Chapter Twenty-Two

They had been on the bus traveling for a long time and JC walked up to the front of the bus to see what Emma was up too. She was clicking away on her laptop and talking on her cell phone. She was talking in another language so he couldn’t understand what she was saying. One look at her lap top and he knew she was doing work. He slid in across from her, and she smiled when she saw him. She waved quickly before typing again. After a few minutes she hung up her phone,

“Hey sweets.” She greeted him and he crossed his arms,

“I thought you were supposed to be on vacation.” He said lightly but with a note of seriousness.

“I’m checking my e-mail and writing up a report for Stuart. That’s not work.” She protested,

“Sure, Em.” He grinned, “You’re a work-a-holic.” He teased,

“Look who’s talking.” She teased back,

“I think you take the cake.” He teased, “Are you-” Emma’s phone rang interrupting them,

“Sorry I have to take this.” She apologized and answered her phone. JC sighed and got up from the table,

“I rest my case.” Emma’s stuck her tongue out at him in response as she continued to talk on the phone. JC leaned down kissing her on the cheek, “We’re going to be stopping soon to refuel.” Emma nodded and mouthed, ‘Thank you.’

The bus stopped to refuel and everyone was getting things they needed to get off the bus. Emma was still typing on her laptop in the front of the bus. JC had sat down with her, waiting for her to finish up so that they could get off the bus. Kitty was searching through Joey’s bunk.

“Hey Kitty?” Emma yelled as she continued to type.

“What?” She yelled back,

“Can you get my shoes? Oh and my purse? They’re right by JC’s bunk. I just have to finish up this e-mail.”

“Yes, your majesty.” Kitty joked and Emma rolled her eyes,

“Kitty, please, if it’s too much trouble…”

“No, no, princess.” Kitty said as she came out from Joey’s bunk. She grabbed Emma’s shoes and purse and brought them to her. Kitty did a little bow as she handed them to her, “Your things, your highness.”

Emma rolled her eyes and closed her laptop, “You’re incorrigible. You know I hate that.”

“I was just playing.” Kitty laughed,

“And you know I don’t like that.” Emma said shortly,

“Honey,” JC intervened, “Kitty was just joking. It’s no big deal.”

“To her it is, she just doesn’t want people to know that she’s royalty.” Kitty teased and everyone on the bus froze.

“You’re royalty?” JC stammered and Emma shot Kitty a death look.

“No, I’m not royalty.”

“Well not anymore. She never told you she was engaged to the Prince of Greece?” Kitty mentioned and JC shook his head.

“No, she forgot to mention that.” JC said and Emma sighed,

“Kitty will you stop? I wasn’t engaged to the Prince of Greece, I was betrothed.”

“Same difference.” Kitty retorted, “You were going to marry him.”

“It is not! One is voluntary and the other isn’t.”

“It was so voluntary.” Kitty protested and Emma turned to JC,

“It’s no big deal. I was betrothed and now I’m not. My life changed drastically when my parents died. Don’t listen to Kitty. I’m no where near royalty.” Emma said as she got up from her seat and slid her bag on her shoulder, “Are you coming?” JC got up from his seat and kissed her forehead lightly, “I’m coming and you’re not engaged now, right?”


“Then that’s all I care about.” He shrugged, “Let’s go.” He said taking her hand and leading her off the bus.

“You’re not mad?”

“Why would I be mad?”

“Because I never mentioned it before.”

“I never asked you about it, have I?”

“No.” She said and JC stopped and turned to her,

“If you feel it’s important for me to know, then tell me. If you don’t, then don’t. All I really care is that you’re honest and up front with me. Kitty mentioned it and you told me what she meant by it. I’m cool with that.” Emma ran a hand down the side of his face before she kissed him lightly, “You’re a very special man JC. Thank you for letting me into your life.” She said softly,

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” He grinned back and they stepped off the bus. Emma shivered,

“Ooo, it ‘s cold.” She said rubbing her arms.

“Why didn’t you bring your coat?” JC asked as he slid his off and placed it around her,

“I didn’t think I would need it. It didn’t look that cold out.”

“The north tends to get a little cold this time of year.”

“Remind me to go buy a heavier coat, I’m going to need it.”

“It’s not that cold.”

“I’m freezing!” She laughed, “I need a coat.”

“Okay.” He laughed, “We’ll get you a coat.”

“Josh, I can buy my own coat. I think I can afford it.” She teased,

“And what if I wanted to buy you a coat?” He grinned,

Emma rolled her eyes, “By the time you’d get enough time to go buy me one, I wouldn’t need it.” She teased back,

“Hmm, we’ll see about that.” He said slinging his arm around her shoulders.

“Josh, we’re on the bus all day today and when we get to the hotel, you get enough time to shower, change and go do that promotion thing, when you’re done with that-”

“Okay, I get it, you’ve been hanging out with Lance too much if you know our schedule that well.”

“No, I have to know when I can see my other boyfriend.” She teased with a wink,

“Ha, funny Emma, you dating your laptop now?” He teased back,

“No, my phone.” She laughed,

“Sometimes, I’m jealous of your phone.” He joked with a kiss to her cheek,

“You’ve got nothing to worry about.” She whispered back, “You’re a lot cuter than my phone.”

“Nice to know.” He laughed back.

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