Chapter Twenty

Emma came back into the room the next morning after the guys had left. Kitty was up watching TV. Kitty took one look at Emma and grinned.

“Someone got la-a-a-aid.” She teased,

“Oh Kitty, Shut it.” Emma grinned and plopped down next to her, “You’re just jealous that you didn’t.” Kitty stared at her and then screamed,

“Ahh!!! You did! I was just kidding! Wait, you’re not messing with me are you?” Emma bubbled over with laughter,


“Oh my God! Was it good? Was he big? I want details!” Emma smiled,

“Yes, it was good. That’s all I’m saying.”

“Oh come on, you’ve gotta give me more than that.” Emma flopped back on the bed with a happy sigh,

“It was sooo good and afterward we fell asleep in each others arms. Then he held me all night long.” Kitty rolled her eyes,

“You guy sound like a fucking fairytale.”

“It feels like a fairytale.”

“You’re glowing.” Kitty mentioned and she raised her hands to her face.

“Am I? I didn’t notice.” She said dreamily,

“Em, you’re glowing so much that you’re hurting my eyes.”

“He makes me so happy. I love him.”

“Good I’m glad. You deserve to be happy.”

“Thanks Kitty that means a lot coming from you.”

“Well one of us should be happy.”

“Why aren’t you happy? What happened last night?” She asked worriedly,

“Nothing, which is what’s wrong. As you put it, you’re getting laid and I’m not.” She grinned and Emma smiled,

“Well I’m sure if you work on Joey he’ll drop his pants soon enough.”

“That’s what I’m hoping for.” She laughed, “Last night we messed around a little and he stopped, because I had been drinking. I don’t think I’ve ever met a guy like that before.”

“He’s a good guy, the press just blows a lot of things out of proportion.” Emma said,

“Well he’s better than most I’ve had.”

“So what are you hoping for?”

“Nothing! You know I’m not the type for a relationship. Just a little friendly sex is all I’m looking for.”

“Kitty you deserve better than that.”

“Emma, you get the fairytale, that’s not me and you know that.”

“You deserve the fairytale as much as I do.”

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. When the right guy comes along, rather if the right guys comes along at the right time, maybe, but I’m really happy this way.”

“Okay, that’s all I want.”

JC walked into his room to see Emma walking around animatedly talking to herself.

“Uh, Em?” He called out and she didn’t respond, “Emma?” he said a bit louder and she turned around holding up her finger to quiet him.

“Yes, okay but how are we going to get the Varalics to agree to the compromise? You know how much they like to get their own way.” She caught JC’s eye and pointed to her ear letting him know that she was on her phone. JC nodded and sat down quietly on the bed waiting for her to get off.

A few minutes later she pulled the ear piece off of her ear with a sigh.

“Hi baby.” She smiled and sat down next to him, “What a day. I’m exhausted.” She stretched a little. “How was your day?”

“Better now that I’m here with you.” He smiled kissing her,

“Aw you’re so, so cheesy, but I love it.”

“Mmm, I know you do.” He reached over and plucked her ear piece out of her hand. “This is interesting.”

“It’s the earpiece to my cell phone.”

“I know but it doesn’t have a wire.”

“It’s a cross between a cordless headset and hands free ear piece. It makes it easier for me to walk around because I can set down my cell phone and I’ll always get good reception. I love it. I hated the wire ones because the mic would flop around and you would hear it in the phone.”

“Where did you get it?”

“It’s a prototype. I was complaining about the wire mic one day and my R & D boys came up with this for me.” She shrugged,


“Research and Design, they rock my world. I don’t know what I would do with out them some times.”

“This is from the company that you help your brother run?”

“Uh, yes.”

“What does your company do?”

“Nothing much.” She shrugged and moved to kneel in front of him on the bed, “Any plans for the night?” She asked leaning her hands on his thighs,

“Being with you?” He smiled,

“Mmm, sounds good. What do you suggest?” JC looked at his watch,

“Actually, it’s gonna have to wait like a half an hour.”


“Because I forgot this interview that I have to do.”

“All you guys have to go again?”

“Nope, just me.”

“Well, then go, the faster you go the faster you’ll be back.”

“It’s a phone interview. I was going to do it here.”

“Oh okay.” She noticed him still playing with the earpiece. “Do you want to borrow my ear piece?”

“No, that’s okay.” He said trying to hand it to her and she pushed it back at him,

“You know you wanna play with it and use it. Go ahead, I don’t mind. Just have who ever is interviewing you call you back on my phone. You know how to use it.”


“Yeah, I’m going to go see what Kitty is doing.”

“Probably Joey.” JC teased and she laughed,

“Let’s hope not.” She said and got up off the bed, “I’ll come back in a half an hour, kay?”

“Mmm, how about I come and get you when I’m done?”

“That works babe. See you then.” She said brushing a kiss over his lips and leaving the room.

JC snuck up behind Emma in Joey’s room and slipped a blindfold around her eyes.

“Josh! What are you doing?”

“Trust me.” He whispered in her ear and helped her out of her seat,

“No kinky stuff in my room! Take it else where!” Joey yelled and Kitty laughed,

“That’s not what you said last night Fatone!”

“Well it’s different with you, because then I’m involved!”

“You wish.” She said playfully and JC led Emma to the door,

“On that cue we’re gonna leave.”

“Where are we going?” Emma asked as he ushered her out the door.

“It’s a surprise, but I know you’ll love it.”

“I love surprises!”

“I know, I remember.” JC said and led her down the hall to his room.

“What do you have up your sleeve, Mr. Jones?” She mused and he opened the door,

“Just a little something that I cooked up for you.” He said and Emma smelled the familiar scent of roses and smiled,

“Mmm, roses.” She said as JC led her into the room and shut the door.

“Mmm, hmm.” JC acknowledged and then slowly untied the blindfold. He let it drop to the floor and Emma gazed around his room. It had been completely transformed, there was lit, rose scented candles scattered all around the room. Rose petals led a trail to the bed that was made up with a beautiful cream satin bedspread littered with more rose petals.

“Oh, Josh, it’s beautiful.” She said completely in awe. JC went over to the stereo and began to play some soft music. He took her hand and led her to the middle of the room.

“You’re the most beautiful thing in this room.” He whispered in her ear as he held her close and they slowly danced.

“What’s all this for?” She whispered back.


“But why?”

“I was planning this for a while, you know for our first time, but you kind of beat me to the chase.” He smiled.

“You didn’t have to.”

“I wanted to, you deserve the best.”

“You are the best.” She sighed, looking into his eyes and kissing him. She pulled back a little, “So was this the ‘interview’ you had to do?” She smiled,

“I did have an interview, but I had this set up while I did the interview.”

“Mmm, my man’s a multitasker. What a turn on.” She mused and he chuckled,

“I’m a multitasker in many ways…some of it being in the bedroom.” He said huskily,

“Baby, if you’re trying to seduce me, I’m already there.”

“Not seduce, romance you off your feet.” He whispered and she nearly melted right there. JC leaned down and kissed Emma till they were both breathless. She couldn't wait anymore, she needed him.

“I want to feel you in me, filling me, please.” Her emerald eyes were pleading. Smiling softly, he lifted her into his arms and carried her to her bed. Laying her on the bed and came down beside her.

“You’re so beautiful.” He stroked her silky hair. “And sweet.” His kiss was long and drugging. “And delicate.” He ran his hands down her shoulders, to her back until they settled on her rump, pulling her body flush with his. Emma let out a little gasp from the sudden contact of his body. “You have no idea how much I want you, baby.” He whispered huskily in her ear.

“I think I do...” She whispered against his lips as she began to pull off his shirt. Their clothing was quickly disposed amongst their kisses, caresses and gentle moans. “JC!” Emma gasped as his hands traveled to her breasts, gently squeezing them and plucking at the tips. Before she could catch her breath, his mouth followed. He teased one of the hardening buds with his tongue before closing his lips around it to suck tenderly. When he drew on the other nipple, her hands lifted to hold his head to her, never wanting him to stop. Heat pooled between her legs and radiated throughout her body.

JC lifted his head to kiss her again. This time, she met him aggressively. Her legs moved apart to cradle him. Moving from his head, her hands skimmed down his body, learning the feel of him by tactile exploration. She was learning everything that had been missed the other times she had been with him. This time they were taking their time to learn every inch of each other's bodies.

JC's hands were everywhere, worshipping her with every caress, setting fire to every nerve they came into contact with. He sent a hand wandering down her body. When he reached the triangle of dark curls below her belly, he stroked the slit lightly.

"Mmmm..." Emma purred with delight,

"Feel good baby?" He whispered into her ear as he continued to caress her intimately.

"God, yes..."

"Emma, I have to taste you." He slid his fingertips along her dewy, swollen slit, making her shiver delicately. “You’re going to taste so good, Emma.” He murmured as he came above her. “All that sweet love cream will be just for me.” His mouth left a trail of damp kisses down her torso. Her body arched up just as his mouth came in contact with her outer petals.

“Mmm...” She sighed happily as he continued taking little tastes of her. This was lovely. This lavish feeling of being adored and pleasured, was almost more than she could take. “Josh!” She cried out when he thrust his tongue into her not center. As his tongue danced and swirled around her pleasure pearl, she squirmed restlessly – her body trying to reach for that place she wanted to fly from. His hands stilled her thighs as he continued his most tender assault. Then his lips closed about her jewel. “GOD Please!” She cried out then she was there. Her body tightened with a delirious, unrelenting tension until she was flung into a rapturous tidal wave that crashed her onto a beach of bliss. “Josh!”

He continued to lap up her offering until she cried out again, then he moved between her legs, slowly, he pushed himself into her waiting heat. She was incredibly tight but when he was buried to the hilt, she closed her eyes in a blissful smile.

“Feel good?” He asked as her ran his hands through her silken tresses.

“No. It feels bloody fantastic,” She murmured as her legs wrapped around his.

JC withdrew and when he thrust back in she lifted her hips into him. “Damn!” He growled. “You’re gonna make me lose it before I even start.” He warned.

“We’ll lose it together.” Emma said smiling. “I’m not fragile and I won’t break.” She whispered,

"I think we covered that the first time." He teased with a kiss and set a slow, steady rhythm as he bent to nibble and lick at her rosy nipples. Her hands tangled in his hair as he courted the body he was loving. The first time had been frantic, but this time it was long and drawn out. In a way it felt like a totally different person.

“Josh, I’m nearly...” She broke off when her body tightened with the once forgotten precursor to rapture. “Yes, faster!” She begged. “Harder!”

He did as she asked, slamming their hips together. Vaguely, he felt her nails in his back, but he hardly felt it as his body hummed from head to toe with a delicious tingle. “Ready, Em?” He demanded.

“Oh, yes, darling!...” She was smiling and arching into him. “Josh!” Her gaze dropped and she shook violently. “Ah!...”

“I’m with you, Emma!” He cried out as he released himself on the wave of pleasure that swept her away.

Perfect. It was the first word that came to his mind when he could breathe or think once more. Emma was perfect.

“Thank you.” She whispered to him, feeling a part of her heart heal from JC's love.

He lifted his head from her shoulder to meet her gaze. “What are you thanking me for? I think that was mutual.” He smiled pulling her close, just wanting to feel close to her.

Emma sighed happily realizing that she was tightly wrapped in JC’s arms. He had completely swept her off her feet and she was head over heels in love with him. Life at this point was blissfully perfect for her, it couldn't get any better.

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