Chapter Nineteen

The next morning JC popped into the girls’ room,

“Hello ladies, how are we doing?” Emma sauntered up to him, held the collar of his jacket and kissed him.

“Just fine, now that you’re here.”

“That’s the kind of greeting I like.” He replied and kissed her one more time before Kitty interrupted.

“Ahem.” She coughed. Emma turned to see her standing with her arms crossed.

“So what are you guys up to today?” She asked and JC ran a hand through his hair,

“Well we have a pretty packed schedule today and I hate to say it but you girls can’t come along for most of it. It’s mostly interviews and photo shoots and some places are really strict about who they let be there. Is that okay?” Emma smiled at JC and then smiled at Kitty who smiled back.

“Trust me I think Kitty and me can handle ourselves for the day. Don’t worry about us we’ll find something to entertain us.”

“Yeah don’t worry about us girls, we can take care of ourselves.” Kitty piped up.

“I just feel bad that we haven’t gotten time to spend with each other lately. I mean you did come on tour to spend time with me.” JC commented.

“You’re giving me time to catch up with my best friend. We’ll catch some time later, don’t worry, okay?”

“Okay.” He half whined,

“Oh, you shush.” Emma said playfully, tapping him on the nose with her finger. “Now, I’m not kicking you out, but I don’t want you to be late on the account of us. So,” She kissed him quickly, “go do your celebrity stuff.”

“Okay, Bye love.”

“Bye, Jace.” He kissed her one more time and ran out of the room.

“You guys are so cute, it’s sickening.”

“Well that’s what I was going for. So what do you want to do today? We’re in Kentucky, so I don’t know about the shopping around here, but I’m sure they have malls.”

“Let’s get our nails done.” Kitty said.

“And a massage and later…”

“Margarita Night!!!” They both yelled together. So, with a plan in tact the girls set off to the hotel’s salon and spent the morning getting massages and having their hair and nails done. JC called while Emma was getting a massage.


“Hey Sex Kitten.”

“Hold on, Kitty I think it’s for you!” She yelled.

“Emma, it’s JC!”

“Oh sorry, nope sorry it’s for me!” Emma yelled to Kitty.

“Okay!” Kitty yelled from the other room.

“Sorry honey what’s up?” she asked.

“Nothing just seeing what you girls decided to do with you day.”

“Oh just girl stuff. Are you on a break?”

“Yeah, we’re having lunch right now.”

“Wow, it’s lunch time already? I hadn’t realized. So are your interviews and everything going okay?”

“Yeah it’s the usual, nothing big. Look, they have us packed until well after dinner is that okay?”

“Yeah, sure, you do what you have to do honey.”

“You sure?”

“Oh no, please don’t make me spend more time with my best friend Jace. Oh the torture!” Emma said sarcastically.

“Hey I heard that!” Kitty yelled and Emma laughed,

“I’m sure we’ll be just fine.”

“Okay, we should be back around ten tonight and maybe we can go out and do something.”

“Yeah sounds good.”

“Great, well I should eat something before it’s back to the grind. See you later tonight.”

“Bye honey.”

“Bye.” Emma hung up the phone and let the woman finish her massage.

“What did JC want?” Kitty yelled from where she was getting a manicure.

“He says they’ll be packed until late tonight and when they get back they want to go out and do something.” She yelled back.


Soon they were all done at the salon and went to hit the stores, but first they hit the liquor store to pick up everything they would need for their margarita night. It was something that Emma and Kitty did just between themselves, it was just a fun night of talking, dancing, playing music, and of course drinking margaritas that they made up. Definitely a girl’s night out that they spent in.

Hitting the stores took up most of the afternoon. They surprisingly didn’t buy that much stuff, just a couple of new outfits. They had more fun trying on outrageous outfits that they picked up for each other. In the middle of their shopping trip they breezed through the toy store. Emma picked up a water soaker,

“I think we should buy these.”

“Why?” Kitty asked and a mischievous smiled crossed Emma’s face.

“Five hot guys, soaking wet.”

“Oh girl you know where it’s at!” They quickly bought their guns with a giggle. They spent most of the day at the mall. They caught a movie and by time they left it was dark. It was about 7:30 when they got back and they had two hours to kill before the guys got back so they put on comfortable clothes, tank tops and shorts, put on good music, and broke out the margaritas. Emma made them just right so that you couldn’t taste the alcohol in them. Before their first drink they had to make their traditional toast, they both held up their glasses and chanted together,

“Here’s to the men we love. Here’s to the men who love us. If the men we love, don’t love us, we say fuck the men and here’s to us!”

Emma was really glad that Kitty had come along with her. Ever since Tommy’s accident they hadn’t been able to spend much time together, and with Kitty it was hard not to have a blast. Soon they were dancing around the room singing at the tops of their lungs and laughing hysterically. Nelly, Counting Crows, Barenaked Ladies, Eve, Stepenwolf, and Janet Jackson blasted out of their CD player. It got kind of warm in their room so they opened their balcony door.

“I wish they all could be California, I wish they all could be California, I wish they all could be California girls!” they sang together. They were singing so loud that they almost didn’t hear the knocking on their door. Kitty ran and opened it, it was Quincy one of the security guards.

“Hi!” Kitty said.

“Hello, ladies, I was hearing some yelling and I was just checking to see if you gals were okay.” Emma came up behind Kitty.

“Hi, Quincy! Everything just fabulous in here! We’re just doing some girly stuff.”

“Okay, just turn it down a notch, that’s all.”

“Okay Quincy, we will, sorry for the trouble.” Emma said.

“Okay you ladies have a good night.”

“Good night Quincy!” They chorused together and closed the door. The girls instantly burst out laughing and fell on the floor almost spilling the drinks they had in their hands.

“You are such brown noser!” Kitty exclaimed at Emma.

“I am not! I’m just very nice!” She said in between laughs.

“Oh please! ‘Okay Quincy, we will, sorry for the trouble.” She said mocking Emma. Emma just laughed. Then the Hamster Dance came on the stereo. Kitty burst out laughing once again,

“You do not have this song! It’s completely ridiculous!”

“I like it!” Emma stood up and did a bad version of the dance. Kitty jumped on the bed dancing,

“Well I guess if you can make a fool of yourself I might as well join you!” Emma fell on the floor again in an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Emma managed to stand up again and went to pour herself the rest of the margarita’s that were in the blender.

“Uh oh looks like we need to make more!” She started to pour bottles into the blender not really paying attention to how much of anything was going in.

“Are you paying attention to what you are doing?” Kitty asked.

“Sure! I’m playing it by eye.” Emma replied.

“Which eye?” She laughed.

“I don’t know which ever one wants to.”

“Are you drunk Emma? Cause I know I am.”

“No,” she sat and thought about it, “well maybe a little.” She said with a laugh. Kitty laughed at Emma too. Emma managed to make more margaritas for them, but by then it really didn’t matter what she put in them because, neither of them could taste anything.

“Hey Kitty what time is it?”

“I don’t know look at your watch.”

“Oh yeah.” She giggled and looked at her watch it was 10:15 and the boys weren’t back yet.

“The boys should be here soon.”

“Good.” Old time Rock and roll came on the stereo just then. It was one of their favorite songs, they danced around to the song and sang. Then Kitty pulled off her shorts and danced around in her under wear. Emma pulled her’s off and joined her dancing around the room. Emma tossed Kitty sunglasses and put on a pair herself. They were laughing hysterically at each other when they noticed that they had an audience. All five of the guys were there staring at them, which made the girls burst out laughing again.

“Apparently they started the party without us!” Joey said laughing. Emma fell on the floor in a fit of laughter and she saw the water soakers that they bought that day. They were all filled and all set to go. Kitty caught her eye and smiled. Emma tossed her one and jumped up armed with the other one. The boys didn’t know what hit them. They ran from the room screaming and the girls chased them all over the floor. Chris happened to have one in his room and quickly seized it and went after the girls. It was a blast and soon the boys were all soaking wet. Emma cornered JC in his room, she threw the gun aside and shut the door behind her. With a smug smile on her face she walked towards JC and slowly slid her hands up his chest and wrapped them around his neck. She looked deep into his eyes,

“I think you should kiss me right now.” JC was almost shocked at her directness but he kind of liked it. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close.

“Really?” he said leaning in to kiss her.

“Yeah.” She said before kissing him passionately. JC could taste the alcohol that was in her mouth and pulled away.

“Emma how much did you drink tonight?” She walked up close again and started to pull off his jacket.

“Enough.” Emma pulled off his jacket and pushed him. JC fell backwards onto the bed and Emma crawled up on top of him seductively and kissed him.

“I want you right now.” She said intently unbuckling his belt. JC put his hands up in protest,

“Emma, not like this, it wouldn’t be right.”

“What’s not right about it? I want you and you want me, right?” She fidgeted with his pants trying to get them undone.

“Emma, please.” He pushed her away and slid up on the bed away from her. She pouted,

“What’s the matter?” She said as she began crawling towards him with a strong determinance in her eyes. JC did want her, he wanted her really bad, but he had to think with the head on his shoulders and not the one in his pants.

“Emma, you’re drunk, you’re not in your right mind. You don’t know what you’re doing, it’s the alcohol talking.” Emma sat on his lap and crossed her arms.

“JC, I’m not drunk, in fact I’m far from drunk. I’m in the perfect state of mind and I know exactly what I’m doing.” She leaned forward and kissed him again. She felt him grow beneath her.

“I bet you do.” He choked out. JC didn’t know how much more he could take of this. She had him trapped against the bed. “Emma, come on, I don’t want to do this.” Emma sat up straight,

“You don’t want me?”

“Not right now, no.”

“You’re a bad liar, you should really stop.” She crossed her arms.

“I’m not lying.”

“Really. You don’t want me like this?”


“What if I was like this?” Emma took off her tank top and threw it to the ground. She also stretched up and pulled her hair out of the rubber band and shook it out. JC gulped, he knew he couldn’t take much more. It was all he could do to keep himself from jumping her.

“So do you want me now?” She asked playfully.

“Yes! I mean no! No! I don’t want you!” JC said squeezing his eyes shut.

“Mm hmm.” She murmured as she slid up his shirt and began kissing and caressing his torso. She paid extra attention to the area just below his belly button. It was complete torture and he let out a quiet moan. JC was about to explode right there. “I’m not going to stop until you say that you want me.” She smiled like a Cheshire cat and JC went weak. He couldn’t take it anymore and attacked her. She screeched in happiness. Soon his pants were off and he ripped her panties off. He pulled off his boxer briefs and ravaged her. Emma enjoyed every minute of it. He thrusted in and out of her like there was no tomorrow. Emma had her legs wrapped around him making him go as deep as he could. She moaned loudly and called out his name. “Josh, oh Josh!” JC grunted in ecstasy, she felt so good it was like fucking an angel. Finally Emma hit her peak and screamed out. A few seconds later JC exploded in her and collapsed out of breath. Emma physically couldn’t move, all she could do was breathe. Every part of her body tingled, it was the best feeling in the world. After they lay like that for a while JC rolled off of Emma. Suddenly he turned to her,

“Oh my god! Emma I didn’t use any protection! Oh Jesus!” Emma scooted over to him. He went on, “I’m sorry Emma, I knew this was going to be bad, oh man!”

“Shh, JC it’s okay.” She put her arms around him. “I’m on birth control. We’ll be just fine.” He sighed,

“Okay I guess, we should just be more careful. I don’t want to hurt you. Our first time should have been different.”

“Really? I thought it was pretty fabulous myself.” She said kissing his earlobe and his neck.

“No, it’s not that, it just well for our first time I wanted to make love to you, not fuck you.”

“Jace, you’re so sweet. Come on, I want to go to bed and have you hold me all night long. I just want to sleep in your arms.” She pulled him towards the covers. He followed and crawled under the covers with her. “Josh, I don’t care how we do it as long as we end up here, everything will work out.”

“I guess you’re right.”

“I know I’m right.” She giggled and cuddled into him.

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