Chapter Two

JC waited impatiently outside Kiora’s house. Her home was a huge mansion and it took a lot of work to get her address. It had only been two days since the club but he had to see her again. JC pushed the doorbell for the fifth time. Could it be that no one was home? It was a Saturday afternoon. Finally the door opened to reveal a groggy eyed young man.


“Um, hi, is Kiora home?”

“Kaj? No it’s Saturday.” The man replied in a tone to imply that JC should have known that she wouldn’t be home.”

“Do you know where I could find her?” JC asked and the guy just groaned,

“I said it’s Saturday. She’s at the ramps, just like every other Saturday.”

“Okay then. Can you tell her that JC stopped by to see her?”

“Yeah, sure, dude whatever.” The guy said and closed the door in his face. JC stood there for a minute and then walked back to his car. He was so confused, what the hell did he mean by the ramps?

Kiora found Russ in his office looking over some files,

“Hey Russ, it’s like two. Give up the work and come eat with me.” She said flopping down in one of the chairs. Russ smirked at her,

“Some of us don’t have the luxury of hanging out with pop stars all day. I actually have work to do.” He teased and she rolled her eyes. “It’s a good thing you stopped by, we have a new assignment.”

“Already? Don’t I at least get a day off?” She half whined,

“You’ll like this one.” He grinned and she raised her eyebrow,

“What, is it in Fiji?” She retorted,

“No, but it deals with your lover boy.” Russ teased,

“Which one?” She teased back, “Do YOU need saving?”

“Yeah, from you.” He retorted and tossed pictures her way. “It’s JC.”

“Ooo, goody.” She said sarcastically and rolled her eyes. Kiora picked up the photos and looked at them. “Who took the photos?”

“That’s what we need to find out. They were sent to his management company. He has no idea about any of this.”

“Do they ever?” She retorted and Russ rolled his eyes at her,

“Well, his management wants to keep it that way.”

“Whatever, probably some little thirteen year old stalker.” Kiora scoffed, “Who else would want him?”

“You.” Russ teased,

“Guess I have to want him now. Is that the angle?”

“You already have an in.” Russ replied and she tossed the photos back on the desk,

“It’ll be solved by next Thursday. Thirteen year olds aren’t hard to catch.”

“I think it’s a little more serious than a thirteen year old stalker.” Russ mentioned and Kiora flipped through his record,

“What, espionage? Oh wait, that’s me.” She teased, “Russ, the worst thing on his record is a speeding ticket. I hardly think it’s that bad.”

“Well, those photos are satellite photos. You know any thirteen year olds with that kind of access?”

“In this day and age? Yeah.”

“Come on Kee, I know you better than that.”

“So, what do you think it is? Gambling? Drugs? The mob? Gun trafficking?”

“That’s what we need to figure out babe.”

“He just doesn’t seem like the type.” She frowned,

“Could your gut be wrong?”

“Is it ever?”

“No, but it’s never been tested in this kind of situation. It could be thrown off by your attraction to him.”

“I’m not attracted to him.” She protested,

“You voluntarily talked to him for five hours.” Russ pointed out,


“I think you like him.”

“I do not.”

“Oh yes you do. That’s why you’re being so bitchy, because you really like him.”

“I thought I was always a bitch.”

“More than usual.” Russ replied, “I saw how you looked at him and how you gave him a kiss on the cheek before you left.” Russ teased and she rolled her eyes with a groan,

“And a lot of good it’s done me.” She retorted,

“Oh please, he’s followed you around like a puppy dog.”

Kiora’s mouth dropped, “He has not.” She protested,

“He went to your house today, looking for you.”

“So, has he called?”

“I don’t know, has he?”

“No, he hasn’t. So fuck off.” She replied which only made Russ chuckle.

“Wow, you DO like him.”

“No, he’s too Hollywood for me to really like. I’ll play with him for the case, but that’s it.” She said snobbily and Russ stared at her,

“Sometimes I forget who you are.” He said softly,

“Yeah, well some days I wish I could.” She whispered,

“Just give him a chance. You really should.”

“Why? So that I can find out that he’s exactly like my father and get hurt? No thank you. From now on he’s just a number in my case file.”

“Kee, he’s not your father. He’s not like that.”

“If you like him so much, why don’t you date him?”

“Because I don’t swing that way.”

“It would make it a lot easier if you did.” She retorted,

“Since when is this about making it easier for you?”

“Because I’m a princess.” She said haughtily and Russ simply rolled his eyes,

“Yeah, okay Kee.” He chuckled, “So besides bugging me, what are your plans for tonight?”

“It’s Saturday, I’m going to the ramps.”

“Ah, of course. You know if your father ever knew about that…”

“Do you need me to repeat my statement from the other night about my father? He can’t say anything, I’m doing my work. It’s not interfering.”

“Uh huh, are you sure of that?”

“You sure seem to be.”

“Okay, so besides the ramps?”

“Are you asking me out on a date?” She teased,

“I would if I didn’t have all these reports to process. Plus I’ve got some research to do.”

“Ooo, if that just doesn’t make a girl want to jump you.” She teased and he chuckled,

“I know, I don’t understand why they’re not crawling all over me.” He said and they both laughed,

“I’ll crawl all over you any time you want, Russ.”

“I’ll keep that in mind Kee.” He smiled back and she got up from her seat,

“Well since you’re going to be boring, I’m going to the ramps. Then I’m going to take a long, hot, soak.” She said seductively, “You’re welcome to join.” She teased and Russ winked at her,

“I’ll keep that in mind too Kee.”

“You do that.” She winked back, “Bye Russ.”

“Bye Kee.”

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