Chapter Eleven

The next morning JC woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed. He was so excited to spend the day with Emma. He walked out of his room, whistling. Some of the boys were up and about. Chris and Joey were watching Saturday morning cartoons and eating cereal. Lance was sitting at the table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. They all turned and stared as JC poured himself a glass of OJ and grabbed some french toast to eat. He looked like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. JC went to sit down when he noticed everyone was staring at him.

“What?” He said and sat down.

“You’re whistling.” Lance said putting down the paper.

“Oh, sorry is it bothering you guys?” He asked digging into his food. “Mmm,” he commented, “this must be the best french toast I've ever eaten.” Chris stood up,

“I’m getting Justin, he won’t believe this.” Chris ran into Justin’s room and dragged him out. A sleepy-eyed Justin rubbed his eyes and said,

“What? Where’s the fire?” Chris pointed to JC who was humming to himself reading the funnies; a couple times he burst out laughing at what he was reading. “Whoa.” Justin whispered, “Am I dreaming or is JC laughing?”

“No man, you’re not dreaming. He was actually whistling when he came out of his room this morning. And he asked us if his whistling bothered any of us, then he commented on how good the food was.” Joey said. The four of them were standing there staring at him.

“You’re kidding.” Justin said flabbergasted at what he was seeing. JC looked around once more,

"What are you guys staring at?” He stood up and finished his OJ and placed his glass on the table. Chris ran over to him and shook him.

“Who are you? Where did you come from? Who ever you are don’t bring the old JC back. We want you!” They boys laughed, as did JC.

“You’re so weird Chris.” He broke away from Chris; “Can’t I be in a good mood?” He asked. Lance spoke up,

“It’s not that, it’s just that you’ve been in this funk for so long and we’ve tried everything to cheer you up, unsuccessfully. Then suddenly overnight you’re normal. What happened last night?” JC grinned at the thought of Emma.

“Aww, our boy met a girl! I know that smile anywhere.” Justin said.

“I did have a visitor last night.” JC said his grin growing broader.

“See, I told you, that’s my boy, who was she?” Justin jumped over to JC slapping him on the back, “Was she hot?”

“Yeah who was she?” Joey asked.

“Emma.” He said smugly. Their jaws dropped to the floor.

“Las Vegas, Emma?” Chris squeaked out.

“Yes, Las Vegas Emma. She came by shortly after you guys left last night.”

“And? What happened?” Joey asked.

“Well, we talked a while and then she left.”

“Just talked?” Lance asked not believing him.

“Well, not the whole time, but we did get a lot of things straightened out and I’m seeing her again today.”

“Everything’s fine? You’re okay with the fact that she disappeared with out a trace and then shows up out of now where with a husband and kid to boot? This girl’s good.” Justin commented.

“I told you we straightened everything out. The reason why she left so suddenly was because he twin brother was in a serious car accident.”

“Oh.” They all said together.

“Well is he okay?” Joey asked.

“Yeah he’s fine.”

“But that doesn’t account for the fact that she was hanging out with you when she was married and had a kid to take care of.” Justin said defensively and JC laughed.

“She’s not married and she doesn’t have a kid.”

“But at the concert, we all saw them.” Justin stammered.

“I know, I know,” JC interrupted, “the guy she was with was her brother, and Connie is her niece. Emma is Connie's godmother; she went last night because Connie’s real mother couldn’t go.”

“Oh.” Justin said quietly.

“So what’s going on with you two?” Joey asked.

“Well that depends on you guys. I asked her to come on tour with me and I wanted to know if that was okay with you guys.” JC asked hopefully.

“Really? Yeah sure!”

“That’s great!”

“No problem here.”

“Sound good to me!” came form the group.

“Great!” JC said and he left to get dressed for his day with Emma.

Emma was sleeping when her phone rang. She sat up and answered it sleepily.

“Hello, Emma here.”

“Hey sexy, how you doing.” He said mimicking Joey from friends. She sighed happily at the sound of his voice and slid back under her covers.

“Mmm, just fine now that you called me.”

“Did I wake you up?”

“It’s the best wake up call I have ever received.”

“That’s good to hear. Ready for a fun filled day?”

“Am, I. Where do you want to meet?”

“Oh I’ll pick you up, just give me directions.” Emma rattled off directions to Stuart’s house.

“Okay, can you be ready in five minutes?”

“JC, you just woke me up, I haven’t even showered yet.”

“So does that mean if I come over in five minutes I could find you in the shower?”

“Oh, I think there’s a pretty good chance you could.” She said flirtatiously, JC growled and Emma laughed seductively.

“I’ll be over in three and a half minutes.” He said.

“See you then sexy.” She answered.

“Bye, love.” Emma screamed and then laughed. She was going to have to take a cold shower to calm herself down. She went to get into the shower when there was a knock on her door. She put on her robe and answered it. It was Stuart.

“Good morning sweetie.” He said as he kissed her on the forehead.

“Good morning Stuart!” She replied happily.

“Well, you’re in an exceptional good mood this morning. I assume that last night went well?”

“You can assume that, in fact he’s coming over in a few minutes and we are going to spend the day together.” She said with the biggest smile on her face.

“Well, that sounds like fun, I’ll send up JC when he gets here.”

“Thanks Stuey.” She said and Stuart left chuckling to himself. Emma danced her way to the shower. She hummed to herself happily while she washed up. She then wrapped her hair up in a towel and slid on her robe. Emma was still humming when she waltzed into her room.

“Damn, I just missed the shower, but this seems promising.” JC said walking towards her, she smiled and hugged him.

“How long have you been here?” She said as she kissed him.

“Mmm, not long, but I got here in time for the main show.” He kissed her but she pulled away from him,

“You know if I don’t get dressed will never get on with our fun filled day.”

“This is fun for me.” He said kissing her deeply. She moaned and rubbed her hands up and down his back pulling him closer. The towel in her hair fell to the ground and he ran his hands through her wet hair. “I want you so bad, but it feels forbidden.” He whispered in her ear.

“I know what you mean.” She whispered back. Her lips found his soon. A knock on her door disrupted their dream world.

“Emma?” It was Stuart. She sighed and opened the door.

“Yes, Stuart?” Stuart glanced over towards JC and knew that he interrupted something.

“Sorry,” he said, “I was wondering if you knew where that Farano file is? I know I had it yesterday, but it’s gone. Do you have it?”

“Yeah, remember you wanted me to review it?” She went to the desk and grabbed some files from it. “Here’s the Farano file, also I finished the Smith, the Schnock, the Reamer and the Rockefeller accounts. All of the notes you’ll need are in the front of each folder. You should get started on the Rockefeller one especially if you want to meet with him. He has a hard time with meetings, and before you ask, the budget’s on your desk. You just need to sign it.” Emma finished with a smile.

“You’re one in a million, what would I do with out you?” He said kissing her on the cheek. He glanced toward JC, “Be good to her, she special.”

“Yes, sir, I will.” JC nodded. Emma closed the door after Stuart left.

“I’m impressed.”

“With what, I haven’t done anything yet.” He said walking toward her.

“My brother likes you. That’s what’s impressive, he usually hates the guys I date.”

“Well that’s good.”

“Yes, but the real test comes from my twin brother.”


“If you win him over I’ll know you’re a keeper.”

“What about you? Have I won you over yet?”

“More than you will ever know.” She kissed his lips, they were so sweet. “We’re wasting time.” She said.

“Oh I don’t think so.” JC said holding her close. She pulled away,

“I’m going to go get dressed.” He followed her,

“Need any help?” He asked and Emma turned, as she was about to enter her closet,

“Down boy.” She said with a playful wink. She quickly dressed in cut off jean skirt and a blue crochet tank top. She slipped on some sandals and walked out of the closet. JC stood there staring at her,

“What?” She asked wrapping her hair up into a messy bun.

“You make the simplest things look like evening wear.”

“Thank you.” She kissed him sweetly and tied a blue patterned scarf around her head. “So what do you want to do today?”

“Well I know what I want to do, but what do you need to do to get you ready so that I can have you all to myself?” He said and she rolled her eyes at him and laughed,

“I say we just go and see where the day takes us, but I was hoping to do a little shopping, that okay?” She said and JC slid up to her and placed his hands on her hips,

“I think I can handle it.” He said and nuzzled her neck.

“Okay so are you ready to go?”

“I’m always ready to go anywhere with you.” He replied and she smiled,

“You’re sweet. Let’s go smoothie.” Emma grabbed her purse and they walked downstairs. Connie ran up to her,

“Good morning Godmama!” Emma reached down and picked her up hugging her tight.

“Good morning my little pumpkin, how are you this morning?”

“Fabulous! Thank you for last night, I had the best time.” Connie glanced behind Emma seeing JC standing there. A look of shock came over her face,

“Connie, what’s the matter?” Emma asked.

“JC, from Nsync is standing right behind you.” She said barely above a whisper.

“Oh Josh? Yeah, I’m gonna hang out with him today.” Emma put Connie down,

“My godmother is hanging out with JC from Nsync, unreal.” She said still not believing what she was hearing. JC chuckled and walked up Connie and held out his hand.

“Hi, Connie, it’s nice to see you again. I’m glad you had such a great time last night.” Connie looked like she was going to faint, she was speechless. Connie didn’t say anything else she just wandered off down the hall still in shock. Kael then came running through the house like and airplane. He circled around Emma and then landed for a hug.

“Good morning Kael, terrorizing the house hold again?”

“Of course, Godmama!” She laughed at Kael,

“Kael I would like you to meet someone,” she turned toward JC, “this is my friend, Josh Chasez, Josh this is my favorite nephew, Kael DeCour.” Kael rolled his eyes,

“I’m your only nephew, Godmama.” She hugged him tight,

“That doesn’t mean you can’t be my favorite.” JC held out his hand and Kael properly shook it.

“It’s nice to meet you Kael. You can call me JC.”

“Okay, it’s nice to meet you JC.” Kael turned toward to Emma,

“Are we gonna go for ice cream tonight? You promised we would!”

“After supper, okay? Now go finish terrorizing the house and make sure you take a turn through the kitchen to stir up Emily and go through front foyer hall and yell really loudly, it echoes, okay?”

“Sweet! Thanks Godmama, see you later. Bye JC!” Kael took off running down the hall. Emma and JC laughed.

“He’s full of energy and mischief.”

“Just like his father.”

“They seem like great kids.”

“They are, ready to go?”

“Yes ma’am.”

JC pulled on baseball cap and dark sunglasses before he got out of his black suburban.

“Why are you pulling that on now? We’re going to be inside the stores most of the day, you won’t need the sunglasses.”

“We’re going out in public, do you want to get mobbed?”

“What are you talking about? We’re just going shopping, not to a concert venue, no one knows you’re even here.”

“You’re in a for a rude awakening when you come on tour with me honey. Don’t you remember the hotel in Las Vegas?”

“Yeah and remember we walked around Las Vegas all night and didn’t get mobbed.”

“That’s because everyone was looking at you and didn’t notice me.” He said and Emma blushed horribly, “Come on, we got to get you some clothes.” He said leaning over, kissing her cheek, “Or you could just forgo the clothes and we can just stay in the car.” He whispered in her ear and she turned to him,

“We could, or we could shop really quickly and then come back to the car.” She replied and kissed him again,

“I like my idea better.” He said, she laughed and pushed him away,

“I bet you do.” She replied and He smiled back at her and then hopped out of the car. He ran around quickly and opened her door for her.

“Thank you Mr. Jones.” She said as she stepped out of the truck and kissed him lightly.

“So, Mrs. Jones, where are we off to first?” He asked as he took her hand.

“Well what are we going to be doing while I’m on tour with you?”

“Basically, for you, concerts, and the occasional date with me.” He said and winked at her and she smiled,

“Well then we only have to do a little light shopping, I need to get some of my Calvin jeans, a few tops and other stuff. Ooo, I’m probably gonna need some luggage, so we have to get that too. Let’s start at Neiman Marcus.”

“Okay,” he said as they began to walk towards the store, “you don’t travel much do you?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“Because you don’t have any luggage.”

“I don’t have any luggage here. I have some at home, but I’ve been meaning to get new luggage, so this is perfect.”

“You don’t live in Atlanta?”

“No my brother lives in Atlanta, I live in California. I’m only visiting.”

“And you didn’t bring any luggage?” He asked and she shrugged her shoulders,

“I don’t have to, I have a closet with clothes here and if I need anything special I just go into Gloria’s closet, we’re the same size.”

“Oh, that’s cool that you don’t have to pack.”

“Yeah it is.”

“So wait a minute why are we shopping if you have a closet full of clothes?”

“Because any reason for shopping is a good thing.” She laughed.

They went into the store and Izzy smiled to herself, she loved shopping. And JC seemed to love shopping with her. He was the one dragging her around the shops, picking clothes up and making her try things on. He had amazingly good taste for a guy. Izzy had a fair pile on the counter when she was done at Neiman Marcus, she placed one last pair of jeans on the pile.

“Dolce and Gabbana jeans half price, what a deal.” She said smiling and looked at JC,

“What?” He asked,

“Nothing, you’re just really cute, that’s all.” She replied and a smile crept across his face,

“Well you’re pretty cute yourself, it must be rubbing off on me.” He said and placed a hand on her hip and pulled her gently to him. She just leaned against him as the sales woman rung everything up. Emma’s eyes went a little wide at the total,

“So much for light shopping.” Emma commented as she reached into her purse for her wallet. JC quickly pulled out a card and handed it to the sales woman, Emma noticed,

“Josh what are you doing?”

“Paying the lady.” Emma reached across the counter and took the card from the woman and handed it back to him.

“I can pay for my own things.” Emma took out one of her cards and gave it to the woman and this time JC took the card from the saleswoman and gave her his.

“I want to, I don’t mind, really.” He said and the sales woman went to swipe the card,

“Don’t swipe that card.” Emma said to the woman and turned to JC,

“I want to pay for my things. I don’t want you to pay for them. My clothes, not yours.”


“No, this is the end of it. Take your card back. It’s really sweet of you, but I have the money for it.” Emma said and stared at him and he knew that she wasn’t going to give in. He surrendered and took back his card and let her pay for it. They walked back out to the truck, they were both silent till JC finally spoke,

“I just wanted to buy you something, I’m sorry.” He said quietly. Emma place a bag in the back,

“I don’t need you to buy me things, I don’t want your money. Spend it on something more useful, like lunch.” She grinned impishly at him.

“Okay.” He grinned back at her.

By lunchtime they had most of the clothes she needed. JC and Emma took a break for lunch but ate quickly at the restaurant so that they could shop again. Their last stop was Victoria’s Secret.

Once inside the store Emma set off, she had the saleswomen flying to keep up with her. JC was also caught up in the whirlwind; he couldn’t even tell what she was buying. He wandered out of the direct flurry of Emma and looked around the store. He smiled to himself imagining Emma in just underwear. He couldn’t explain his emotions for her. She made him so hot, he wanted to grab her, rip off her clothes and have her right there. But there was something else about her that made him want to hold her in his arms and never let go. She overloaded his every thought. He was completely fully and absolutely in love with her. Emma surprised him by hugging him from behind.

“Hey you, where were you?” He turned and looked into her eyes,

“Thinking of you wearing every pair of underwear in this store.” He said kissing her.

“Really, all at once?” She laughed, it was infectious and he laughed too.

“So have you worn out the saleswomen yet?”

“Just about, I’m checking out right now.”

“Does that mean we’re done?” he asked.

“Yes, we’re all done.”

“So,” he said smiling, “You wanna go back to my place?”

“Sure.” She replied wiggling her eyebrows at him.

“Grrr.” Was all that JC could say before they raced out of the store. Soon they were back at the hotel and Emma gave instructions to the bellhops to put the packages in her room.

“You’re room?” He asked.

“Yeah, I got one yesterday.”

“So, I could have you all to myself?”

“You could, if you hadn’t promised to have dinner with the guys.”

“Oh yeah, I totally forgot, but maybe later?”

