Chapter Three

Emma woke the next day to her phone ringing. She flipped on a light and grabbed her phone; laying back in bed she answered it.

“Hello, it’s Emma.”

"Emma, thank god, it’s Tommy, are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”

“You haven’t called in a couple of days. I was worried.” Emma rolled her eyes and smiled.

“I’m fine Tommy. No one took me away.”

“Well, good. What have you been up to?”

“Oh nothing much. I’m still in Vegas, just relaxing. I went shopping yesterday and watched TV, met a guy, going to the gym today-“

“Whoa hold on there, cowgirl. You met a guy?”

“Yeah his name’s Josh. He’s very sweet.”

“Well, what do you know about this guy, Josh?”

“He’s funny, kind and has a lot of body guards and his four best friends are here in Vegas with him.”

“Body guards? Why does he have body guards?”

“I dunno, I think he’s an actor or something.”

“Do you know anything about this guy beside his name?”

“Well, no. But we’re going to dinner tonight so I’ll learn more about him then.”

“Wait, you’re going on a date with him?! Emma do you know how dangerous that is? He could do anything to you.”

“Tommy you worry way to much. It’s not a date. We’re just having dinner, nothing more.”

"Emma, that’s a date.”

“Oh Tommy give me a break. It’s not a date; I’m just going to dinner with a nice guy who asked me. For once I’m actually going to have company at a meal. I won’t be by myself sitting alone at a table for one.”

“Well, that’s your own fault. You’re the one who went off alone.”

“Tommy, chill out. I thought you might actually be happy for me because for the first time in a long time I’m enjoying myself.”

“Emma. I do want you to enjoy yourself. I’m sorry, I just want you to careful. Not everyone is as wonderful as you think they are.”

“Tommy, I’ll be fine. He’s a nice guy, plus if did lay a finger on me he’d have to answer to you.” She teased.

“You bet he would.”

“So can you stop worrying so much, you’ll give yourself an ulcer.”

“Well one of us has to be the worrier.”

“Oh yeah, Mr. I race cars with maniacs who don’t know how to drive because it scares the living daylights out of my sister.”

“Hey, I race because it’s fun. It’s something I enjoy.” He said emphasizing the I.

“Yeah, not till I get back, remember you promised, I need a stress free vacation.”

“I only promised not to go to the track.”

“Tommy.” She warned.

“Okay, okay, I promise not to race till you get back.”

“Thank you, so are you going to chill on the JC thing?"

“Okay,” he said slowly, “I’ll try.”

“Thank you.” They chit chatted for a bit more and then got off the phone. Emma got out of bed and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She went down to the gym to work out.

Emma stepped on the treadmill, punched a few buttons and began running. Emma didn’t need to workout usually, her body stayed the same no matter what she did, but she enjoyed the feeling of working out. It was that rush of energy that made her feel so alive. A few people were in and out of the gym. Emma didn’t notice much though, she was thinking about dinner with JC. She hadn’t been out to dinner in a long time, face it she hadn’t had a life in a long time, well since Jason. Just thinking of him made her stomach turn. She turned her thoughts to JC again and smiled to herself. It was weird to go out to dinner with a perfect stranger, but then again, JC didn’t feel like a stranger. The butterflies started to flutter in her stomach just thinking about it. She couldn’t understand what was wrong with her. Why did JC affect her this way? Emma finished on the treadmill and began on the step machine. She was on that for a while and did a few other machines. She felt refreshed after her long work out. Emma wiped her face with a towel and began walking out of the gym when a man stopped her.

“Hi, I was wondering if you could help me.” He was a tall and beefy, his hair was dark brown with bright red tips and was spiky. He had a goatee and was wearing a superman t-shirt with black nylon pants.

“Sure what can I do for you?” She answered. He looked shocked but then intrigued by her accent.

“I was wondering if you knew the way to the pool?”

“I’m sorry, I don’t, I’ve only been here a short time.”

“Ah, what a coincidence, me too. Hi my name’s Joey.” He held out a hand for her to take. Emma shook his hand.

“Hello, I’m Emma, it’s nice to meet you Joey.” She smiled at his warm gaze. “Well, I’m sure if you ask a staff member they’ll be more than happy to tell you where it is.” He laughed at himself.

“You’d think at my age I could think of that but, sadly no.” She laughed at him.

“Okay, well, bye Joey.”

“Bye, it was nice meeting you, Emma.” Emma turned around and waved.

“It was nice to meet you too, Joey. Goodbye.” Joey smiled and waved back; she was gorgeous even though she had just worked out. He knew he had to find out who this woman was.

Emma went back to her suite and took a long hot shower and then got dressed. It was a little warm out side so she threw on a fun silky skirt and a white tank top with cute mules.

‘What to do. What to do.’ Emma said to herself as she looked around her suite. She wanted to do some work, 'Old habits died hard.', she thought to herself. Emma had left her laptop at home, as this was to be her vacation, but she wanted to check up on things. So she decided to go out and buy a new one. Her old laptop was outdated and she had been meaning to get a new one. Emma grabbed her purse and headed out the door. As she left the suite she noticed that the elevator door was open.

“Hold the elevator!” She yelled as she ran for it. “Thanks.” She said as she got inside.

“Your welcome, the pleasure was all mine.” A slight southern accent replied back. The man who held the elevator for her was cute. He had bleach blonde spiky hair and green eyes. His smile was adorable; it twisted to one side. Apparently the elevator was the spot to meet cute guys these days. Emma was staring so hard that she didn’t realize that he had asked her a question.

“Huh? What did you say?” she stammered.

“What floor are you going to?”

“The lobby please.”

“Great, exactly where I’m going, less buttons for me to push.” He winked at Emma and she laughed.

“Well I do try to make life easier for others.”

“I appreciate it. So what brings you to this wonderful hotel?” he asked her.

“I’m on vacation.”

“Wish I was, are you staying here long?” The elevator hit the lobby floor and the doors opened.

“I might, I keep on finding more and more reasons to stay.” She said with a wink and walked of the elevator.

“Bye.” Lance said realizing that he didn’t even know her name.

“Bye.” Emma said with a wave over her shoulder. Lance watched her walk away until the doors shut on him. He made them open again and went to find Joey; he had to tell him about that girl.

Emma took a taxi to the nearest computer store. When she walked in a bunch of assistants came to her aid. Emma rattled a long list of the requirements she needed for a computer and they brought her to a model to test. Emma had been brought up around computers so she knew what she was talking about. They brought her a model to test, it was exactly what she needed but then she remembered that she needed a cordless Internet connection. It was in the cell phone department, she walked over and started examining different models. Justin was also in the cell phone department; Joey had sat on his phone and broken it so he was getting a new one. He noticed the beautiful woman in the department and went over to talk to her. He looked over her shoulder and noticed she was looking at the same phone he used.

“I suggest that red phone there, it has a really clear sound and you can call from just about anywhere.” A young man next to her said. She glanced up at him; he was about the same height with fun, sparkling, hazel eyes, a great smile and a mop of curly blonde hair.

“You’re right, it is a good phone, in fact I have one.” She said and she pulled it out of her purse. “But what I really need is one of these.” Emma said as she picked a flip phone. “It’s a cordless Internet connection for laptops as well as a phone. This way you can have the Internet wherever you go.”

“Really? Wow, I didn’t know they had them. Maybe I should get one.”

“I swear by them. It really helps me since I travel a lot, and not everywhere I go has Internet connections.”

“Hmm, your right. I travel a lot and this would be perfect. Well you’ve sold me.” He called a man over and whispered something in his ear. “Thanks for the help.” He said.

“Your welcome.” A salesperson came up to Emma and handed her the laptop in a case.

“Everything you requested is in there, Miss.”

“Oh thank you. Could you add this to my bill?” She said pointing to the phone she was holding.

“Absolutely, I’ll be back in just a minute.” He raced off into the back. She laughed,

“They’re so helpful, it’s cute.” Justin agreed laughing too.

“You’re right, they are cute.” He said flamboyantly. She rolled her eyes,

“Oh boy.” The salesperson was back before the guy could talk.

“Here you are. Will that be all?” He asked politely.

“Yes, thank you very much.” Emma waved bye to both men and walked out the door. Justin tried to go after her but the salesperson talked to him.

“How about you Mr. Timberlake? Are you all set with everything?”

“Sure. Thanks man.” Justin said as he walked away following Emma. He hadn’t missed her she was outside hailing a cab.

“Hey I could give you a ride to wherever you need to go in my limo.”

“That’s alright I like taxi’s.” A taxi pulled up along side the curb in front of Emma. Justin opened her door for her.

“So are you in town for very long?” he asked her as Emma stepped into the taxi.

“I might be. I like this town more the longer I stay.” She said smiling at Justin. Emma closed the door and waved through the window. Justin ran around to the cabby and whispered something to him and slipped him something. The cabby nodded his head and Justin then waved at Emma and walked into the store. Emma waved back and she told the cabby where to go and left. She leaned back into her seat and watched the city go by. Apparently Las Vegas had cute guys coming out of the woodwork. ‘Maybe I will stick around a little longer.’ She thought smiling to herself. The cab stopped in front of he hotel and a bellhop quickly opened the door for her. She got and went to pay the cabby, but he refused saying it was compliments of the young man at the store. She thanked the cabby once again and entered the hotel to go up to her suite. It was already 5:30pm and she wanted plenty of time to get ready for her dinner with JC. On her way through the lobby there was another huge commotion. Emma sighed irritably she was sure that JC and his friends were to blame. She pushed her way through the crowd of girls and broke through to the other side. She was heading toward the elevators when a guy looking down trying to hide his face ran right smack into her. Emma closed her eyes and counted to ten silently. The young man who had ran into her apologized profusely.

“I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“Of course, why should you look where you’re going.” She said angrily.

“Look lady I said I was sorry, if you’re gonna get your panties in a twist because someone bumped into you, you’ve got bigger problems.”

“I am not getting my panties in a twist, it’s just if some people would watch where they were going and not being so self centered, things like this wouldn’t happen.”

“Self-centered?! I am many things but I am not self-centered.” The man had made such a face that Emma had to laugh. “Hey what’s so funny.” The man asked.

“I’m sorry but this is such a ridiculous thing to argue over. I just seem to have the biggest problems coming and going from this hotel. I guess you just happen to be the last straw, I’m sorry.”

“Well apology accepted. Friends?” The man stuck out his hand and Emma went to take it but the man shocked her by hugging her tightly.

“I’m so glad.” He said in a funny voice. Emma couldn’t control herself and burst out laughing. She had tears in her eyes by the time he let go.

“You are a funny man, thank you I needed that.”

“I try to make the world a better place to be.” He took superman pose. “My job here is done!” And he ran off. Emma laughed, shook her head and got on the elevator.
