Chapter Four

Eva meshed into their group and once they found out that she was a black belt in Karate and Tae Kwon Do and a fabulous gymnast they loved her even more. Everyone in the group was a black belt, it’s how they became friends in the first place and Kerrie, Anna and Sam were gymnasts too. She basically was the missing link to their group. A couple days later they were working out in the Youth Center. Eva and Mike were sparring. Mike did a roundhouse kick, which Eva blocked and turned to drop Mike on the mat.

“That’s game point, I win.” Eva said getting up from the mat and dusting herself off.

“That’s not cool, you had an unfair advantage.” Mike said still lying on the mat.

“Please, how did I have an unfair advantage? You just can’t take it that a girl beat you.” She said putting her hands on her hips.

“She’s right Mike.” Tim said from the side of the mat.

“Well that’s just it,” Mike said as he got up and grabbed a towel from his bag, “you’re a girl so I went easy on you, and you, some best friend you are taking her side.” Mike teased Tim, throwing his towel at him. “I want a rematch, this time I won’t hold back.” Mike pouted and Eva laughed,

“You’re on, and maybe this time it won’t be so easy to beat you.” She teased.

“That’s it, let’s go right now.”

“Bring it on big boy.”

“Uh oh, looks like this is getting serious.” Tim said jokingly. Eva’s cell phone rang, interrupting the rematch.

“Hold on, I have to get that.” She ran to answer it.

“Oh way to get out of the rematch.” Mike taunted. Eva just rolled her eyes at him and answered her phone.

“Hello, Eva here.”

“Hey baby it’s me.” Eva knew that it was Josh and decided to play with him.

“Funny, I don’t know of a ‘me’. I think you have to wrong number.” She said sarcastically.

“Ha, ha, real funny. It’s me, Josh.”

“Josh who? I know a bunch of Josh’s.” She said playing around. Josh was getting a bit pissed off.

“Josh Chasez, ass.” He said through clenched teeth.

“Woo, someone’s a little testy today.”

“Well if someone wasn’t a bitch, I wouldn’t be testy now would I?”

“I’m sorry, I was just joking around.” Eva said a little hurt. Josh sighed,

“No, I’m sorry. I’m just a little stressed out. I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”

“It’s okay. So what’s going on?”

“I just want to finalize our plans for next week. You don’t know how much I am looking forward to getting away from all of this for a couple of days.”

“It’s really bad huh?”


“Okay, so what time are you flying in? Do I need to pick you up at the airport?”

“I’m flying in on Tuesday at 10am, flight 452 from Orlando and it would be nice to be picked up at the airport considering that I don’t know my way around your town.”

“Okay, I can do that Mr. Snotty. Are you sure there’s nothing wrong that you want to talk about it?”

“I’m sorry, like I said before I’m just under a lot of stress from the guys and I really just want to sit around and do nothing and just relax. Don’t worry about it, I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, question what day are you leaving?”

“Oh I plan on leaving on Friday at 6pm.”

“Good, so I get a full four days with you.”

“Yep, non-stop Josh Chasez action.”

“Great.” She said sarcastically.

“Hey,” Josh said sounding hurt, “maybe I’ll go somewhere they appreciate me.”

“And that would be?” She joked back.

“ANYways,” JC said trying to change the subject, “what are we gonna do in this town of yours?”

“Swim, lay by the pool, roller blade, hang out with the gang, nothing at all.”

“Sounds great I can’t wait to meet your brother and his friends.” JC paused to talk to someone in the background,

“Yeah, okay, be right there. Ugh,” he said talking to Eva again, “They want us to practice some more, so I guess I’ll talk to you later?”

“Yeah, see you soon.”

“You bet, bye Angel.”

“Bye, Josh.” Eva hung up her phone and smiled to herself almost bursting out in a small giggle. Mike came up beside her.

“Hey, stop talking on the phone, it’s time for our rematch.” Mike saw the excited look on her face. “Who was that phone call from?” he asked. Eva glanced up to her brother,

“My best friend, Josh. He’s coming to visit next week, I haven’t seen him in years and he’s really excited to meet you and the gang.”

“That’s cool, so he’ll have some good dirt about you when you were younger?”

“Probably, but I’d like to see you get it out of him.”

“You wanna make a bet.”

“I bet I can beat your ass in the rematch.”

“You’re on.” Mike said laughing.

JC sighed as he hung up his phone, he wished that he could have talked to her longer. Lately he had really missed having his best friend around. He smiled to himself at the thought of seeing her next week he couldn’t wait. Lance walked pass JC,

“Come on JC we have to rehearse.”

“Okay.” He said letting out a dreamily sigh. Lance stopped and looked at JC,

“Okay who is she?” JC dropped out of his thought of Eva and looked up at Lance.

“What do you mean who is she?”

“Oh come on, you have that lost little puppy look on your face. The one you always have when you fall for some girl.”

“I do not, I haven’t fallen for any girl.”

“Right.” Lance said smiling as he walked off to the dance studio. What Lance said got him thinking, well he had been thinking a lot lately, mostly about Eva. She was the most wonderful and sweet person he had ever met. She had always been there for him when he needed her, even if he couldn’t return the favor to her. And she was so understanding he felt that he could talk to her about anything. JC just couldn’t get his mind off of Eva, was Lance right? Had he fallen for his best friend and not realized it?
