Chapter Fifteen

The next morning everything was set, Emma said goodbye to Stuart and the kids and took her private jet to Hershey, Pennsylvania. She had just enough time to change into one of the cute outfits that she had bought with JC. It was a simple short black skirt with black sequins all over it and a zebra print tank with sequins all over it. She matched a belt that slung to one side of her hips and cute little mules.

She drove to the concert with a huge smile on her face and hope in her heart. She simply couldn’t wait to see Josh. Mark, one of the security guards led her back to where she could watch the concert with the rest of the girls who were supposed to dance on stage.

Soon it was time to go on and Lance came back to talk with the group, he seemed a bit surprised to see her but didn’t say anything. Emma mouthed, ‘Don’t tell’, and winked at him, he just nodded and smiled back in understanding. Shortly after they were led to their spot on stage. Emma made sure she in the front of the pack exactly where Josh should be when the doors opened up.

Finally, the doors opened up and they started dancing, she was right behind JC. He turned and was shocked to see her there. She smiled and danced with him, he couldn’t believe that she was there dancing in his arms. His heart soared. Then the segment was over and Emma had to go back, JC looked really disappointed that she had to leave but he let her go. After that it was like a bolt of energy shot into him. He was jumping all over the stage and gave the best performance of his life. Emma waited backstage watching the entire show.

JC flew backstage once the concert was done. He ran to Emma and picked her up and swung her around.

“Eww, you’re all sweaty!” She squealed and he put her down but didn’t let go of her.

“How did you-, where did-, who?” He stammered out, making her laugh but before she could respond a bodyguard interrupted them,

“JC, come on we have to get you out of here.” He said trying hustling him along. JC nodded at the man “Okay Sean one minute.” JC turned his attention back to Emma, “Come on, you can take the bus back to the hotel with us.”

“I have to get my car Josh.”

“Well then meet me back at the hotel. We’re staying at the La Grie hotel, penthouse suite. I’ll have a guard waiting in the lobby for you.”

“Okay, I’ll be there whenever I get out of here.” She said and JC nodded and rushed off.

Emma hurried to get out of the concert, which wasn’t easy considering the thousands of fans who were leaving at the same time. It’s was and hour and a half later when she finally reached the hotel. She excitedly went inside, the same guard that had been hustling JC along was waiting for her.

“Hello Sean. How are you?” The guard looked surprised that she knew his name and he smiled,

“Fine, you?”

“Fabulous.” She replied and Sean held out his arm, which Emma happily took. It seemed like an eternity until they reached the boys’ suite. Sean knocked on the door and JC flung it opened it quickly. Emma smiled at him and then turned to Sean,

“Thank you, good night Sean.” Sean just smiled and nodded his head before walking away. JC grabbed her arm and practically dragged her into his room. He shut his door and went right for her, kissing her deeply. Emma was more then happy to accept it molding into his arms. Emma broke away from a disappointed JC,

“Josh, I have something I want to say to you.” He leaned on for another kiss,

“Don’t worry about it.” Emma stopped him,

“No, really I want to say something to you.” JC groaned, but he stepped back and sat down on the bed. “Okay, well," she smiled at JC, "it’s pretty clear to see that you’re not mad at me, but I still want to say that I’m sorry.” JC tried to interrupt her, “No, please let me get this out.” JC became quiet once again, “Yesterday when I called my brother, I shouldn’t have freaked out on you. It was meant toward my brother, not you, and it was really wrong of me to do that to you. I’m really sorry that I put you through that.” JC stood up and took her hands into his.

“Thank you for saying that.” He said,

“I just didn’t want you to think it was because of you. I already caused you so much pain…” She said looking away and JC turned her face back to meet his,

“Shh.” JC put a finger to her lips. “It’s okay, everything is fine now, you’re with me.” He kissed her gently.

“No, everything is not fine.” She said breaking away from him.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“I’m talking about Joey, Lance, Justin, and Chris. Things are not okay between us. If I’m going to go on tour with you, I don’t want to cause any problems for you with them. It’s not like I can hide from them. It’s their life too and if they don’t want me here they should have a say in it too.” JC looked down knowing she was right. “Josh, you stay here. I’m going to talk to them, alright?” JC nodded and Emma walked out of JC’s room and softly shut the door. The guys were relaxing in the living room and turned to see who was there. Justin gave Emma the dirtiest look he could manage.

“Hi, guys,” She started feeling the tension in the room, “can I talk to you guys a minute?” Justin was about to object but Joey gave him a look and he kept quiet.

“Sure Emma.” Lance said and Emma smiled gratefully at him,

“Thank you.” She took a deep breath and began, “Alright, I know you guys are not my biggest fans, and you have every right. I’ve disrupted your life, not once but twice and this is a huge favor, but I would like another chance. The good news is that you’ve seen the worst of me and that’s all been worked out. I really would like to come on tour with you guys, but I will only go if you, all of you, say that it’s fine.” The boys were a little shocked, they had never been asked before by a girlfriend if they could come along. It won everyone over except for Justin. The guys moved together and had a little conference huddle,

“I don’t want her to go.” Justin said whispered forcefully.

“J, she seems genuine about this, she’s really sorry.” Joey said,

“But can she guarantee that this won’t happen again?” He shot back.

“No one can guarantee that, it’s impossible.” Lance replied.

“C doesn’t need to get hurt again.” Justin said quietly.

“But it’s JC’s life, not yours. Think about it, even if she doesn’t come on tour with is do you think that’s going to stop him from seeing her?” Chris asked and Justin looked down,

“Well, no.”

“Then why not just let her come along? It’s only for two weeks or so. Geez, J, have you seen how happy he is? He’s freakin’ delirious, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this happy, do you really want to be the reason for taking away his happiness?” Chris asked as Justin sat there and thought a minute knowing that the guys were right.

“Fine, she can go, but I’m not happy about it.” He said and the other three smiled,

“Okie, doke.” Joey said as they broke from their little huddle, he went up to Emma, “Let me be the first one to welcome you a board.” Emma grinned,

“Thanks a lot you guys, I really appreciate it.” She hugged Joey, Lance, and Chris while Justin just half heartily shook her hand. Just then JC poked his head out of his room,

“Is everything okay out here?” Emma went up to him and slid her hands around his waist,

“Everything is fabulous.”

“Really?” He asked and looked at the guys who nodded in agreement.

“I think we need to go out and celebrate. I know of this great club in town.” Joey said.

“That sounds like a good idea to me.” JC said and everyone else agreed. Soon they were off to the club that Joey knew about. As soon as they walked into the club Justin bounced off somewhere and Joey, JC and Emma hit the dance floor. Lance and Chris went off to get everyone a booth.

JC was on cloud nine at the club, Emma was absolutely dazzling. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He had a feeling that she was feeling the same way because of the look she was giving him. They both waved to Joey who was cutting up the floor with some girls. After a couple of songs JC went to give them something to drink. She started to follow him when someone grabbed her hand from behind. She turned to see a grinning Joey,

“Come dance with me, I love this song.”

“Lead away, Mr. Joey.” She replied and they danced to ‘Fantasy’, by Ludicrous.

Justin was at the bar with Chris when he noticed Emma was dancing with Joey.

“Aw man, I don’t believe it! JC’s not even off the dance floor and she’s working her moves on Joey!” Chris looked at Justin,

“Let it go! They’re just dancing, it’s completely harmless.”

“Whatever.” He grumbled back and watched Joey and Emma like a hawk.

JC walked back to find Joey and Emma dancing, he became a little jealous. The song ended as he reached them.

“Trying to move in on my girl?” He joked with Joey,

“Just keeping her warm for you.” He replied and JC handed Emma her water, she took long gulps,

“Whew, I need a break, let’s go sit down.”

“Sound good to me.” He took her hand and led her up to the booth where Chris and Lance were sitting. they sat there chatting for a while and dancing a few songs here and there. After they had danced the last round Emma looked out into the crowd from their booth and saw Joey dancing with two girls. She laughed,

“That boy is such a eyetie shirt!” The boys just gave her strange looks,

“He’s a what?” Lance asked.

“An eyetie shirt.” She repeated and she got the same puzzled looks, “An Italian pimp.” She explained more clearly,

“Oh.” They all said in unison.

“I have never heard that phrase before. Must be a British thing. What part of England are you from?” Lance asked.

“I’m not from England, I live in California.”

“Huh? I didn’t think they talked like that in California.”

“Oh, my accent! I grew up kind of isolated and my parent’s were British.” She explained quickly,

“Oh, okay.”

“So, why aren’t you boys out there getting you’re groove on?” She asked Lance and Chris.

“Because we decided to be good tonight.” Lance said

“Plus we’re beat.” Chris finished.

“Aw, old age catching up to you, Kirkpatrick?” Emma said playfully poking him in the side and they all laughed.

“Where’s Justin at? Hitting on the high schoolers?” JC joked.

“Don’t know he was at the bar a while ago.” Chris said.

“He doesn’t look to happy tonight, is everything okay with him?” She asked.

“Yeah I guess, He’s probably beat too, it’s been an exhausting couple of days for us.” Lance said.

“Then you boys should be home in bed getting some rest.”

“When she’s right she’s right. I’m ready to go home.” Chris said and got up from his seat, Lance followed suit.

“That sounds like a good plan, I’ll just let the guys know that we’re going back.” Lance looked back at Emma and JC, “Are you two going back to the hotel too?” And before JC could object Emma answered him,

“Yes, JC needs to get to bed, soon.” Lance and Chris nodded and went to find Justin and Joey.

“I don’t want to sleep yet, I’m not tired.” He said with a touch of edge in his voice. Emma looked at him coyly,

“Who said anything about sleeping?” JC grinned,

“You little devil.”

Quickly they arrived back at JC's room,

“Josh?” Emma asked rubbing her forehead,

“Yeah, babe?” He answered looking at her.

“Do you have any aspirin?”

“Yeah in my bag.” JC opened the door and let her in. “Here, I’ll go get it, what’s wrong are you not feeling alright?” JC asked as he sat her down on his bed.

“I just got a headache, that’s all.” She replied as she laid down on the bed. JC went into the bathroom to get some aspirin and water. Emma didn’t realize how tired she was until she laid her head on the pillow and soon she was quickly asleep.

JC came out of the bathroom, “Emma-" he saw her and smiled to himself. He put the aspirin and water on the night table. JC went over to the bed, took off Emma’s shoes and her jacket gently. Then he slipped her under the covers of the bed. He stood there watching her sleep and thought to himself about how much she looked like an angel when she slept. JC sighed happily and got ready for bed, then crawled in next to Emma trying not to wake her. He looked at her one more time before turning out the light.
