Chapter Twenty-Six

Emma and Tommy laid back on the couch after their lunch.

“Man, I’m stuffed, I could so go for a nap right now.”

“You wanna take one? I’ve got the extra room.”

“You don’t mind? I know I’m not here that long.”

“Take a nap, I have to go finish up some things and then I was going meet up with Josh for his last photo shoot. I can give you a key and just give me call when you wake, if we’re not back yet.

“How will I know if your back?”

“Trust me you’ll know when the guys get back, it’s pretty chaotic.” She said and he smiled,

“Okay, then.”

Emma arrived at the photo shoot and slyly made her way over to JC who had his back to her. He was sitting on the ground and looking over some papers when she was within feet of him, preparing to surprise him.

JC reached up, grabbed her and swung her into his lap.

“Hey Mrs. Jones.” He mused and the shocked Emma smiled at him,

“How did you know it was me?”

“I can sense when you’re near.” He shrugged and she raised her eyebrow at him, “Or I saw you coming in the mirror, over there.” He smiled mischievously. She laughed,

“I should have known.” She said and kissed him,

“You decided to come and keep me company, finally?”

“If you don’t mind.”

“Hell no!” He exclaimed kissing her again, “Mmm, how was your morning?”

“Oh my gosh! It was great! You’ll never-”

“JC, we need you now.” A staff member interrupted them,

“Ooo, baby hold that thought. I’ve gotta work.”

“Okay honey.” She replied kissing him and getting up off of him. He got up and brushed a kiss over her lips before running off.

Emma hummed to herself as she wandered around the photo shoot. She was in 7th heaven since Tommy came to visit. She always felt better with him near and everything just seemed to go her way. She found Kitty talking to Joey and Justin.

“Hello everyone.” She cheered happily as she came up to them,

“Hey Em!” Kitty said happily and gave her a hug, “Did you get your work done?”

“No, but that’s okay.”

“What the hell did you do all morning? I know it wasn’t sleep.” She teased,

“Ha, ha, you won’t believe who I ran into today.”

“No one really cares Emma.” Justin said and grumpily stalked away. Emma, Kitty and Joey stared after him,

“What’s wrong with him?” She asked gently and Joey shrugged his shoulders,

“I don’t know, he’s been in a mood ever since lunch.”

“Was it something he ate?” Kitty suggested,

“Got me, the kid’s got more PMS than anyone I know.” Joey said,

“Joey we’re doing the group shots now.”

“Kay,” he shouted back, “See you girls later.” He said running off but not before giving Kitty a quick kiss.

Emma raised her eyebrow at her best friend.

“Stop.” Kitty protested, “We’re just friends.”

“Uh huh, sure. You’re sleeping with him, you spend all you’re time together and you can’t keep your eyes off of him. SURE you're friends.” Emma grinned and Kitty rolled her eyes,

“Friends with benefits. I don’t want anymore, I’m good.” She replied crossing her arms,

“So what was this great morning that you had with a mystery visitor?”

“Tommy’s here.”

“What!?” Kitty screeched making everyone look at her and Emma. Emma simply rolled her eyes,

“Tommy’s here. He came to visit me because he knew I was a little homesick for him.”

“He’s so sweet. You two make me wish I had a sibling. Where is he? I miss him too!”

“He’s taking a nap at the hotel. He’s gonna call when he wakes up.”

“This is so cool! How long is he in town for?”

“Till tomorrow, just a quick visit to see me.”

“And me.”

“Of course you too.” She smiled.

“Emma, keep it down! We’re trying to finish this shoot!” Justin yelled in her direction and Emma looked up at him,

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’ll be quieter.” She said softly. Kitty looked at Justin and then back at Emma,

“He’s got it in for you today I swear. I wonder what crawled up his ass and died.” She retorted,

“Shh, I don’t want to get in trouble again.” Emma said pulling Kitty further away from the guys.

“You’re not giving into the Prince of Poop are you? Please, they have music blaring, they can barely hear us.” Kitty protested,

“I don’t want to cause problems.” She shrugged, “Obviously something’s wrong with Justin.”

“Maybe he didn’t take his Flintstones today.” Kitty retorted making Emma laugh,


A little later Emma caught up with Justin,

“Hey are you okay? You seem really on edge honey.” She said gently resting a hand on his shoulder. He angrily brushed her hand away,

“Don’t even think about it. Get away from me.” He spat at her,

“Okay.” She said slowly, backing up a little from him, “Why are you mad at me?”

“Because you’re a lying, cheating, bitch.” He said and Emma was shocked,

“Excuse me Justin? I think you need to explain yourself!” She said sternly,

“I don’t need to do anything. To think I actually began to like you again. I knew it was too good to be true. I knew you were going to hurt C again. No one would believe me.”

“I don’t understand. What the bloody hell have I done wrong?”

“You’re cheating on JC!” He hissed at her,

“No, I’m not!”

“Justin we need you now.” A staff member called and Justin kept his glare on Emma,

“You’re not going to get away with it. I saw you today in the hotel.” He said and walked away. Emma stood there in shock, lost in her thoughts. Why would Justin think that? Then it hit her, Tommy. He thought she was cheating on JC with Tommy.

At that moment she looked up at the door to see Tommy walk through the door. She jumped a little and hurried over to him,

“What are you doing here?” She said hugging him,

“I know you told me to call, but I met up with some of the crew and they gave me a lift.” He looked around at the photo shoot. “So this is what rock stars do all day, huh?” He teased wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

“Oh stop.” She said playfully,

“Where’s Kit? Did the rock stars corrupt her?”

“Like they could, more like she’s corrupting them.” She joked and they both laughed.

Kitty caught sight of Tommy and ran over to him, jumping on him full force.

“TOMMY!” She exclaimed, “You’re here!” Tommy hugged her back and put her down,

“Hey Kit, I hear you’re corrupting some rock stars.” He teased,

“Only some of them.” She winked.

Justin stared at Emma and the guy. She had the balls to bring him here and flaunt him in JC’s face. His blood boiled more with every thought till he couldn’t take it anymore.

“I can’t let her do this!” He grumbled and stalked away from the photo shoot, over to Emma.

“J?” Joey called after him but Justin didn’t pay attention,

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” He yelled at Emma and the trio turned to him in shock.

“How can you be so vile as to bring the man you’re fucking around with behind JC’s back, here!? I can’t fucking believe you!” He screamed and Emma coolly crossed her arms,

“Are you quite done with your temper tantrum?” She said and his mouth dropped,

“You bitch. I-”

“Excuse me.” Tommy interrupted him, “I know you’re supposed to be some rock star and everyone falls to your feet, but I’m not going to standby and let you call my sister names.” He finished forcefully and Emma held Tommy back with a hand on his arm,

“I’m not-” Justin started but then stopped, “Wait, did you just say sister?” He said completely dumbfounded.

“Yes, he did.” Emma said wrapping her arms around Tommy’s arm, “Justin I would like to introduce you to my twin brother, Tommy Oliver. Tommy, this rude, little man with his foot in his mouth, would be Justin Timberlake.” Tommy eyed him suspiciously,

“You’ll understand if I don’t shake your hand.” He growled,

“Em, I, I…” Justin stuttered,

“Save it Timberlake.” She shot back,

“I’m so sorry. I just thought, oh man!” Justin exclaimed and slapped his forehead. JC jogged over to the group,

“Is everything okay?” He asked and Emma smiled up at him,

“Wonderful, Justin here was just giving us a fabulous display of how one puts his foot in his mouth.”


“Never mind, I’ll explain later. I want you to meet my brother, Tommy. Tommy this is Josh.” JC instantly stuck out his hand,

“It’s great to finally meet you.” Tommy shook his hand,

“Same here, it’s nice to know my sister’s dating a polite rock star.” Tommy half teased and JC laughed,

“Rock star?” He laughed looking at Emma, who rolled her eyes,

“Just ignore him. He’s jealous that you’re cooler than he is.” She teased,

“I don’t know, from what I hear from you, Tommy seems a lot cooler than me.”

“Nice brown nosing.” Tommy laughed and turned to Emma, “I like him, you can keep this one.”

“Well thanks for the stamp of approval.” Emma teased her brother and everyone laughed. The boys were once again called back to the photo shoot; Justin went back with his tail between his legs. The trio went over to some seats to talk.

“So that’s why he’s been on your case all day.” Kitty said as they sat down,

“I guess so.” Emma shrugged,

“I still don’t like how he flipped out on you.” Tommy said protectively,

“Tommy, the way you are with me is the way he is with JC. He’s just afraid that JC’s gonna get hurt.”

“JC’s a grown man.”

“And I’m a grown woman. Does that stop you? No.” She said and he sighed,

“I guess so, but he didn’t even apologize.”

“Yes he did.”

“You sure like defending this kid.”

“That’s because I admire him for what he does. He’s got a good heart, he just needs to learn how to get all the facts before reacting.”

“Man, you can tell you two are siblings. Your arguing is driving me crazy.”

“Alright Kitty.” Emma smiled and turned to Tommy, “Did Kitty tell you about Joey?” Kitty shot her a look and Tommy raised an eyebrow,

“Joey? Joey who?” He demanded and Emma laughed as she watched Kitty squirm.

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