Chapter Eighteen

JC pounded the punching bag pretending it was Tim. He was swearing under his breath and tears slipped down his face. He was really wailing on it when Justin came down to work out and saw him.

“Hey, what did the bag ever do to you?” He joked and JC punched the bag one final time before taking off his gloves and throwing them against the wall.

“Whoa, what’s wrong JC?” Justin said coming over to him.

“Nothing.” JC grumbled and kicked the punching bag, and Justin raised an eyebrow at him,

“I’m sure the punching bag would have something to say about that. Is this about Eva?” JC finally broke hearing her name,

“She’s got a new guy! She fucking has another guy!” He yelled dropping to the floor and putting his head in his hands.


“It’s true, she’s with that Tim guy now. He’s always picking up her phone when I call and I heard them talk about the great “nights” they’ve spent together. Then when I called her house, her housekeeper said that she had moved in with him! It been a little over a month and she moved in with him!” Justin knelt down next to JC,

“I’m sorry, C.”

“But that’s not the worst part, she acts like nothing has changed. I’m just so confused, how can I love someone so much but hate them at the same time?”

Eva was getting worried now. It had been three days since she had called and he hadn’t even left a message yet. Their tour was about to be kicked off, so he might have been too busy, but usually he would have called her back if it was important. Now she was indecisive on whether or not to call him. Each time she tried to call him she would get as far as half of his number before hanging up.
JC looked at the tour schedule, the first stops were all the major cities starting with Jacksonville, then Chicago, New York City and then Los Angeles. He wondered if Eva would have the nerve to show up.
Eva watched on TV as Nsync had an entire weekend devoted to them on MTV before they released their new album. It was really hard to see JC because he looked really tired, like he hadn’t slept a wink in weeks. He had never returned her phone call and now it had been over a month since she had spoken to him. She finally got the courage to call him, but she got his voicemail again,

“Hey sweetie, thought I’d drop you a line. I saw you on the MTV special and you looked really tired, they must be working you triple time. It kind of looked like something else was bothering you. I’m just worried about you, that’s all and I figured that you just got too busy with everything and forgot to call me back. Well if you want to talk you know how to reach me. Hopefully I’ll talk to you soon, love you, bye Josh.”

JC saw that Eva called and he didn’t even bother listening to the message, he just deleted it.
