Chapter Three

Mike and Eva walked around their neighborhood for a while and then Eva showed him her new house. It was amazing what she had done with it in the time that she had been there. The inside of the house was completely different. Eva made use of every room, turning them into libraries, studios, a recording studio, sitting rooms, etc. Mike soon realized that it was dinnertime and invited her over for supper. His parents were excited when they found out who she was. They welcomed her into their family and treated her like their own daughter. After dinner was cleared they went back over to Eva’s to watch TV. Tim and Kerrie were walking down the street to see if Mike was home yet. They saw him walking with the model and go with her into her house.

“Interesting.” Tim said, but Kerrie was upset.

“What is he doing?!”

“Guess he got the courage to talk to her. Maybe he’ll introduce me.” Kerrie glared at Tim.

“This isn’t funny, Tim.”

“Oh geez Kerrie, I bet there’s nothing to it.” Alex came running up to the duo.

“Hey guys what’s going on?”

“Nothing, just that Mike went with the model into her house.”

“Huh, that’s funny, I saw them walking around the neighborhood earlier today when we were supposed to meet at the park.”

“So that’s Eva.” Tim said. Kerrie was fuming now.

“He is so dead.” She said before stomping off in the opposite direction.

“Should we go after her?” Alex asked.

“Nah, she needs some time to cool off.”

“Okay, so what do you think is going on between Mike and the model?” Alex asked.

“I don’t know, but he better talk to Kerrie soon or he’s going to lose her.”

“Maybe he doesn’t want her anymore.” Alex finished.

Eva handed Mike a glass of ice tea.

“I want you to meet my friends.” Mike said.

“The ones that have been gathered at your house the past couple of weeks?” She asked sitting down next to him. Mike blushed,

“You noticed?”

“Um, it’s kind of hard to miss ten people staring at you night and day.”

“Oh sorry.”

“It’s okay, I kind of enjoyed it. I would love to meet your friends. When can I meet them?”

“Right now if you want.”

“Sounds good.”

“Kay, hold on. Can I use your phone?”

“Sure, here.” Eva tossed him the cordless phone sitting next to her. Mike called a bunch of people and told them to meet him at the Youth Center in fifteen minutes.

Kerrie sat at a table with the rest of the gang. She sat quietly playing with her thumbs. Mike had called them all together to tell them something. Mike walked into the Youth Center with his arm around the model. Her heart sank to the floor and everyone’s mouth dropped. He walked up to the table.

“Hey guys, thanks for coming so quickly. As you can see I’ve got someone to introduce to you as well as tell you something.” Kerrie prepared for the worst.

“Everyone this is Eva Amour, my twin sister. Eva this is Garrett, Kerrie, my girl friend, Tim, Anna, Roxy, Alex, and Sam.” Mike smiled at the shocked and speechless group. Mike and Eva laughed,

“They are taking it better than you thought.” Eva said. Garrett was the first to speak,

“Your sister?!?!?!?! The model is your sister?!?!?!?!”

“Yep,” Mike nodded, “It’s amazing what the mail delivers these days.”

“How, when, what?” Tim stammered. Eva gently laid a hand on Mike’s arm.

“I can handle this.” She said

“How can you be Mike’s sister?!” Roxy exclaimed.

“Everyone calm down, let us explain.” Mike said. They calmed down a bit but only to find out how this was possible. Eva and Mike told the story about how she found out about Mike and went to find him. Eva’s cell phone rang in the middle of the conversation, she excused herself to answer it.


“Eva it’s Josh! What’s going on?”

“Hey, Josh! Not much. How are you? How’s the tour coming along?”

“Great, busy, busy, busy, ya know. How’s the whole brother search going?”

“Great in fact I met him and he’s absolutely fabulous. I’m meeting his friends right now. They’re really great.”

“That’s great Eva, I’m glad that you finally met him.”

“Me too.”

“So, question, how would you feel if I came out and stayed with you for a few days?”

“How would I feel? I would love it if you came out here and stayed with me!!! When are you coming to visit?”

“Well I have a few days off next week, but I’ll have to call you later about the details.”

“Oh Josh, I can’t wait to see you!!”

“Me neither Angel. Okay I have to go so I’ll talk to you later, bye Angel!”

“Bye, Josh!” Eva came back to the table and Mike was just finishing up the story. They were all completely amazed.

“That is so cool!” Anna said amazed at their story.
