Chapter Twenty-Five

The next day Emma walked around her room, gathering up the folder that she was planning on faxing to Stuart. She actually finished her work early and was planning on joining JC, who she was on the phone with at the moment.

“I’ll be down in a while. I just have some loose ends to finish up.”

“You’re all done?”

“Yeah, it’s amazing what being rested can do for your work productivity.” She grinned,

“See, you should spend more time in bed with me, you’d get so much more done.” He teased,

“I know I’d get done more often.” She teased back,

“Yes, yes you would.” He chuckled,

“So… I’ll see you in a little bit?”

“Yeah, just call before you leave so I know to expect you.”

“No problem, I love you.”

“Love you too, bye.”

“Bye.” Emma hung up her phone and the room phone rang

“Hello?” She answered,

“Miss DeCour?”


“There’s a Mr. Oliver here waiting to see you.”

“He is? Where?”

“In the lobby, do you want me to send him up?”

“No, I’ll come down, thank you.”

Emma rushed down to the lobby and instantly saw Tommy. Quickly she ran over to him,

“Tommy! What are you doing here?” She said hugging him tightly.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I really wanted to see you and I needed to get out of town for a few days.”

“Are you in trouble?” She asked teasingly,

“No, just a little cabin fever.” He shrugged,

“Why didn’t you just call me?”

“It was a spur of the moment thing. Is it okay? You’re not mad are you? I didn’t want to ruin any plans.”

“God no! I love that you’re here! It’s great! Where’s your luggage?”

“Just my bag, for an overnight.”

“No longer?”

“No, I have business to get back to and students to teach.” He teased,

“Cute Oliver, so are you hungry?”

“Am I ever, the flight food was horrible.”

“You flew commercial?” She asked as she took his arm and they began to walk towards the elevator to her room.

“The plane was in Atlanta, by time it got to me it would have been pointless. I just booked a quick flight.”

“Guess that means the family needs another plane.”

“Don’t Em, it’s not that important.”

“I happen to like buying planes, thank you very much. Actually I’ve been telling Stuart that we’ve needed another plane for the family. We just don’t fly together as much as we used to and it’s just time.”

“You talk about buying a plane like most families talk about buying a second car.” He teased,

“You can buy your own plane if you’d like, you know. You have the means.”

“It’s not my money Em, that’s yours.” He said and she stopped him,

“Are you or are you not a DeCour?” She asked seriously,

“Yeah, but…”

“Shut it Tommy, just because you didn’t grow up with me doesn’t mean you’re not entitled to your inheritance. It’s your money as much as it’s mine and Stuart’s. In fact you’re more entitled to it than we are.” She said and they continued to walk again,


“Because you are the first born son. Simple as that.” She stated with such finality that Tommy almost didn’t push her, almost.

“Stuart’s older than me.”

“He’s not blood. You are. Face it Oliver you’re a billionaire and you didn’t even know it.” She retorted and he half smiled,

“It’s just weird, you know? Every adopted kids wishes that his real parents are rich and famous, but it’s weird to have it actually work out, you know?”

“Okay Annie Warbucks.” She teased as they walked out of the elevator and down their hall,

“Ha, ha, you’re a freakin comedian.” He said sarcastically and then changed the subject, “So where’s the rock star?” He asked and she rolled her eyes, not even bothering to correct him because she knew he did it to push her buttons,

“He and the boys were busy today.”

“What, was the groupie train not allowed to go?” He teased and she pushed him playfully,

“Oh shut up, I could if I wanted to, but Josh said that it would be way boring and said to stay back so that I could work. Which was good because now I get to spend time with you.”

“Like you wouldn’t spend time with me if I was in town, anyways.” He teased and she rolled her eyes,

“I should just send you home, Oliver. I think I’ve been cured of my homesickness.” She laughed as she pushed him into her room.

Justin was at the hotel because he had forgotten some CDs he wanted and was walking out of his room when he saw Emma walking down the hall arm in arm with a young looking guy. He immediately pulled back but peeked around the door frame. He heard their entire conversation as they walked to her and JC’s room. Once they were in, he let out a deep breath. He couldn’t believe her! He seriously felt sick to his stomach. Emma was cheating on JC, while JC thought that she was working.

“Work-a-holic my ass!” he muttered, “More like slut-a-holic.” He said and stalked down to the car that was waiting for him to take him back to the photo shoot.

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