Chapter Sixteen

The next morning Tim awoke to find himself in Eva’s bed. He sighed and crawled out of bed. He stretched his arms over his head and decided to get some breakfast. He looked at Eva; she was completely passed out still. He doubted that she would be up any time soon. Suddenly Eva’s cell phone rang, he knew she was not getting up to answer it, so he did.


“Hello Tim?” JC replied.

“Yeah, who is this?”

“It’s JC.” He answered coolly, “Can I talk to Eva?”

“Um, well, she can’t really come to the phone right now.”

“Why not?”

“She’s sleeping and there is no way she is waking up anytime soon, she had kind of a rough night last night.”

“What happened? Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she’s fine, nothing that water or a strong cup of coffee won’t cure.”

“Try to wake her up, I need to talk to her.”

“Okay,” Tim kneeled on the bed and gently shook Eva, “Eva, wake up, come on sweetie.” Eva basically rolled over and snuggled back under the covers. “She’s not waking up, I could probably drive a garbage truck through here and she wouldn’t wake up. I can have her call you later, okay?”

“Yeah I guess.”

“Okay, bye, JC.”


JC couldn’t figure this out, why was it that every time he called, Tim picked up the phone? Were they at his place? JC called up Eva’s house and Rosita picked it up,

“Hello, Amour residence.”

“Hello, is Eva there?”

“No, Eva is not living here right now, she moved in with Timothy Jones. You can leave a message and she will get it later. Who may I ask is speaking?” JC stood there speechless on the phone, “Hello? Mister? Hello?” Rosita asked but JC hung up the phone. He couldn’t believe Eva! Why would she do this to him? Living with Tim? She was a liar! She never really loved him! He slammed down the picture of them on his bed stand and stormed out of the house. He needed to clear his mind.

Eva finally woke up late in the afternoon. Groggily she went into the kitchen and got herself a large glass of water. Tim left her a note on one of the cabinets,
“Eva, at the school, be back @ 8 tonight. –Tim, P.S. Drink lots of water you really hung over woman:).”

She laughed at the note. She actually didn’t feel that bad and she decided to get some fresh air and visit the boys at the school. Eva showered quickly and threw on a pair of cut off shorts and a white tank top. Pulling her hair up into a bun she got into her car and drove over to the school.

She walked into the school and Tim was teaching a class while Mike was warming up for his next one. Mike lit up as soon as he saw her and ran over. He ran over to her,

“Hey stranger.” She said hugging her tightly and he replied,

“Hey, how are you?”

“I’m okay, better than I thought I would be, but then again someone took really good care of me.” She said smiling at Tim who had just walked into the room.

“Hey, look whose finally up, how ya feeling this fine afternoon?”

“Good thanks to you.” She said hitting his arm lightly.

“That’s good, hey listen, JC called for you this morning. It sounded important and he wanted you to call him back.”

“Why didn’t you wake me?”

“I tried to, but someone was a little passed out.”

“Oh,” She blushed as some of Mike’s students came in, “well on that note, I guess I better get going.”

“Eva, Mom and Dad wanna have dinner tonight, okay?”

“Yeah sounds great.” She replied as Roxy popped into the room and bounced her way over to them.

“Hey everybody! Good Morning or should I say good afternoon!”

“Well someone has a bit of energy today.” Mike mentioned and then Tim spoke up,

“You’re gonna need it because I’m gonna whoop your butt!”

“Oh you sure of that, Mr. Jones?” She said bouncing and punching his arm playfully.

“Oh I’m definitely sure about it.” The two began horsing around, Eva and Mike laughed at them and then she glanced at Mike. He caught her eye and knew exactly what she was thinking, ‘Roxy and Tim would make a great couple.’ She smiled and said to the group,

“I’ll see you all later,” and to Mike she said, “we’ll talk at dinner.” She winked at him and he smiled back at his twin.

“Okay bye, Eva.” As soon as she left Mike called Roxy over. “Did you get the tickets?” She smiled,

“Good thing my daddy owns the arena, huh? We got front row tickets for all of us with back stage passes.”

“Fabulous, well phase one of the operation is complete. Now all we have to do is get them to see each other and talk.”

Eva dialed up JC’s number as she drove back to Tim’s apartment. It rang a few times and clicked into his voice mail.

“Hey it’s JC you know what to do.” Her heart melted at the sound of his voice. "Hey honey, it’s me.” She took a deep breath before going on, “It’s been a long time since we’ve talked. Tim said that when you called this morning that you had something important to tell me. Sorry I missed you, call me back when you’re not busy. Love you, bye!”

JC heard his cell phone ringing in his dream. By the time he realized that it was ringing in reality it had already clicked into his voicemail. He waited a few minutes and then checked it. His heart sank when who it was. He was so confused on what to do, the love of his life was with another guy. Every time he thought of it he felt like someone had punched him in the gut. Eva was acting like nothing had happened and it was killing him. She was the one who he told all of his problems to, who was he going to turn to now?
Later that night Eva plopped down on the couch next to Tim. He stuffed some popcorn into his mouth,

“How was dinner?”

“Fabulous, as always. You know Mike really needs to move out and get his own place.”


“He’s twenty-three years old and still lives at home. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Heck, I’d probably still be living at home too if my parents didn’t kick me out.”

“What is it with you people?”

“What? It’s comfy, my laundry gets done and my food is prepared for me. What’s not to love? I think Mike’s pretty smart if you ask me.”

“Lazy boys, that’s what you all are.”

“Sorry, we’re not all work-a-holics like you.”

“I am not! I just don’t like to waste time that’s all.”

“Speaking of work did you hire a new bartender today?”

“Yeah her name’s Jewels and she’s really good.”

“Is she cute?” He asked with an impish smile and she hit him with a pillow.

“Dork, but since you brought it up, what’s up between you and Roxy?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Oh please I see how you look at her and how you guys are always flirting.”

“What? Roxy and me are just friends. Why are you asking? Has she said anything?”

“See I knew it!”

“What? I just wanted to know that’s all.”

“Do you think she’s cute?” She asked and Tim paused a minute,

“Well, yeah, she’s always been pretty. But Roxy wouldn’t go for me, would she?”

“Why don’t you ask her?” Eva said with a wink.
