Chapter Fourteen

JC was lying in his bed trying to figure out what had gone wrong with Emma. Things were going great today. He finally thought things were going to be okay. Suddenly a strange ringing interrupted his thoughts. He looked around and found Emma’s phone on the floor by his bed. Knowing that she wasn’t there, he answered it.


“Hello, Emma?”

“No, she happened to leave her cell phone with me. Can I take a message?”

“Who is this? Josh?”

“Yeah, who is this?”

“It’s her brother, Tommy. So Emma’s not with you right now?”

“No, after she called you. She got all crazed, yelled at me and ran out the door.”

“She was pretty upset huh?”

“Yeah, I doubt that’ll never see her again.”

“You really care about her don’t you?” Tommy asked him and he was silent a moment,

“Yeah, I do. She’s an amazing person. I’ve never met anyone like her.”

“Chances are you never will.” Tommy took a deep breath, “This is all my fault, I’m really sorry.”

“I don’t think that I’m the one you should be apologizing to.”

“You’re right, I shouldn't be. Hopefully she went back to Stuart’s.”

“I don’t know. You think so? I’m gonna drive over there to check on her.”

“Josh, you stay put. You probably have some concert to go to.”

“I don’t care she’s more important than any concert.”

“Look, you go do your concert and I’ll take care of everything.”

“I can’t sit here not knowing.”

“Josh, this is the end of it. I know my sister pretty well and if she loves you like I think she does, she’ll come back to you, understand?”

“Yeah, just hurry up.” And JC chuckled a little, “You must be her brother, you’re so much like her.” He said and Tommy laughed,

“I know, well I’ll try to get her back to you as soon as I can. Look it’s been good talking to you.”

“Yeah, you too.”



Emma was laying in her bed trying hopeless to fall asleep when Stuart knocked on her door and poked his head in.

“Emma?” He asked quietly,


“Tommy’s on the phone for you. Do you want to speak to him?” He asked and Emma hesitated for a minute and then said,

“Yeah.” Stuart came in and handed her the phone and then quietly left. “Hello?”

“Emma? Hi it’s Tommy.” He said quietly.

“Hello Thomas,” Emma said frigidly, “called to tell me what a horrible sister I am again?”

“I deserved that. I know. Look, Emma I was way out of line before, I’m sorry. You’re a great sister; I’m just a really awful brother. I just don’t know how to show you how sorry I am. I mean you’ve supported me in everything I’ve done even if you didn’t approve of it. Then the time you want my support I left you all alone and made you feel like crap. Can you ever forgive your dumbass brother?”

“Well this is certainly a turn around from before.”

“Well I kind of had to have some sense beaten into me, literally.”

“Really? I assume Kitty had something to do with that beating.”

“Yeah, well it worked. I can’t believe how horribly I treated you. I was so completely selfish. Like I said I’m really sorry and if you want to go on tour with that Josh guy, go right ahead. He sounds like a really great guy and he generally seems to have feelings for you.” He finished and Emma was blown away,

“You mean that you like him even though you’ve never met him?”

“Well I haven’t met him but we had a nice conversation right before I called you.”

“What? How?”

“You left your cell phone there tonight and when I tried to call you, he picked up and we talked.”


“Emma it was good. Don’t worry I didn’t tell him anything to embarrass you.”

“Don’t worry I think I’ve already done that.”


“Well after we talked I kind of took it out on him and told him that I never wanted to see him again.”

“Do you want to be with this guy Emma?”

“Yeah, but-“

“No buts, do you want to be with Josh?”


“Then go be with him. Plus I don’t want to be the one who tells Kitty that she’s not going on tour with Nsync.” He joked, “And hey maybe when his tour comes out to California, I can meet him.”

“Yeah, we’ll see.”

“Okay, So are we okay Em?”

“Yeah Tommy we’re okay.”

“Great, so go have a good time and I’ll see you in couple of weeks. And you don’t have to call me unless you want to or you need some brotherly advice or something like that.”

“OKAY, Tommy.” She said giggling at his ramblings.

“Oh, and Emma?”

“Yeah Tommy?”

“Thanks for taking care of me and being there for me, you know since you met me.”

“Anytime, Tommy.”

“Okay so I’ll talk to you later.”

“Talk to you later, bye Tommy.” Emma hung up the phone and stared up at her ceiling, “You know I really don’t like this roller coaster ride you have me on.” She said to the ceiling and then it hit her, I’m spending the next two weeks with Josh. Giddiness over came her and she began to giggle like a little schoolgirl. She had to talk to JC, she wanted to talk to him in person and apologize. But he might not want to talk to her so she decided a sneak approach would be the best. She remembered a part of the concert when they had a bunch of girls come on stage to dance with them. If only she could be in that group. Emma started making phone calls.
