Chapter Twelve

The next morning Izzy slowly made it down stairs to the dance studio, she couldn’t stand being in bed one more minute. She had on her clothes from the night before and just pulled on a sweatshirt jacket. Pulling her hair up barely into a ponytail she watched the guys practice. They were doing so well, they had almost all the choreography down. When they finished the routine to one of the songs, she clapped,

“That was so good you guys, I’m really impressed.” The boys were shocked that she was there and JC was just shocked at her appearance, Joey ran over to her,

“Izzy what are you doing down here? You were supposed to stay in bed all day, resting!” He scolded her.

“But it’s sooo boring Joey.” She whined, “I hate being in bed. I’m just really restless and I wanted some company. Can’t I just lay down on the couch in here? I promise not to get into anymore trouble.” She pouted a little and Joey gave in,


“Yea!” She jumped up and down a few times then her legs gave out and Joey caught her and scooped her up in his arms,

“This is why you should be in bed.”

“Please, no! I swear I won’t jump, just don’t send me back there.”

“Okay, I’m sure Wade doesn’t mind, just let me go get you a blanket and a pillow.” He said laying her down on the plump couch, “I’ll be right back.” He said and ran out of the room,

“Girl, what do you have on that boy?” Justin asked.

“Nothing, that’s normal Joey. Why, he doesn’t normally fall all over damsels in distress?” She said wistfully laying back and putting a hand to her forehead like Scarlet O’Hara.

“Not like he dotes on you.” Chris replied,

“Izzy are you okay? What happened?” JC asked.

“Oh my god is that a note of concern I hear, Chasez? All it took was for me to get beat up.” She joked and looked at the boys, “You didn’t fill him in on the fun filled night we had last night?”

“Some of it.” Lance said,

“Well are you sorry that you left last night, I mean I got into a rumble with a cop and then I got arrested and then the chief of police came over and got me unarrested, is that a word? Well that’s what happened, and then I got my picture taken and I got to give a statement. Like I said, you really missed out.” Joey came in at the end of her spiel,

“You know for a girl who got beat within an inch of her life last night and can barely stand on her own you are awfully chipper.” Joey said wrapping a blanket around her,

“Please, I didn’t get beaten that badly just a little banged around, y’all just fuss too much, I swear.”

“You deserve it after yesterday.” Joey said,

“I was just doing what anybody would have done.”

“Yeah right, princess.”

“I don’t understand why I shouldn’t be chipper anyways, I get to have Nsync dote on me, that’s worth it!” She declared and they all laughed. “Actually can you guys do me a favor and sign something for Jerry the chief, I mean for his daughter? She’s a huge fan and apparently she’s in love with Joey, but who isn’t?” She joked.

“Yeah, sure. I’m sure we can make up a basket or something.” Lance said,

“When’s the chief coming over?” Chris asked,

“I don’t know, Jerry’ll probably come over later, I think after work.”

“Okay guys, we need to finish up this song today. So lets get to it.” Wade interrupted the group and the boys groaned, but they went back to rehearsing.

After a little bit if rehearsal Joey insisted that Izzy went back upstairs. She protested but finally gave in. This time Lance carried her up stairs and he was able to stay with her for a little while. He brought over music and they sang along to Garth Brooks.

“I need you like a penny need a wishing well, baby, completely, wrapped up in you. Every now and then when the world that we’re living in is crazy. You gladly hold me and carry me through. No one in the world has ever done, what you did for me, and I'd be sad and lonely, if there were no you-u-u-u-u-u-u.” They sang out together and then started laughing, then Izzy pulled out a pair of neon orange over sized sunglasses and put them on. Lance burst out laughing.

“Where does your energy come from, I swear you’re related to Chris!” He said and she stuck out her tongue at him,

“I’ve been stuck on my ass all day.”

“Don’t any of your bruises hurt? It hurts me just to look at you.”

“Well,” she said pulling out a bright green baseball cap and placed it on Lance’s head sideways, “I could mope around all day moaning and groaning about how much it hurts or I can be happy knowing that I can still smile and have fun.”

“Now I know where Joey gets his optimism from.”

“How do you know that I didn’t get it from him?”

“Because around you he worries too much. I’ve never seen him act like such a mother hen.”

“Don’t tell Joey you said that, I don’t think he’ll like being called a mother hen.” She said impishly and Lance pulled a crown out from her night table and placed it on her head,

“I’m declaring you the Nsync princess.”

“I don’t know if old man Chasez would like that.” She joked and he chuckled,

“Then you can be my princess.” He said and she smiled,

“Well I’m already Joey’s princess but I think he can share.”

“Well, my princess can do whatever she wants to do.”

“Ooo, I like that idea. So if I’m your princess, I could, jump up and down on the bed?!” She said getting up and jumping on the mattress,

“Oh, well maybe later, not right now, maybe you should stop.”

“But you said that Lance’s princess can do whatever she wants!” She shouted, then her legs gave out on her again and she fell. This time Lance caught her in his arms and placed her back down on the bed but didn’t let her go from his arms.

“You aren’t going to tell Joey about this, are you?” She said looking into his green eyes and leaning her head on his shoulder.

“It’ll be our little secret.”

“I think I’m gonna like being your princess.” She said and smiled at him, Lance returned the smile

“Me too, Izzy.” He said quietly.

“Izzy the doctor’s, whoa what’s going on here?” Joey said coming in on the scene. Izzy pulled back from Lance,

“Lance just declared me the Nsync princess, sub Joey’s princess, sub Lance’s princess and since I’m a princess I can do whatever I want to do.” She decreed and crossed her arms.

“Is that so?” Joey smiled,

“Yes.” She replied, “And I don’t think that I should have to see a doctor.”

“Well, princess if you’re going to be the Nsync princess you have to be healthy and that means seeing the doctor.”

“People just don’t respect royalty these days.” She said haughtily making Lance and Joey laugh.

“Okay, princess. I’m going to get the doctor and show him up here. Lance, lunch is on the table and if you want some I suggest that you get some now.”

“Kay.” He said getting up from Izzy’s bed, “See you later princess Izzy.” He smiled and took off the hat,

“Bye Lance thanks for keeping me company.” She waved at him as he left the room, Joey came and sat down next to her,

“What was going on in here when I walked in? Hmm?”

“Nothing, we were just having fun Joseph, get your mind out of the gutter.”

“Okay Izzy-bell, do you want me to stay with you when the doctor checks you over?”

“No, go eat Mr. Fatone, you need your energy so that you can chain me to this bed.”

“Well isn’t that tempting?” He grinned,

“Go get the doctor Joe.” Izzy shook her head,

“Okay Princess.” He said dropping a kiss on her forehead and leaving to get the doctor. It was quite the interesting scene that he had walked in on. He hadn’t pegged Izzy to go for Lance, he seemed to, to, he couldn’t quite place what he was thinking but it just didn’t fit. Maybe because Izzy could go on tirades and swore like a sailor, plus she wasn’t the most religious person.

After Joey sent the doctor up he went down to grab a little lunch.

“So how’s Izzy doing?” Justin asked with a mouth full of food. Joey grabbed a plate and began filling it with food,

“She seems fine, she just needs to know her limits, which she isn’t very good at.”

“What the hell happened last night? How did Izzy get into a rumble with a cop?” JC asked,

“She didn’t get into a rumble with a cop, she was over exaggerating a lot.” Joey said sitting down, “Izzy’s sister lives in Pine Hills, ten minutes away. Well the other day Gina called up Izzy all hysterical because her boyfriend beat her up. So that’s why she was so impatient about getting a car, she was going to help her out. Well apparently Izzy spent the entire day with her and came home at like five in the morning when Gina had finally fell asleep. Then the next day Gina called her again because she thought that she had seen her boyfriend outside her apartment, so Izzy raced out there just in time to catch the guy busting in the door on Gina. She ran in and tackled the guy and then he took it out on Izzy, but the only thing was, Izzy doesn’t go down without a fight.”

“Damn right, she broke the guy’s arm in four places and snapped his leg.” Chris supplied,

“Izzy? Little Izzy?” JC asked

“That’s what we said, but after the guy left, Izzy helped her sister for a while and then she came back home. Anyways Gina’s boyfriend is a cop and he called his boys on Izzy to have her arrested. Which she almost was, but she was saved when the Chief of police came over and told the officers to let her go. Gina’s is a good friend of the Chief and now so is Izzy.”

“Why’d you let her go over there alone?”

“I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have if I had. I think she knew that. She was just too worried about Gina to care, she’s just too impulsive.”

“Wow, she seemed so happy this morning like last night was a joy ride.”

“That’s a big cover, she’s scared shitless and is hurting really bad. She just doesn’t really want me to worry about her.” Joey’s cell phone rang and he picked it up quickly,


“Is this a big sexy stud?” Izzy said playfully

“Why yes you’ve called a big sexy stud how can I help you?”

“I need you to hold up my wall.” She joked.

“Ha ha Iz, what do you want?”

“The doctor’s done and he doesn’t trust me to tell you what my orders are so he wants you to come up here so that he can talk to you.”

“He’s a smart doctor.”

“Yeah, just get your ass up here.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

Joey went upstairs to Izzy’s room, where she was negotiating with the doctor,

“So what if I just rest in other places besides my bed, would that work?”

“As long as you do no extensive exercise.”

“How do you define extensive exercise?”

“Anything besides bed rest.”

“Argh!” She growled. “Joey I want a second consult!”

“Slow down Princess.” He laughed, “This is the best doctor in Orlando, his word is as good as gold.”

“I don’t think it is.” She grumbled crossing her arms.

“Hey Doc,” Joey said shaking the doctor’s hand, “so what’s the prognosis?”

“Well she doesn’t seem to have broken anything or any internal bleeding, just battered.”

“That’s good.”

“So I shouldn’t have to stay in bed all week!” She said,

“Is that what her orders are?”

“Bed rest for at least four days and she should be good as new, except for the bruises they’ll go away in time.”

“Four whole days! I’m gonna die of boredom! It’s unethical to treat a human like this!”

“Honey I would die for four days of bed rest.” Joey said,

“Good, we’ll trade.”

“No, no you need it to fully recover.” The doctor said,

“But I feel fine!”

“Hmm mmm, we just want to make sure.”

“Hmpfh,” she said crossing her arms, “I can still go outside right?”

“As long as you take your time and you just rest when you’re out there, no physical activities.”

“Well there goes the wild orgy I had planned for tonight.” She said sarcastically.

“Iz, you are one of a kind.” Joey said shaking his head in laughter.

“I think that’s my cue to leave.” The doctor said getting up from his seat,

“Thanks again Doc.”

“Anytime Joe,” he turned to Izzy, “take care Isabella, I’ll call tomorrow to see if you’re following your treatment and to see if you need anything.”

“Bye Doc.” She waved.
