Chapter Thirty-Four

The next day Emma paced the hotel hallway by herself. She was waiting for the guys to arrive. Kitty wanted to come as well but had a family reunion to go to. The guys were late and she was getting impatient. She couldn’t wait to see JC again and was jumping out of her skin in anticipation.

Finally people began arriving on the floor announcing their arrival. She waited patiently for JC to step off the elevator. She watched each of the guys come off the elevator. Each of them were happy to see her and told her that JC was still downstairs, but should be up soon. He was one of the last guys to arrive at the floor.

“Guys, come on all I want to do is see Emma real quick. I’ll be back in like a half an hour.” JC protested to his bodyguards as they pulled him off the elevator backwards. When the guards saw Emma they smiled to each other as JC continued protesting, “You know I’ll pay you guys. Come on, just real quick.” He complained and Emma giggled quietly at the sight.

“Tell you what C, 200 hundred bucks and you can go see Emma.” Lonnie said and JC stopped,

“Is that all it takes? Why didn’t you say so sooner?” He said reaching into his back pocket for his wallet,

“Uh, that’s 200 hundred each.” Dre said with a huge grin beamed at Emma.

“Shit.” JC swore silently under his breath, “Uh, I’m going to have to go to the ATM.” He said still not turning around,

“Oh no you don’t, you’ll go to the ATM and never see your sorry ass again. You’re just going to have to borrow it from someone.”

Emma quickly took out some money from her purse and walked up behind JC. She slid the money over his shoulder, “Here you go.” She whispered into his ear and JC whipped his head around at the sound of her voice. A grin burst onto his face and he instantly swept her up into her arms,


“Hi honey.” She said hugging him back,

“How long have you been here?”

“A while. I couldn’t wait to see you.” She said kissing him,

“Mmm, me neither. It was awful without you.” Dre and Lonnie cleared their throats to let the couple know that they were still there.

“Awful for who?” Lonnie joked, “Cuz I know you don’t mean you.” The couple looked up at the bodyguards,

“Was he really that bad?” Emma asked,

“Mopey as shit and irritable as hell. Frickin pain in the ass.” Dre mentioned, “Girl I think I know more about you than you do. You wear a size 6 ½ shoe right?” He said and she burst out laughing,

“You two sound like you deserved that 200 hundred dollars.”

“It would have helped.” Lonnie said and she pulled more money out of her purse,

“Here.” She said handing them each three hundred dollars, “For dealing with this pain and bringing him back safe and sound.” She said wrapping herself back into JC’s arms. JC knew better than to protest but the guards didn’t,

“Em, we can’t take this. We were just kidding.” Lonnie said and Emma quickly pulled JC away down the hall refusing to take back the money.

“It’s a token of my appreciation. Merry Christmas.” She waved,

“Em, Christmas is five months away!” Dre said,

“So, it’s a little early.” She winked,

“I think you just became their favorite girlfriend.” He said and they both laughed,

“So are you free?” She asked,

“For a little while, why?”

“I wanted to show you around town.”

“How about I show you my hotel room.” He whispered suggestively and she cocked her head in question,

“Why would you want to…OH!” She grinned when it dawned on her, “You’re absolutely naughty Mr. Jones.” She whispered back,

“I’ve been without my Mrs. Jones. You bring it out in me.”

“Aw, man! We haven’t even been back ten minutes and already they’re mushy in the halls!” Chris complained loudly and the couple turned.

“Hello, to you too Chris.” She teased playfully and gave him a quick hug.

“Hey Em, thank God you’re back. That boy’s a bear without you.” He teased and she folded herself back into JC’s arms,

“Well, I guess it’s good I’m here taking one for the team.” She teased,

“Hey!” JC protested,

“Come on lover boy, we have a town to see. If you’re good, maybe we can spend time in MY bedroom.”

Emma pulled up next to a familiar car at the intersection. She looked over at Brock who was grinning like a fool. He revved his engine and she raised an eyebrow. Emma revved her engine challenging him.

“Uh, Em?” JC questioned, but Emma was now concentrating on the road as she waited for the light to change. Both drivers were daring each other further and further as they waited for the light to change. JC became more concerned, “Emma-”

The light changed and he was interrupted as Emma sped off. Brock was right next to her speeding down the road they were on. Emma inched ahead as each car went faster and faster. Finally she pulled ahead of Brock and he conceded by slowing down. Emma laughed as she kept up her speed pulling ahead of him and then taking a sharp turn onto a side road before slowing down to a normal speed.

JC was holding onto the side of the car,

“What the hell was that?”

“Just a little fun, hun.” She shrugged with a laugh.

“You could have killed us!”

“Stop, I would not. My car’s too good for that. I know how to handle it. Did you forget that my brother is a race car driver?” She inquired and JC shook his head,

“I remember, but I didn’t think that, that made YOU a race car driver.”

“I’ve taken a spin or two around the track. It’s fun.” She grinned wildly, “I see why he does it.”

“So you approve of it now?” He inquired,

“I always approved of it. I mean it’s his passion. I just don’t like it when he races and I’m not there. I just feel better when I’m right there to watch over him.”

“You can’t stop an accident.” JC pointed out.

“I can’t, but it’s just a thing I have. I just feel better when I’m near in case he needs me. I know I can’t do anything when he’s racing. I guess I’m weird like that.” She rambled as she pulled up into her driveway.

“You’re not weird honey. Different, but not weird.” He smiled,

“Thanks honey.” She said winking at him, “Come on, I want to show you my house.” She said getting out of her car and JC quickly followed,

“Mmm, let’s start with the bedroom.” He said pulling her close,

“Who says that we have to confine ourselves to the bedroom? There are many places that work well for our purposes.” She smiled kissing him gently. JC deepened it as he moved her into the house. When JC backed her into the house, Emma nearly tripped over a box.

“Oh my!” She shouted grabbing onto JC to keep from falling.

“Are you okay?” He asked and she nodded,

“Yeah.” She said and moved the box further into the house, “Sorry about that. I haven’t had time to unpack from Japan.” She said moving other boxes that were blocking the doorway.

“Baby, how do you move in here?” He laughed and helped move a couple more boxes,

“It’s a lot easier when I’ve been home and I can get to this stuff. If you remember, I haven’t been home in a couple of weeks and things tend to pile up.” She teased, “In fact, I don’t even know what half of this stuff is.” She said opening a box and looking through it quickly.

“You get random packages?” He questioned,

“Yeah, companies, politicians, people I’ve done business with, people who want to do business with me, they all send packages of stuff.” She opened another box, “Oh dear, I should’ve opened this package sooner. Oh they’re going to kill me.” She muttered to herself as she pulled out a few packages.

“Who is?” JC inquired,

“R & D, I was supposed to look over these prototypes a while ago. I’m surprised they haven’t been hounding me with calls. I’ll do it later.” She decided placing the boxes back into the larger box.

“Okay honey.” He agreed and Emma waved him further into her house,

“Come on, I swear we’ll find somewhere to sit.” She grinned, “The downstairs is pretty basic. That was the foyer, the living room is over….well that was living room, right now it’s storage for more packages.” She laughed as she walked into her living room. There were garment bags, luggage, boxes, and various papers laying over everything. “I swear I’m not this messy.” She laughed as she poked around all of the items.

“It’s fine baby. I totally understand.” He chuckled, “Why don’t you have an assistant to help you with this stuff?” He asked,

“Because every assistant I’ve ever had, made more work for me. I can never find one that can keep up with me.” She laughed and pulled JC further into the house, “Come on upstairs, there’s no packages up there I promise.” She led him up the grand staircase in the back of the house. At the top was a pair of French Doors. She pulled them open, “This is my bedroom.” She grinned and led him into the grand room. JC pulled her close and kissed her neck,

“Well, let’s be productive with our time.” He whispered huskily and she turned in his arms

“Mmm, I’m all about being productive with you.” She whispered against his lips. JC didn’t respond, he just kissed her more. He moved her over to the couch on the side of the room. Just as Emma’s back hit the couch, her phone rang. She immediately pushed JC away, “I have to get that.” She said jumping off the couch and grabbing her phone,
“Hello? Markus? Thank God you finally called me back. Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to call me back?…No, I know that, but I need this plane soon and it has to be perfect….I said red leather seats, not red leather on the walls, that’s ridiculous!”

JC sighed and leaned back against the couch, this was the call that couldn’t wait? Red leather was more important than being with him?

Twenty minutes later she flopped down on the couch next to him, “I’m so-”

“Sorry?” JC answered for her and she sighed,

“I really am, I’ve been trying to get a hold of that guy for a week now. He’s designing Tommy’s plane for me and he just doesn’t get that I’m in charge. He does whatever he wants and I hate that. I know what I want and I want it done my way, I mean I’m paying for it right?” She said shaking her head, “It’s the last time I ever work with him again.” She said and noticed JC’s demeanor, he still wasn’t happy. “Can we go back to where we were, or rather where we were heading?” She asked stroking a finger over his earlobe,

“Why, when you’re just going to have to answer your phone.” He said shortly.

“How about this.” Emma said leaning over his shoulder. “I’ll turn my phone off.”

“Yeah right.” JC scoffed and Emma held out her phone in front of him,

“Watch me.” She said and turned her phone off right in front of him. Then she tossed it in the chair across from them. “Now, it’s just you and me.”

“I can’t believe you turned it off.” He smirked turning to her,

“You’re more important than my phone.”

“Nice to know.” He smirked and kissed her.

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