okay.” He said and gave her the keys,

“I’ll be fine. See you later, Joe.” She said and ran out the door. Joey slowly walked back into the studio, now he had Gina to worry about too. Gina and Izzy had never been close when they were growing up, but now that they were older it was all different.

“Is Izzy okay?” Lance asked Joey knocking him out of his thoughts,

“What? I don’t know.” He sighed, “Izzy’s helping out her sister, but she putting herself in danger by doing it.”

“Why’d you let her go?” Justin asked,

“Because there was no way she would stay, that’s the way she is. I just hope they’re okay.”
