Chapter Nine

Joey caught up with Lance later that day in the studio. He was working on his dancing before they all got there.

“Hey Lance, you got a minute?”

“Yeah, sure, Joe. What’s up?” He said and jogged over to him. Lance pulled out a bottle of water and took a couple of gulps. Joey took a deep breath,

“What are your feelings towards Izzy?”

“My feelings?”


“I like her, a lot. You know, she’s a great girl.” Joey sighed and rubbed the back of his head,

“That’s what I was afraid of. Don’t fall for her.”

“Huh? Why? She’s a big girl Joey-"

“No, Lance.” Joey said strongly, “It’s not like that.” He soften a little, “I’d be cool of you went for Iz, just not right now.”

“Okay.” He said slowly and Joey went on,

“Izzy’s complicated and this is more for your sake than hers. See right now, she’s kind of in a weird relationship with some guy back at school and they’re on a break now. She needs some time to be herself and work things out, you know?”

“Yeah I guess.”

“So, what I’m trying to say is that right now she needs a friend, not a guy who’s trying to land her.”

“Joe, I’m not-"

“I know, but what you, Justin and Chris have been doing for her had been great. It’s been exactly what she’s needed. I just don’t want you to push her, let her come to you. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Okay thanks for the advice.”

The other guys came into the studio and they started working. Izzy had watched the guys so much that she did the dances in her sleep. They did them fine except for Chris. There was this one part in the song, “The game is over”, where he kept on missing his mark. So after they were done Wade kept him after to go over he part. Izzy was collecting her things and watched a few minutes of it. She knew exactly why he was messing it up and interrupted the pair,

“Wade, I know it’s not my place but I’ve been watching this all day and I think I know what’s going on. Chris can I help?” She asked and Wade back away from him,

“He’s all yours sweet stuff.” He said and Izzy turned to Chris,

“Help away, Izzy. I know I’m a lost cause.”

“I don’t think so.” She smiled, “Run through it again for me.” Chris abided and Wade started the music. Chris ran through his dance till the spot where he messed up and Izzy said, “Okay, stop.” She went up next to him, “Watch me, you’re good till this part,” she said and did the dance, “then you move your legs too far apart and it’s hard for you to get to the next step.” Chris watched and then nodded,

“Okay yeah, I see that.” Izzy ran through the dance with Chris this time and he landed it perfectly. Izzy cheered and hugged him,

“See! I told you that you could do it!”

“You made it look easy.” He said still holding her in his arms,

“Well, you did it.” She replied and pulled out of his arms. Wade came over to the couple,

“Izzy where did you pick up the dance?” She shrugged her shoulders,

“Just from watching the guys do their thing.”

“You want to dance with the guys on their tour?” He asked and Izzy laughed,

“You can’t be serious.”

“Dead serious, you agree right Chris?”

“Hell yeah, you’ve got some moves, Izzy. You can be my partner.” Izzy shook her head,

“Sorry, I’m contracted to Joey.” She smiled, “But thanks for the offer, if Joey gets too difficult, maybe I’ll take you up on your offer.” Izzy picked up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, “I’ve got to go, see you guys later.”

“Bye, Iz.”

“Bye, Izzy thanks for the help.” Chris said,

“Any time sunshine.” She winked at him before she walked out the door.

“That girl is just one big surprise.” Wade said as they stared after Izzy,

“You’re telling me, you’re telling me.”
