Chapter Four

Izzy woke the next day early in the morning craving a run. So she got up and pulled on a sports bra, nylon shorts, and sneaks, stretched a little and left. She liked running because it was a freeing experience for her. She could go anywhere and no one could stop her. As she ran she would do skier jumps over the white line on the side of the road to toss things up and bopped along to her CD player. On her way back to the compound a red car passed her, she couldn’t see who it was but they beeped at her, she didn’t pay much attention to it. Finally Izzy was back at the compound and jogging up the driveway when someone jumped out from in between two cars at her. Izzy’s tae kwon do instincts took over, she grabbed the person and flipped them on the ground and held them there.

“Hey! Hey! It’s me Chris!” Izzy took a good look at the flailing guy she had pinned to the ground and realized that it was.

“Oh my god! Sorry!” She let him go and helped him up. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, remind me never to do that again. Where the hell did you learn moves like that?”

“Third degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No,” he said brushing himself off, “just a little stunned that’s all.”

“Well then you learned your lesson not to jump out at unsuspecting people?”

“No, I learned not to jump out at you.”

“Well that’s a start.” She spit on the ground and began to stretch.

“That’s lovely, it’s not very ladylike.”

“Who ever said that I was a lady? Don’t you have rehearsal to get too? I remember Wade saying that he wanted to start early today.”

“It’s okay Justin’s probably not even up yet.” They walked into the house, where they caught Joey walking to the studio.

“There you are, I was wondering where you had gone off too.” He said.

“I was teaching Chris a lesson in the driveway.” She said and Joey looked puzzled.

“This girls got some Kung Fu fighting skills.” Chris joked and then it dawned on Joey and he laughed.

“Yeah I wouldn’t take her on, she always kicked my ass.”

“That’s cuz you’re a big wuss.” Izzy said as she pulled up a leg to stretch it. “Are you going to be learning choreography all day?’

“Yeah, probably, what are your plans for the day?”

“Work, work and more work. My professor gave me a few things to finish up for her over the summer.”

“Okay, well, we better get going.” Joey said kissing Izzy on the cheek.

“Have fun.” She replied and Chris pouted,

“Hey, where’s my kiss, Joey?” Joey’s response was a punch to the arm and Chris jumped him. Izzy shook her head and ran up to her room to take a shower. On the way she ran into Lance,

“Oh hey Izzy. You’re up early.” She smiled at him,

“Yeah, decided to go for a run. You guys sound like you have a full day ahead of you.”

“Yeah, and Lance should get downstairs so we can start.” JC said coming out of his room and shutting the door.

“Whoa, chill JC, he was just chit chatting with me. It’s not the end of the world.” She replied.

“Yeah, well we don’t have time for chit chat.” He shot back as he walked past them and down the stairs, Izzy looked at Lance,

“Is he always like that?” She asked and Lance shook his head,

“Kind of, he just likes to have everything be perfect.”

“Well you better get down there before he chews you out for talking to me. Don’t want to cause too much trouble on my first day here.” She joked.

“Yeah, sure. See you later Izzy.”

“Bye Lance. Tell captain hard ass to have a nice day for me when you see him.” She joked and Lance laughed,

“I will.” He went off and jogged down the stairs. Izzy smiled to herself as she walked to her room, Lance was such a nice guy and he was really cute. Maybe this summer held more interesting things for her than she had thought. She got along with most of the guys, well except for JC. He hadn’t even really acknowledged her existence at all. But as long as wasn’t rude to her like he was just then she be cool.
