Chapter Ten

Emma nervously entered the hotel and went up on the elevator. Eric, one of the security guards that went with her on their date, was standing guard. He was a bit surprised to see her when she got off the elevator. She smiled,

“Hi Eric, how are you?”

“Hey Emma, I’m doing fine, what are you doing here?”

“I was wondering if any of the boys were home” she paused, “well mainly JC.”

“You’re in luck, he’s the only one home.” He said with a smile.

“Do you think he would see me?” She said hopefully. Eric smile widened,

“I’ll ask, hold on.” He went to the door and yelled,

“Hey, JC, do you want a visitor?” JC’s voice yelled back,

“Only if it’s a blonde with big boobs who’s willing to take my problems away.” Eric chuckled a bit. Emma blushed,

“Well I don’t know if I can take his problems away, but…” Eric smiled,

“Somehow, I think you are exactly what the doctor ordered.” He yelled back through the door,

“Okay, I’m letting her in!” JC jumped up off the couch and ran to the door.

“Eric, I was just-” He stopped short when he saw Emma standing there. She was just as beautiful if not more than the last time he saw her. There was an awkward silence between them. Emma spoke first.

“May I come in?”

“Yeah, sure, come in.” He stammered. Marc closed the door behind her and JC blushed, “Sorry about that comment before, I didn’t know you were out there." Emma smiled putting him at ease,

“It’s okay, I figured as much.” JC looked around,

“So, do you want anything to drink or eat?”

“Some water would be great.”

“Okay, I’ll get that. Take a seat.” He gestured toward their living room. He grabbed two bottles of water and sat down on the couch next to her. “So,” he started, “how have you been? How did you find out that we were here?” He handed Emma the bottle of water. She smiled,

“A little bird gave me a message and I’m fine, thank you. How have you been?”

“Good, good, busy as ever you know with the new album and the tour and everything. So what are you doing here? I mean in the hotel?”

“Oh, well, I was in the neighborhood and I decide to stop by. Truth is I didn’t think you would remember who I was.” He looked at her,

“Why would you ever think that?”

“Well, since you guys are such big celebrities and you meet new people everyday I just figured, that’s all.” She shrugged. JC grinned,

“Well not every person you meet drags you to the top of a hotel to watch the sunrise.” Emma looked deeply into his ice blue eyes, she felt like she was going to fall into them.

“Oh.” Was all she managed to get out.

“And,” he said his tone turning serious, “not every person I meet, disappears without a trace.” Emma looked down into her hands.

“Yeah, that’s why I wanted to see you or at least speak to one of the guys. I wanted to apologize, but I had my reasons why I left so suddenly.”


“My twin brother was in a horrible car accident, he almost didn’t make it. I just left so quickly to go home that I didn’t think, I’m sorry.” JC’s eyes softened,

“Emma, it’s okay, don’t be sorry. Is he okay?”

“Yeah, he doing great, he is almost fully recovered.”

“That’s great Emma. I’m glad.” JC thought back to the concert,

“Is that the only reason why you left?”

“Yes, why?” She asked and JC raised an eyebrow,

“The fact that you’re married and have a kid has nothing to do with it?” Emma was completely shocked,

“What are you talking about? I’m not married and I don’t have any kids!” JC stood up off the couch,

“But, I saw you at the concert! The girls all called you MRS. DeCour and that guy had his arm around you the entire concert. And Connie, are you going to deny the fact that she looks exactly like you?!” Emma burst out laughing and it was now JC who was shocked. “What?”

“Connie’s my niece, and that guy is Stuart, my other brother. Connie’s mother Gloria was supposed to go but she had some business to take care of and I took her place.” JC looked completely confused, “Here, I’ll prove it.” She pulled out her wallet and flipped it open. JC sat down next to her again. “Here’s Stuart, Gloria, Connie and my nephew, Kael. And here’s a picture of Stuart and Gloria on their wedding day. Here’s me and Stuart on the same day, I was a bridesmaid.” JC stared at the pictures and then back at Emma,

“Oh, well, I feel like an ass. I’m sorry Emma I didn’t mean to jump to conclusions like that.” Emma laughed it off,

“It’s okay, you’re not the first person to mistake my brothers and I for more than siblings. I think it has to do with the fact that none of us look alike.”

“Yeah, I think it does. My siblings and I look like carbon copies of each other. Hold on, I’ll show you.” JC pulled his wallet out of his pocket and the booth pictures of them fluttered out and fell to the floor. Emma saw them and bent down to pick them up. JC beat her to it and scooped them up quickly.

“You still have your set of pictures?” Emma

“Yeah.” He said quietly. Emma reached into her purse and pulled out her set.

“Me too.” JC smiled at Emma relieved. “I look at them everyday.” She said.

“I do, too. Well, some days more than others.” He confessed.

“Yeah, I’m afraid I’m going to wear them out soon.” She replied.

“Well, maybe we’ll have to get more pictures of us.” He said softly looking into her eyes. She smiled,

“Yeah, I think so.” They sat there in silence just staring at each other. JC leaned in a little closer, as did Emma and their lips met. It was a slow sweet kiss. JC held her face his with his hand. They smiled at each other after the kiss.

“Well, Mr. Jones where do we go from here?” She asked.

“Well, Mrs. Jones how about here,” He kissed her softly again on the lips, “or here,” he kissed her on the right cheek, “or here,” he kissed her on the left cheek, “or maybe even here.” JC kissed Emma kissed Emma on the neck. He then looked into her eyes,

“I don’t know about you Emma,” he ran a hand through her hair, “but I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since I met you.” She smiled back at him,

“I know what you mean, no matter how I tried to fight it, you consumed every thought that entered my brain. I wanted to reach you in some way but I never found a way. I almost thought of calling your record company, but then why would they give me your number? They would probably think that I was some crazed fan.” He laughed,

“Probably, I tried to find you, but you’re not that easy to look up either. I tried everything short of filing a missing person report, trying to find you.” She blushed,

“You really wanted to find me that badly?” She asked and he caressed her cheek.

“More than anything, it killed me that you left.” Emma looked down guiltily,

“I’m so sorry Josh.” He picked up her face,

“Hey, that was something you couldn’t control, that’s not your fault. I’m just glad to have you back.” He said smiling. Emma smiled back.

“I am too.” JC kissed her. He pulled her gently to him and they laid down together on the couch quietly kissing. In between kisses JC whispered into her ear.

“Hey Emma,”

“Hmm?” She mumbled.

“Come with me on tour.”

“What?” She said pulling back from him. He looked her straight in the eye, while he held her face in his hands.

“I don’t want to be with out you. Come with me on tour.” She sat straight up,

“Josh, I can’t.” He sat up and pulled her close.

“No, I just got you back into my life, I’m not letting you go that easily.” She pushed away.

“It’s not that simple, I have a life back in California, I can’t pack up and leave with out notice. It’s not fair to the people I would be leaving behind.”

“Is it fair to deprive yourself of something you really want?”

“I don’t know.” She had her head in her hands.

“Well, how about for a couple of weeks. Nothing permanent, then at the end if you have to go back to California then you can.” His eyes pleaded with hers; it was so hard not to give in.

“Well, I guess I could stay away for two weeks, but that’s it.” JC nearly fell off the couch he was so excited. “But, I have to clear some things up at home, before I can leave with you.”

“That’s okay, we have all day off tomorrow so we can get every thing taken care of. It should be enough time for you to take care of stuff, pack and get you settled in on the bus.” Emma wrinkled her nose, “What?” JC asked.

“Sharing a closed in space with five guys. Not my idea of a good time.” JC pulled her close,

“Even if one of those guys is me?” He said seductively. She returned the look,

“Well, I guess not. I’m sure interesting things would happen being close to you.”

“What kind of things?” JC said almost not being able to control himself from jumping her. Emma kissed him deeply.

“Well, that would happen often.” She said and JC kissed her back.

“I could get used to that.” They kissed again.

“Mmm, so could I.” She replied. JC pulled her down to the couch, kissing her gently, making love to each of her lips. Every kiss sent shivers down her spine and made her weak in the knees. They couldn’t get enough of each other. JC rubbed his hands up and down her back trying to memorize each and every curve.

“So, what other interesting things would happen?” He whispered in her ear.

“I guess we’ll have to find out.” She purred and JC growled, running his hand through her silky tresses. She felt him growing beneath her. She wanted him so bad and she knew that he wanted her just as much. Emma knew that she had to stop before that they did something that they would regret later. Emma pulled away and JC groaned disappointedly. “Josh I should go, it’s getting late.”

“No, stay here with me, I don’t want to let you go.” He kissed her and Emma almost gave in to him but she resisted.

“No, baby, I need to go.”

“Just a little longer.” He said kissing her over and over, Emma moaned with each of his kisses, not wanting to let go. Finally she put a hand on his chest and pushed him away.

“I really have to go.” She got up from the couch before he could pull her back down. He pouted,

“Do you really have to leave? You can’t stay here with me tonight?”

“Now that wouldn’t be very proper, now would it?”

“I don’t care, I’m just afraid that this is a dream and soon I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone.” She knelt down in front of him and placed a hand on his face,

“Josh, I was really here and I’m going to see you tomorrow. Here,” she handed him card, “it’s every number you could think of to reach me. My cell is the best I always have it on me.”

“Okay, wait,” JC jumped and scribbled something on a piece of paper, “here’s my cell phone number.” She stood up and took it. JC wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her forehead. “You sure you want to go?”

“I don’t want to go, but I have to.”


“Because if I stayed here I wouldn’t get any sleep and I need my beauty sleep.”

“You could go forever without beauty sleep and still be gorgeous to me.” Her heart melted and kissed him.

“Smoothie, okay, I have to go. Call me tomorrow?”

“Counting the hours.” He said kissing her again. Emma edged towards the door and JC followed kissing her over and over again.

“Okay,” *kiss*, “this,” *kiss*, “is,” *kiss*, “the,” *kiss*, “last,” *kiss*, “kiss.” She said finally kissing him deeply. Emma had the door opened and was half way out. “Goodnight, Josh, sweet dreams.”

“If they’re of you, they will be. Goodnight.” He said kissing her one last time before she left.

JC was on cloud nine after Emma left, he couldn’t believe that Emma was coming on tour with him. He floated all the way to bed and slept the best he had ever slept.
