Chapter Twenty-Three

The next morning JC opened his eyes when he heard a playful screech from Emma.

“JC! JC! It snowed!” She yelled and jumped on him. She pulled back the covers, “Get up and see!” Emma got off of him and ran to the balcony throwing open the doors. “It’s beautiful!” She exclaimed.

JC groaned and flipped down the covers. The cold air hit him as a shock.

“God!” He yelled and pulled the covers back over him. “Emma shut the doors, it’s freezing in the room!” His voice was lost in her laughter. She was spinning around with her mouth open and her arms open wide. JC looked at her and a smile crept across his face. She burst back into the room and hopped onto the bed.

“Come out and play with me!”

“It’s freezing!” He protested,

“Come on, please?” She pleaded and JC looked at the clock,

“No, it’s six in the morning! Come back to bed.” He said reaching for her but she backed away playfully.


“Em, we can get a couple more hours of sleep.” JC reasoned,

“You sleep if you want.” She got off the bed and JC sighed flopping back into bed. “Hey Josh.” Emma called out seductively and he turned to see what she wanted. He was hit with a snowball.

“AHH!” He screamed, jumping out of bed trying to get all the cold snow off his body. “Emma! That was not funny!”

“I thought it was.” She laughed and threw another snowball at him. This time he was quick enough to duck.

“Okay, that’s it!” He said and ran after her. He quickly caught her and dumped her in a pile of snow that was out on the balcony.

“AHH!” She screeched happily. He began putting snow down her shirt and she flung snow back at him, “It’s so cold!” She yelled,

“That’s what you get!” He laughed as she tried to get out from under him. Suddenly she pulled him down and kissed him.

“Mmm.” JC said getting lost in the kiss and forgetting about the snow. “We’re gonna make the snow melt.”

“That’s the point.” She said pulling him down again. JC felt her hands move down to the band of his boxer briefs.

“Oh, so that’s what you’re thinking.” She just smiled and kissed him again. One hand slipped inside a little and then she dumped a handful of snow into them.

JC jumped up and began dancing around trying unsuccessfully to get the snow out, “Emma!” He yelled and she took off to the other side of the room.

“You asked for it!” She taunted playfully.

“You are so in for it.” He said chasing her around the room.

“You’ll never catch me Chasez!” She taunted back always staying just out of his grasp. They played around in the snow for a while till they were too tired and too cold to do so anymore. Since it was still early, they retired to a warm bath for the both of them.

“I can’t believe you dumped snow in my boxers.” He laughed as he hugged Emma to him,

She grinned like a little schoolgirl, “I always wanted to do that. I’ve never had a snow ball fight before.”

“You never had a snowball fight before?”

“No, I’ve lived in Africa and southern California most of my life. Yeah I’ve seen snow, but I never ever got to play in it. I always got to see it through a window.” She shrugged, “My parents didn’t like cold weather. So snow fascinates me.”

“Man, you would have had a ball growing up in my town. We have like a foot of snow every year.”

Emma turned to look up at him, “You’re kidding! That’s got to be so much fun!”

"Yeah, it was. Maybe if we have time, we can go sledding."

"Sledding?" She questioned, "What's that?"

"You don't know what sledding is?"

Emma shook her head, "No, tell me what it is!"

"It's where you sit on a sled and slide down a hill." He said motioning with his hand,


"Because it's fun."

"Does the sled have wheels?" She questioned,

"No, it slides on the snow."

"Oh, like a toboggan." She said with her face brightening,

"Yeah, a toboggan." He grinned back at her and dropped a kiss on her forehead,

"You wanna go?"

"Yes! Oh yes!" She said nodding excitably. JC grinned at her excitement and kissed her forehead, “Okay baby, I’ll see what I can do.”

“I can’t wait, that sounds so exciting.” She giggled,

“Only my Emma would find sledding exciting.”

“Hey, this is like a whole new world to me.”

“I know, and it’s fun for me to show it to you.” He said leaning down and kissing her. Emma returned the kiss eagerly. She turned her body around to face him and held his face in her hands.

“Mmm, I like-” Her phone rang interrupting them, Emma pulled away,

“Baby, I have to get that.” She said moving to get out of the bath and JC pulled her back,

“Don’t, let it ring to your voice mail.” She dropped a kiss on his lips,

“It’s Stuart. It must be important if he’s calling me this early.” She said and got up out of the bath, throwing on a robe and running to get her phone. JC sighed and laid back in the bathtub.

“So much for that thought.”

“I’m sorry we couldn’t go sledding baby.” JC apologized as the bus pulled away from the hotel the next morning. She smiled and shrugged,

“I got to have my first snowball fight, I’m not complaining.”

“We’ll go sledding some time, I promise.” He said giving her a small kiss.

“Okay.” She smiled adoringly up at him.

“Do you want to play some video games?” JC said eyeing the game consol that Joey was setting up.

“No, that’s okay. Go play with the guys. I was going to go make some phone calls.”

“Work?” JC teased,

“No, family silly.”

“You work for your family. That could be considered work.” He teased,

“It’s not. I promised Connie I call her today. I don’t work with Connie.”

“Okay, tell her I say hi.” He said getting up from their seat.

“I will sweets.”

“Come get me when you’re done.”

“Okay.” She said getting up and grabbing her phone. “I’ll be up in the front of the bus if you need be before then.”

“Kay.” JC said with a peck on the lips and went to the back to play games with the rest of the guys.

Emma went up to the front of the bus and got comfortable to make her phone calls. She really wanted to talk to Tommy, they hadn’t talked in a couple days she missed him. She dialed him up and heard his phone ring.

“Tommy.” Emma sang into the phone, “Pick up your phone, I know you’re there. You can’t hide from me forever.” Emma teased over the line and Tommy finally picked up the phone,

“Hey what’s up?” He said slightly out of breath,

“Nothing, just wanted to talk to my all time favorite person in the world.” She joked,

“What do you want?” He teased sarcastically,

“Absolutely nothing, just to see how you are, that’s all.” Emma asked innocently,

“Uh huh, sure.”

Emma ignored his comment, “How’s everything at home?”

“Boring without you and Kitty around. I really miss you.”

“I miss you too, but I’ll see you soon.”

“Everything’s going well with the rock star?” He teased and she laughed,

“Everything’s perfect, you two have a lot in common. He likes to boss me around, just like you do.”

“Excuse me? Who’s bossy?”

“Good try Oliver, you know it’s you.”

“Ha, ha, you’re so funny DeCour.”

“I am, I just roll out with them all the time.” Emma stretched her legs out and laid back in her seat, “How’s the school? Did you find any replacements for me?”

“None as good as you.”

“Well you’ll never find anyone as good as me, that’s impossible. Don’t set your standards so high.” She teased,

“Well it would be easier if you would just come home.”

“Oh God, I’ll be home once I’m done here and then you’ll have me all to your little self. You’re too possessive for your own good.”

“When one of my best teachers leaves for two weeks and may not be back, yeah I’m a little possessive.”

“Yeah, best teacher, that’s why you want me back home.” She said sarcastically,

“Okay, okay so I worry when you’re on the road. I’m supposed to, I’m your big brother.”

“By one minute.” She countered,

“I’m still older.”

“Only because you’re more pushy.” She countered,

“Damn straight.” He laughed and then paused, “So everything’s going well and I don’t just mean with JC.”

“Yeah, I feel good, I’m happy, I only wish you could experience this with me.”

“Seven people on a cramped bus, five of them being guys, no thank you.”

“You know what I mean. I guess I miss you more than I thought I would.”

“I miss you too, Em. Are you sure that everything’s alright?”

“Yeah I guess.” She said with a wistful sigh,

“What’s the matter?” Tommy asked, the concern evident in his voice.

“Nothing, just a little homesick in a lot of ways. Some just can’t be cured.”

“Why not, is it because of mom and dad #1?”

“I don’t know really. I can’t place my finger on it. Maybe after all these years I’m just not used to being this far away from you.”

“You could always come home.”

“I could but…”

“You’d miss JC too much.” He answered for her.

“Yeah, I would.” She paused, “Do you want to go to Japan with me? I have to go for the company and it’d be fun to spend my downtime with you.”

“When are you going?”

“The day I get back from the tour.”

“You don’t waste any time do you?”

“Hey the world doesn’t stop for me. So do you want to go?”

“Yeah that would be great. We could go sight seeing and stuff. I’ll work it out if you get me the dates.”

“Kay, sounds great, with everything going on, I just think we need some time together without everything and everyone else.”

“Yeah I know.”

“Okay, well I should probably do some work. I’ll talk to you later?”

“Yeah, love you Em.”

“Love you too. Bye.” She said and hung up her phone.

Justin slowly backed away from Emma without her seeing him. He had heard most of her conversation and couldn’t believe what he had heard. Emma had a guy at home! She was using JC for something. He had to figure it out and expose her! To think that he had actually began to like her!

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