Chapter Two

Emma was touring Nevada and stopped in Las Vegas. She had never been there before and it was extremely interesting. An old family friend owned a casino/hotel in Vegas. She went into the hotel to get a room for a couple of days. She walked up to the clerk at the head desk.

“Hi, I’d like a room for a couple of days.” The clerk looked at her suspiciously.

“I’m sorry, but we’re all booked. You have to make reservations here at the Bordeaux Hotel and Casino at least two months in advance.” Emma smiled at the clerk.

“Richie always has at least one of the top floor suites free for special drop ins.” The clerk looked surprised at first but then regained his composure.

“I’m sorry miss, but we do not have any available rooms for you. Why don’t you try the motel down the street?” Emma couldn’t believe the clerk’s nerve. When Emma didn't reply he stuck his nose in the air at her and said, “You’re holding up the line of customers who have reserved to stay here. If you do not leave I will have to get security to throw you out.” Emma was flabbergasted at the clerk’s rudeness. She turned to walk away when a familiar voice beckoned her.

“Emorah DeCour, you are not leaving before stopping in and seeing your Uncle Richie.” Emma smiled to herself and turned to see Richie Bordeaux coming at her with open arms. She gladly accepted his hug. “What are you doing here my love, it’s been forever since I’ve seen you. You get prettier everyday, you must have to beat all those boys off with a stick, eh?”

“Hi, Uncle Richie, I’ve missed you too.” She said blushing at his comments.

“Are you just checking in? How long are you staying?”

“Well Uncle Richie I had slight problem checking in. Your clerk said that there was no room for me here.” The clerk watching the scene swallowed hard knowing that he was in trouble.

“What?! Well we’ll take care of that. You go pull your car around the front and I’ll have my attendants see to everything.”

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” She said as they walked toward the door of the hotel.

“I’m only sorry to say that I’m leaving tonight for Borneo. But maybe if you are here when I come back we’ll have dinner okay?"

“Okay Uncle Richie.”

“I’ll see that you have your own personal attendant for how ever long you stay. That way you won’t have to wait for anything.”

“Thanks Uncle Richie.” Emma hugged Richie and went to get her truck, pulling it up front. When she got out of her truck she was ushered into the hotel while ten bellhops took care of her luggage. The manager of the hotel Michael escorted her up to her penthouse suite.

“I’m sorry to say that we couldn’t give you the best suite, it’s currently occupied at this moment. But here’s the second best. Once again my apologies, Miss DeCour.” Michael said on the way to her door, he unlocked it and opened the door for her. Emma walked in and looked around,

“Don’t sweat it, Michael, this is absolutely fabulous. Thank you so much for all your help.” Michael bowed slightly and closed the door.

Finally thought Emma peace and quiet, she flopped down onto the couch in the living room. All of her bags were there already ready to be unpacked, but Emma left them and decided to take a bath and go to bed it had been a long and exhausting day.

The next day when Emma got up she felt like walking around a bit. She wound up shopping and stopping in all her favorite boutiques. She even stopped by the DeCour Boutique. The personal shoppers of the store gave Emma looks. One asked her if she needed any help but Emma declined. They were watching her like a hawk, Emma smiled to herself, little did they know that she was their boss.

Not many people recognized her as the child of the DeCours because her parents did a good job of protecting her from the press. Pictures were far and few between of her. The last time they had pictures she was 15 years old. She walked around fingering some of the dresses; they were her mother’s designs, some of the old favorites. Emma missed her parents very much. Coming to that store was like seeing them again, her mother used to wear all of her own designs. A tear fell off of Emma’s cheek. Quickly she regained her composure and quickly left the store.

In the front of the hotel there was a great commotion. Tons of girls were lined up outside, Emma wondered what all the fuss could be about. She took the back route into the hotel and was stopped by a guard.

“You can’t pass through here miss.” He said gruffly and Emma raised an eyebrow at him,

“What are you talking about, I’m staying at the hotel and I just want to get to my room.” The guard looked skeptically at her.

“Can I have your name please?”

“It’s Emorah DeCour.” She said pissed off that she had to wait to get into her own hotel. The guard talked into his radio, suddenly his expression changed. He turned to Emma with a smile.

“I’m sorry for the confusion Miss DeCour, go right on through.”

“Thank you.” She went in and parked before any valet could get to her. She hated when people waited on her hand and foot. She grabbed her packages and left for her room. The moment she walked into the hotel lobby, bellhops came to her aid and took some of her packages to her room. She let them because they were relentless, but she was able to keep a couple of packages to bring up. Emma waited for an elevator but security guards blocked her once again. Emma was extremely irritated now.

“Listen, I am a registered guest and all I want to do is get to my room. Now move.”

“Hey, Marc she can ride up with us.” A voice said from behind her. The security guards escorted her to the elevator where the voice came from. “Thanks, I can’t believe all this commotion, you’d think the president is in town.” The guy chuckled; Emma stood back and was able to get a good view of the man who offered the elevator. He was really handsome; his hair was brown and brushed back. He was very muscular she could see that from the way his t-shirt clung to his chest.

“Hi, my name’s JC.” JC held out a hand for Emma and she shuffled the two boxes she was holding to shake his hand but she lost grip of them and they fell to the floor. She and JC immediately bent down to pick the things up.

“Whoops, I guess I should have had the bellhops take these too. Silly of me to think that I could actually do something on my own.” Emma said smiling and JC laughed,

“Yeah I guess so.” He picked up one of the thigh high leather boots that Emma was carrying up.

“Hmm, someone’s got an interesting, night life.”

“Who says that I only wear them at night?” She shot back with a devilish smile.

“Really?” JC said getting up off the floor and handing a guard the boxes. “Here let's try this again. Hi, I’m Josh Chasez, everyone around here calls me JC.”

“Hello, I’m Emorah DeCour, but everyone calls me Emma.”

“It’s nice to meet you. What floor are you on?” Emma noticed his clear blue eyes, they were mesmerizing.

“Huh, what did you ask?”

“What floor are you on? Am I talking in a foreign language?” He asked rather snottily.

“Oh, the Penthouse.” She said a bit flustered.

“Great that’s where were going too. What a coincidence.” Emma finally looked around at the guards and it finally clicked.

“All this is for you?” She asked skeptically. JC looked at her with a hurt look.

“You don’t think I’m worth all this?” He said jokingly, he held up his hands and gesturing to the guards.

“Not this much commotion.” Emma said playfully. “But you must be something special for all this.” She finished.

“Well, it’s not all for me, it’s for my four friends too.” He said.

“Oh so that obviously constitutes enough security to guard the Queen of Sheba.” She said sarcastically, “Does this happen every time you enter or leave the hotel?”

“Yep, it does.” They got to their floor and Emma took her boxes and started toward her door. She looked over her shoulder,

“Hey could you do me a favor?” JC smiled and walked confidently up to her.

“Sure, anything, want me to autograph those boots?” He smiled at her. Emma looked at him strangely and opened her door.

“No, that’s quite all right. But could you give me a list of times that you’ll be coming and going form the hotel?” JC’s smile widened.

“Sure, why?”

“So, I’ll know when not to be around.” And with that she went into her suite and shut the door. JC was taken a back by Emma’s comment, it was a nice change from the usual screaming fans, it was like she didn’t know who he was. JC started to walk back to his suite thinking of Emma. She was gorgeous, he had to admit, and she had this innocence with an edge. He walked into his suite lost in his thoughts. The guys were all sitting around watching TV and chilling.

“Ah the great JC finally makes an appearance.” Chris said

“Yeah where the hell were you? We’ve all been here for a half an hour already.” Justin said getting up off the couch and coming over to JC.

“Huh? Oh, yeah sorry I got caught up on the elevator.” JC said thinking of Emma and smiling to himself. They all saw his face and knew what was up. Being best friends they could read each other, especially JC, like books.

“Okay, who was she?” Joey said crossing his arms in front of himself.

“What are you guys talking about? There was no girl, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” JC said defensively.

“Oh come on JC.” Justin commented. “You’ve got that ‘I’ve met the girl of my dreams’ look on your face.”

“Look don’t worry about it, I’m gonna go take a shower.” JC said as he walked into his room and shut the door behind him.

“Oh he was so lying.” Joey said as he flopped back on to the couch.

Emma had no sooner sat down in her suite, when there was a knock on her door. Sighing she got up to get it. She hoped it wasn’t that JC guy again, he was so arrogant. Emma opened the door to see Michael standing there.

“Hello, Michael, what can I do for you?”

“Miss DeCour-“

“Emma, please.” She interrupted.

“Of course, Emma, I just wanted to apologize personally for any and all the inconveniences today in the hotel. The security guards were not fully warned and I apologize, severely. I-”

“Michael, stop, stop apologizing, it was no big deal really. It just took me longer to get to my suite. I lived, I’m fine. Okay? Stop worrying so much about me, you’ll give yourself a heart attack and I wouldn’t want that on my conscious okay?” She smiled at Michael who looked relieved.

“Thank you, Miss, I mean Emma.”

“Michael did I ever tell you how much I hate being waited on hand and foot? I promise I won’t tell Uncle Richie if you don’t.” Michael smiled.

“As you wish, Emma.”

“Thank you, Michael.”

“Is there anything else, Emma?”

“No that’s all. Good-night, Michael.”

“Goodnight Emma.” She slowly closed the door and went back into her suite. Emma went to the fridge in her room and noticed that there was no ice. Emma grabbed her ice bucket and went to find an ice machine. There were none on her floor so she checked the floor below. She got off the elevator and saw one at the end of the hall. Emma walked to it and began to get her ice. She was almost done when she heard a voice.

“Hey, is this good ice?” Emma jumped five feet in the air and her ice spilled all over the floor.

“Oh, no.” She looked at the guy who scared her and it was JC. “Don’t you know not to go sneaking up on people? Look at this bloody mess.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. Don't worry about it, someone will be around to pick it up. In fact i can call someone to do it” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a cell phone.

“No, that’s quite alright I can pick this up myself.” She sighed and bent down to pick up the ice. JC bent down to help.

“Well, can I at least help you pick this up? It’s partly my fault anyways.”

“Sure, knock yourself out.” She rolled her eyes at him. For such a cute guy his mouth really got him into trouble. They finished picking up the ice and dumped it into a near by garbage can.

“So, if this your first time visiting the states?” JC asked.

“No, I live here.” She answered and went back to the machine to get more ice.

“Oh, well I assumed with the accent and all.” He stammered.

“Well maybe you assume too much.” She said shortly.

“Hey, I’m trying to be nice here. What’s with the attitude, I said I was sorry.” JC looked hurt. Emma felt for him, she was being a bit bitchy.

“I’m sorry, it’s been a long frustrating day.” She looked around and noticed for the first time that he was alone. “So where are all your big beefy security guards? Don’t they go everywhere with you?”

“I snuck out.” He said with a devious smile. Emma looked at him and laughed, he was actually a little bit charming.

“Ooo you rebel.” She played with him and he smiled,

“Yeah, that’s me the big rebel.” They both laughed and finished getting their ice.

“Well, Miss DeCour, can I walk you to your suite?” He held out and elbow for her.

“Why, yes you can Mr. Chasez.” She said taking it, and admitting to herself that her wasn’t half-bad after all. Walking back to their floor Emma looked up and caught his eyes again.

“Yes, Miss DeCour?” he asked playfully.

“Oh, nothing I was just wondering why you and your friends need all that security for?” JC looked quizzically at Emma. She really didn’t know who he was. Emma went on. “Well my best guess is that you’re an actor.”

“Really? You seriously have no clue?” JC said surprised.

“No, should I?”

"Well, yeah, not to brag but, it's rare when someone doesn't know who I am."

“I have better things to do with my time then watch TV.” She replied.


“Yeah, basically my life’s consisted of work and sleep.”

“I completely understand.” He replied.

"What, being famous isn't all it's cracked up to be?” She joked and he smiled back,

"Not really.” They were at Emma’s door. Emma let go of JC’s arm and faced him.

“Well thanks for helping me with the ice.” Emma said.

“Your welcome, even though it was my fault, and I promise not to sneak up on unsuspecting women, anymore.”

“That’s good, but something tells me that some women wouldn’t mind you sneaking up on them.” She smiled and he shyly looked to the floor and ran a hand through his hair.

“Yeah, maybe.” He looked up suddenly as if he had just gotten a bright idea.

“Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night?” he grinned at her, “You’re not working are you?” She giggled quietly.

“No, I’m actually on vacation for a while.”

“That’s good, sounded like you deserved one, but if you’re not busy would you like to have dinner with me?”

“I’d like that Josh. It’s been a while since I’ve had company at a meal that wasn’t a bellhop.” She smiled at him and he laughed.

“Okay then, how about I pick you up at eight?” He looked into her eyes, not wanting to leave her.

“Sounds great. I guess I’ll see you then, Josh. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Emma.” Emma opened her door and went in.

JC was floating on air, Emma was an amazing person. He walked into the suite and was bombarded by the boys.

“Where the hell were you? Marc is so pissed that you snuck off.” Justin spit out. JC pointed to the ice bucket.

“I was getting ice, okay?” Joey eyed him suspiciously.

“Ice, hmm, it’s not like,” Joey whipped open the freezer, “We have any ice here at all.” All the boys laughed and Joey went on. “So was there any real point to this ice?” JC blushed and Chris started in on him.

“Uh oh boys, looks like our little Joshy’s got himself a girl.” Chris pinched his cheek; JC pushed his hand away.

“So maybe it is, so what?” he said as he walked into the kitchen and put the ice down.

“So what?” Joey asked. “Are you going to tell us about her? I mean I think we should approve of her, right guys?” All the guys agreed. JC rolled his eyes.

“Fine, her name’s Emma.” He said as Justin sat on the counter.

“And?” he said prodding for more details.

“And what?” JC said.

“Where’s she from, what does she look like, what’s she like, details man, come on.” Justin asked. All the guys were in a circle around JC, staring at him. JC put his hands up in surrender.

“Okay, okay, she’s really great and very sweet. She has long blonde hair with glints of red in it and she has these mystical green eyes that are gorgeous. A wonderful smile and I don’t know,” He smiled to himself and said. “She’s just wonderful.” The boys stood there for a second staring silently at JC and then broke out into fits of laughter. Joey was rolling on the ground in tears,

“She-he he he-has-mystical-ha ha ha.” Joey couldn’t finish because he was laughing so hard. JC stalked off.

“Thanks guys.” JC muttered as he went into his room and slammed the door. A few minutes later the laughter calmed down.

“Aw man he’s got it bad for that girl.” Lance said.
