Chapter Thirty-three

On her first day back in California, Emma went to the school to join one of Jason’s classes. Tommy had taken off for the local Indian reservation with Kim to help her with a project she had for school. This left Jason running the school by himself for two weeks. She knew he would need the help and went to teach some classes. She had taught it with him before and really missed teaching. Lately she and Jason had been getting along, mostly because she had JC in her life. It was a lot easier to deal with Jason because she never thought of him in the romantic sense any more. He was simply Jason, her friend and her brother’s best friend.

Emma came into the classroom happily and dropped her bag in the corner by Jason’s. He was already there stretching. She dropped down on the floor by him and began stretching her legs out.

“Hello Jay.” She said in a sing song voice. Emma was in the best mood because she had just gotten off the phone with JC.

Jason smiled up at his ex-girlfriend. She could always bring a smile to his face. “Hey Em, how was Japan?”

She shrugged, “Eh, Japan. It was beautiful, though I’m very happy to be home.”

“We’re happy to have you home.” He replied.

Emma cocked her head to the side, “How are you today? You look a little tired.”

He smiled tiredly at her, “Fine, been here basically all day since eight, I’m dog tired.”

Emma reached down towards her right foot, “Oh, do you want to go home and have me teach the class?”

“Nah, it’s okay.” He paused for a minute, “Can I ask you something, Emma?”

“Of course.” She said sitting back up straight and looking at him,

He nodded to her eye, “Where’d that bruise on your face come from?”

“What this thing?” She said pointing to her face, having almost forgotten about it and Jason nodded, “I walked into Kitty’s fist. My fault totally.” She explained.

“Really?” He asked skeptically and crossed his arms.

Emma raised an eyebrow, “Yes, really, go and ask Kitty.”

Jason sat back on his hands, “What about those bruises, after Tommy’s accident? Where did they come from?”

Emma was completely confused, “What? Jason I told you-”

“I know what you told me,” He interrupted her, “but I want the truth.” Emma thought he had to be joking around, but one look at his face and she knew that he was dead serious.

She stopped and stared at him, “It was the truth, Jason.”

Jason sighed and ran a hand over his face, “Emma, don’t lie, you were always bad at it. It’s me you’re talking to. I know you, you’re not clumsy, you just don’t fall and you just don’t walk into people’s fists. What really happened?” He crossed his arms again.

“Jason,” Emma sighed, brushing her hair off her face, “it’s what really happened.” She looked off into far corner of the room,

“Are you in trouble? Did JC hit you?” He asked and Emma looked at him shocked,

“What?! No! Josh would never hit me! I’m not in any trouble, I’m fine and I don’t need a protector! Just drop this, it’s absolutely absurd.”

“But-” He started but Emma stopped him,

“No buts Jason, stop it right now. I mean it.”

“Fine.” He said still not believing her.

Emma sighed, “Look, Josh, would never even think of hurting me. Tommy approves of him and you know how Tommy is about any guy in my life. If Tommy trusts him, don’t you think that you should too?”

Jason sighed again, a sound that was thoroughly irritating Emma at that moment. “Yeah, okay.” Jason relented and Emma let out a deep breath,

“Okay.” She said and got up from her spot on the floor, “I’m gonna get new music for warm up.” She left the room.

Jason stared after her. He didn’t trust JC, something didn’t fit. He just seemed to good to be true, the way Emma made him out to be. He vowed to get to the bottom of it. No one hurt his friends, especially Emma, and got away with it.

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