Chapter One

Kiora walked down the strip in LA when her phone rang. It probably was her brother, Danny, wanting her to bring home something from the store. With a flip of her hair she answered,


“Kiki, my doll!” Kiora rolled her eyes at her father’s nickname for her.

“Daddy, hi!” She plastered on the fake enthusiasm, she hoped that the phone call wouldn’t take too long.

“Darling, I have a favor to ask. It would make my year.” Kiora inwardly groaned,

“Yes, daddy?”

“Kiki dear, I’m trapped in Monaco on business and there’s this little promo thing that I need to go to. I have to give Russell some things, so could you do it for me?” Kiora sighed, she hated going to promo parties. All the schmoozing and fake people just made her ill.

“Daddy I hate promo parties.” She whined a little bit, “Plus I have plans for tonight.” Actually she didn’t but she really wanted to get out of this.

“You don’t have to stay that long, only and hour or two. How about that trip to Athens you’ve been wanting. Would you go then?” Kiora rolled her eyes, he’d send her on business to Athens not a vacation. She sighed,

“I’ll go, but it’s gonna cost you a lot more than a trip to Athens.” She said,

“Whatever you want sweets. I’ll tell Russell that you’ll be there. Lori will give you what I need you to give to Russell.”

“Kay, daddy, is that all?”

“Yes thank you so much Kikikins. Love you bye!” He said and hung up before she could reply.

“Yeah, love you too.” She said and put her phone away. ‘Great,’ she thought, ‘a promo party. This should be a barrel of laughs. Wonder what losers it’s for now.’

Her father was always getting invited to events like this. He owned a large chain of hotels with clubs, resorts and casinos around the globe. Tons of parties were held in them, Kiora picked up after her father and did his dirty work when he didn’t want to. She set off again on the strip to find an outfit for tonight before heading over to her father’s office to pick up what she needed.

Kiora rolled her eyes and sighed as the limo pulled up in front of their club, ‘Nightshade’. She had chosen to wear some things from her own closet. She had on a cut off jean skirt and a cut off glittered orange shirt. Kiora was in no mood to impress tonight. She wanted to get in and get out of this party as soon as possible. She ran a hand through her shoulder length blonde hair before exiting the limo and entering the party.

The minute she arrived she was crowded by people who wanted to say hi. All Kiora wanted to do was find Russell. She made the rounds till she saw him sitting with a group of guys in a booth. She made eye contact with him and he excused himself, making his way down to her.

“You finally showed up.” He commented with a smile. Russell was 27 years old and an old friend of hers. He had worked for her father since he was eighteen and now was her father’s second hand man.

“Hey, I’m here what more do you want?” She retorted.

“I was hoping that you would get here earlier so that I could at least look like I have a date.”

“You looked like you made some friends.” She nodded towards the booth of guys.

“Yeah, right. That’s who this little shindig is for. Want a drink?”

“God, yes.” She replied and they moved towards the bar.

“You should go up and meet them. What do you want?”

“My usual.”

“Double Malibu and diet coke, got it.” He waved the bartender over and gave the order.

“Why do I have to meet them? Who the hell are they?” She asked crossing her arms,

“Pop group, pretty popular.” He said turning back to her and handing her the drink.

“Yeah, not with me.”

“Spoken like a true LA brat.” He teased and she rolled her eyes,


Johnny Wright sat down with his boys after Russell Jones had left.

“So, I see you met Russell Jones.”

“Yeah, he’s pretty cool. Is Danny Jordan Sr. coming tonight? I’ve been dying to meet him.” Joey said and Johnny looked into the crowd and spotted Kiora.

“Don’t think so, that’s his daughter, Kiki. She only comes to parties like these when her father can’t.” All five of the guys looked into the crowd and spotted the petite blonde.

“She’s pretty cute, especially the name. Think I might go and introduce myself.” Justin said straightening the collar of his shirt.

“She’s a looker alright.” Johnny said, “But that girl is one hundred percent LA brat, if you know what I mean.”

“Spoiled? High Maintenance?” Lance questioned.

“Oh, yeah. Bet she got some fancy vacation for coming here.”

“Sounds good to me. Hey Johnny when do we get that kind of deal?” Chris asked.

“When you grow five inches.” He retorted and the whole table roared.

“Hey Russ, I got things for you, from dad.” Kiora said as she sipped her drink.

“Okay, let’s go into the back office.”

“Ooo, the back office,” She played, “trying to seduce the boss’ daughter, tsk, tsk.” Russell just shook his head and grabbed her hand.

“Some how, if there was seducing to be done, I wouldn’t be the one doing it.” He said and she laughed.

“Is that a hint?” She asked and rubbed up against his back side seductively. Russell just laughed again shaking his head,

“Kiora, you’re a riot.” Kiora just smiled laughing with Russell, It was a game that they had played for years. They always threw sexual innuendos around with each other just playing around. It was fun to see people’s faces when they did.

They went into the back office of the club. Russ shut the door after them and it was blissfully quiet. Kiora flopped into one of the chairs by the desk and played with her nails.

“Why don’t we stay back here for the rest of the night?”

“For someone who’s supposed to be such a socialite, you sure are a downer.”

“For someone who’s supposed to make a lot of money you sure don’t dress like it.” She retorted and Russ looked at his attire,

“What’s wrong with the way that I’m dressed?” He was wearing jeans, a light blue button down shirt over a white t-shirt.

“You look like a dweeb.” Russell scratched the back of his black, curl covered head.

“You look like you just got into a cat fight with your torn clothes.” She ignored his comment and chucked an envelope on his desk.

“That’s what he wanted you to have.”

“Is Danny still in Monaco?”

“Fucking his whore of the week, yeah.” She said spitefully and Russell picked up the envelope and opened it.

“Brandi’s a nice girl.”

“Russ, she’s younger than me. It’s fucking disgusting. He freaking thinks he Hugh Heffner. She won’t last long, he’ll be dating some other bimbo by next week.” She watched Russ read the papers, “Anything important?”

“No, it’s just Danny Jr.’s budget for the month.”

“I can’t believe that he sent me down here for that.” Russ moved around to her side of the desk and sat on the edge of the desk.

“He just wanted to make sure that you came down here and made and appearance.”

“Yeah, well I did. Now I can leave.”

“Aww, Kikikins, stay, dance and hang out with me.” He teased, “Don’t leave me with all these LA types.” Kiora wrinkled her nose,

“God I hate that name, I wish people wouldn’t use it.”

“What do you want to be called?”

“Kee, Ora, Kiora, Jordan, anything but, Kiki, Keeks, or Kikikins. I sound like one of Daddy’s blonde bimbos.”

“Well you are blonde.” Russ smiled and she playfully hit him.

“I am nothing like them.” Russ got up from the edge of the desk.

“Come on, we’ll go show these LA types how it’s done.” He held out his hand for her and she took it standing up from her seat.

“Okay, Russikins.” She teased.

“Okay, Kikikins.” He teased back and led her out of the office. They went out onto the dance floor. “Holla back youngin’” by Fabulous came on over the speakers. It was one of Kiora’s favorite songs. She tore up the dance floor with Russell and actually started to have fun. After the third song she danced to with Russell someone came up behind her and began to dance with her. She looked to Russ and he smiled, telling her that it was okay. Kiora turned around and met the most amazing pair of blue eyes she had ever seen. She was almost speechless for a minute because of their intensity.

“Hi.” She smiled as she kept dancing with the man.

“Hi,” He mouthed back because the music was so loud. They kept dancing and Kiora took time to study the rest of his face. He was hot, a strong chiseled jaw line, and happy laugh lines circled those gorgeous blue eyes. Smooth and perfect lips but his teeth weren’t perfect and she smiled at that. There must be some good in him. Kiora let her hands roam over his muscular body, he was a good dancer. He anticipated her every move and melted his hips with hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him close. Their foreheads met and she could stare into his eyes some more. His eyes were so kind, what the hell was the hell was this guy doing in LA? He couldn’t be an LA type.

The song ended but Kiora didn’t pull away, she didn’t want to leave his arms,

“Thanks for the dance, Kiki.” He said and Kiora fell out of the dream world and pulled away from him.

“Yeah, thanks.” She said coolly and walked away. JC stood there in shock. What the hell just happened?

Kiora went and got herself a drink at the bar before going to her booth in the VIP section. How the hell did she miss that guy? She was totally fooled by his eyes. He only danced with her because she was Kiki Jordan, Danny Jordan’s daughter. He was such an LA type, he probably wanted to get into her pants and sleep his way to the top. Another reason why she never went to these parties. Russ came up and sat down at her table.

“That was an interesting display on the dance floor.” He smiled smugly,

“I was just dancing with some guy.” She said and shrugged her shoulders.

“Some guy, eh? The way you were entranced by him he didn’t look like some guy.” He teased,

“He was, I was just playing around with him. Just like I do with you.” She said saucily crawling into his lap and straddling him. Russ placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close.

“You know one of these days I just might take you up on all these offers you throw my way.”

“Maybe that’s what I’m waiting for.” She wiggled her eyebrows at him and began to move her hips a little to the music.

“If your father ever saw you.” He said,

“If my father was ever in the same room long enough to notice, I’d be shocked.” She said bitterly.

“Aww, Kiksters.” Russ played and she rolled off of him with a groan,

“I think I hate that name worse than Kiki. She said leaning back and placing her feet on the table. She waved over a waitress and ordered another drink. Just then she saw her dance partner enter the VIP section. “Great, how did he get into the VIP area?” She moaned and Russell chuckled.

“Maybe because he’s who this party’s for.”

“What?” She exclaimed,

“Honey, that guy is one fifth of the biggest boy band in the world.” Russ smirked throwing an arm around her shoulders,

“I knew he had to be an LA type.” She muttered as she finished her drink.

“He’s from Orlando.” Russ corrected and she rolled her eyes,

“Same thing. Probably drives a Benz, has five houses and more girlfriends then he has awards.”

“Every guy is not your father, Kiora.” He said softly,

“Almost every guy in LA is my father, except for you, but that’s cause you’re from Nebraska.” She retorted.

“They’re nice guys, maybe you should get to know them before you judge them.” The waitress brought over her drink,

“I don’t need to. I know the type, remember? I’m the one who grew up with them.” She sighed impatiently, “I’m going home after this drink.”

“Fine, be that LA brat that everyone thinks you are. I’m going to talk to people who actually want to be here.” He said angrily getting up from the booth.


“You know, if you just gave people a chance, maybe everyone wouldn’t think that you’re the heartless bitch that they all think you are. But then again most of the time I have trouble believing you’re not.” Russ left the table leaving her by herself and she stared at the ceiling. Russ always knew how to cut her LA attitude down to size. She finished her drink quickly and got up to leave when she met those piercing blue eyes again. Why couldn’t he leave her alone?

“Hey.” She said coolly laying on the attitude.

“Hey yourself.” He replied.

“Can I help you?”

“I just have to know, did I offend you in some way? Because I thought we were having a good time on the dance floor and you just walked away from me.” Kiora couldn’t believe him, could he be any more full of himself? She caught Russell’s eye and she sighed,

“We had a good time on the dance floor and the song was over, so I left.” She replied with a little less attitude.

“Oh, okay, would you like to dance with me again, Kiki?”

Kiora closed her eyes, “Don’t call me that.” She said with a slight sigh.

“Huh?” JC asked slightly confused,

She opened her eyes, “That’s not my name.”

“Oh, sorry, my friend said…”

“Maybe you should’ve introduced yourself.” She said and JC stopped for a second,

“Oh,” he held out his hand, “I’m JC and you are?”

“Hi JC, I’m Kiora, it’s nice to meet you.” Her hard icy shell melted away under the gaze of his eyes.

“It’s nice to meet you too Kiora. You’re not leaving are you?” He asked and Kiora looked down at her drink before looking back up at him,

“Oh, no, I was, uh, going to get another drink.”

“Can I get it for you?”

“Sure, as long as you sit and share one with me.” She smiled and he grinned back,

“I’d love too.” He got a waitress over and ordered them drinks and then sat down with Kiora at the booth. They began talking and wound up talking for most of the night. A couple of times they took a break to dance. Kiora found out that JC was a really nice guy. He wasn’t like any of the LA types she knew. He was sweet and he loved music, it was his passion. He positively lit up and glowed when he talked about it. They were still talking when another member of his group stopped by.

“Hey, C, it’s past four-thirty, you wanna head back?” Kiora looked at her watch and gasped,

“My God, it’s not four-thirty!”

“You didn’t turn into a pumpkin. You okay?” JC teased.

“Yeah, I just didn’t realize that we were talking for so long.”

“I know, usually JC’s the one that tells us it’s time to go home. I’m Joey by the way.” He said holding his hand out for her.

“Kiora Jordan, nice to meet you Joey.” She shook his hand and ignored the confused look on his face. Joey then looked between the two and paused a minute before saying,

“Um, yeah, we’ll be over there.” He said and walked away. Kiora giggled at his awkwardness.

“So,” JC turned back to Kiora, “I had a lot of fun tonight.”

“Yeah, me too.”

“Do you need a ride home?”

“Um, no, I have my driver.”

“Oh, yeah, of course you do. So,” he looked at her and she smiled warmly at him. Kiora grabbed his hand and a pen. She quickly wrote down her number.

“Here this is my cell. Why don’t you call me sometime?” Kiora then got up from the table.

“Sure.” He replied and got up with her. She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“Goodnight, JC.” She said and winked at him before walking away. JC stared after her,

“Goodnight, Kiora.”

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