Chapter Thirteen

Izzy had some music playing in her room and she was dead set against staying in bed for the full three days. She felt just fine and didn’t need any one telling her to stay in bed. So she decided if they weren’t going to let her out of her room she would stay out of bed in her room. Izzy put on some work out clothes and put up her chin up bar in the doorway of her closet. She quickly hoisted herself up on it and slipped her legs over the bar. She began doing sit ups upside down. Her body hurt from the bruises but also felt good to move again. She knew that if she didn’t move for four days she would regret it.

“ISABELLA!!” Joey bellowed from the door, “Jesus, are you trying to kill yourself!?!?” He yelled at her and she sighed, letting herself hang upside down from the bar. Joey went over to her and lifted her off the bar, “Izzy you were supposed to stay in bed, it’s a good thing I checked up on you!” Soon the rest of the guys were in her doorway,

“Is everything okay Joey?”

“Everything is fine, I’m fine.” Izzy said as Joey carried her to the bed and out her down. “You don’t need to treat me like a porcelain doll, I won’t break.” She pouted grumpily crossing her arms. “Just because you put me in her doesn’t mean I’m gonna stay.” She finished defiantly,

“Izzy, it’s for your own good, most people would kill to stay in bed for four days. I know I would.” JC said a little pissed off because she was interrupting their rehearsal again.

“You’re welcome to it, Chasez. I don’t want to be here.”

“Well then I’m going to stay here and make sure that you do.” Joey said sitting down on the bed.

“Joey we have to rehearse!” Justin shouted.

“If Izzy stays in bed then I can rehearse, if not, I’m stuck here.” He said crossing his arms; he could be just as stubborn as her,

“I hate you Joey! Go fucking rehearse, I’ll stay here prisoner in my own room.” She said glaring at him, he was not playing fair.

“In your bed?”

“Yes, yes, in my shitten bed.” She said slumping back against the headboard.

“Okay Princess, I’m gonna check up on you in a while.”

“Yes, Mr. Prison guard.” She grumbled and Joey kissed the top of her head and everyone left.

“I can’t believe that she’s complaining about four days in bed, that’s like a vacation for me!” JC said as they walked back down the hall.

“Yeah but to her it’s a death sentence. She’s just always has to be moving in some ways, doing something, she could never sit in one place very long.”

Joey came by a half an hour later to check up on her and Izzy was now laying upside down hanging off the side of the bed.

“Izzy? What are you doing? That can’t be good for your system.”

“I’m in my bed. I’m resting, what the hell else do you want?”

“I know this is hard for you Iz. I just want you to be okay.”

“I am okay, now go back down to rehearsal. I don’t want to have the guys pissed off at me because I kept you from learning your moves.”


“And don’t go checking up on me every half hour, trust me to myself for at least and hour or two. I’m sure I can find some good movie on cable.”

“Okay Princess.”

“That’s Nsync Princess to you.” She mused and he laughed,

“Okay Nsync Princess I’ll see you in a bit. You’re not mad at me?”

“No, but if you stay any longer I will be.”

“Okay I’m out!” He said and left quickly.

Joey walked up to Izzy’s room, it was awfully quiet in there and he didn’t like the sound of that. He hadn’t been up there for at least three hours now. He walked into her room and saw the empty bed, panic rose in Joey’s system and he quickly searched the room looking for some sign of her. His eyes narrowed in on her window, it was open and had a string of bed sheets hanging through it.

“Izzy!” He said running to the window and looking out of it. The sheets hung all the way to the ground and there was no sign of Izzy. Joey turned to run out of the room when he heard her singing,

“I'm a slave for you, I cannot hold it, I cannot control it. I'm a slave for you, I won't deny it, I'm not trying to hide it. Baby, don't you wanna dance up on me, to another time and place, Oh baby, don't you wanna dance up on me, leaving behind my name and age…” Joey followed her voice to her bathroom and peeked inside, there was Izzy sitting in a bubble bath singing her heart away to her disc man. Izzy finally noticed that he was there and she started laughing. She pulled off her headphones, “Hey Joey!” Joey laughed a little and shook his head,

“You’re gonna be the end of me, you know.”

“What you didn’t like my little joke?”

“I thought you were running all over town.”

“That’s what I got planned for tomorrow.” She said with a wink and Joey rolled his eyes, “I told you not to worry about me. I said that I was going to rest and I’m going to. Trust me for once.”

“You got it Princess.”

Izzy walked down a dark alleyway, she was in Gina’s neighborhood. Suddenly Ted jumped out at her, he stared at her with a sadistic face.

“I told you that I would come back to finish you off.” He snarled and Izzy took a step back taking a stance to protect herself.

“You won’t get me.” She spat at him,

“Oh really.” He said and took a step towards her, Izzy went to move but found that she was frozen to the spot. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t move her legs.

“No,” She whispered then her voice became louder and louder with each word she said, “No, no, no NO, NO!” She shouted as Ted got closer and closer till he had her tightly in his grasp. Izzy sat up straight in her bed still screaming, she looked around and noticed that she was all alone. She was shaking badly and hugged her knees tightly to her chest. Lance opened her door,

“Izzy?” Izzy looked up and saw him there,

“Lance.” She whispered, he came in and sat down on her bed next to her,

“I heard you scream, I wanted to know if you were okay.”

“Yes,” she said and then she shook her head and leaned her head on her knees, “No,” she whispered, “I’m not okay.” Lance rubbed her back and she crawled into his arms,

“What happened?” He asked holding her tightly,

“It was Ted,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper, “he said that he had come back to finish me off. I couldn’t move, I was powerless against him.” She shrunk into his arms as if to disappear.

“Ted’s never going to get near you again, Izzy. I promise you he’ll never hurt you again.”

“I know, but that doesn’t mean that he won’t haunt me.”

“What can I do to help with that? Do you want me to stay with you a while?”

“Lance, you need your sleep you have work to do tomorrow.” She said and Lance smiled,

“Well I have to protect my princess now don’t I?” She smiled a little,

“You don’t mind?”

“Not at all.” Lance crawled under the covers with Izzy and just held her until she fell asleep again. She was clinging to him and looked like a little lost child. Lance stroked her hair and sighed. She was so beautiful and innocent in so many ways. He knew that he had fallen for her and hopefully soon she would fall for him too.
