Chapter Five

Izzy spent the day by the pool working and catching rays. She so needed to get some color on her; she was white as a ghost. Lucy used to joke about her being an albino because she spent so little time outside in the sun. Then again in Edwards the sun was a rarity most of the year. Around noontime Joey found her.

“Hey there you are!” Izzy looked up from her laptop,

“Hey Joey, what’s up?”

“We’re breaking for lunch. I just came to see if you wanted to eat with us.”

“Why would I want to eat with you?” She replied sarcastically and stuck her tongue out at Joey.

“You know I can throw you in that pool.”

“I’d like to see you try, Fatone.”

“Oh would you now.” He said moving towards her, “Come on, there won’t be anything left if we wait.”

“I know I saw how you guys ate last night.” Izzy said getting up and pulling on a shirt over her bikini and flip-flops. “Just let me straighten things up and I’ll be right there.”

“I can wait for you.”

“Kay. So where’s Kelley? I haven’t seen her around.”

“Oh, she’s at her parent’s for a while. Probably till the baby’s born.”

“How far is that?” She said as she straightened the scarf on her head and they started walking towards the kitchen.

“Not to far, like ten minutes or so.”

“Why isn’t she here with you?” Joey shrugged,

“I guess she wanted to be with her parent’s for a while. They have time to wait on her like she needs to be.”

“The baby’s due any time now, huh?”

“Yeah, I can’t believe that I’m going to be a dad.”

“I can’t believe that you’re going to be a dad.”

“I’m a little scared. I mean that baby’s life is dependant on me, what if I screw up?”

“That’s why there’s therapy, Joey.” She joked and then turned serious, “Don’t worry, you’ll be a great dad.”

“You think so?”

“I know so.” She said with a smile and Joey returned the favor.

They walked into the kitchen to the boys devouring the food. Izzy grabbed a small plate and sat down. Joey filled his plate full and sat down next to her.

“Is that all you’re eating?” He asked shoveling in a mouthful.

“I ran this morning.” She said shrugging her shoulders.

“Must be nice to lay around on your ass all day.” JC commented and Izzy looked at him. Did she do something to piss him off in the past twenty-four hours? Why was he so mean to her?

“I wasn’t just lying on my ass all day. I’m working on stuff that I couldn’t finish at school.”

“Like what?”

“I working on a study with one of my professors about kids with ADD and ADHD. I’ve been playing with the data all day.”

“What’s that?” JC asked.

“That’s those kids who have overactive brains and stuff.” Justin interrupted.

“Yeah something like that.” She smiled at Justin.

“Doesn’t sound that hard. What do you go to school for?”

“Master’s in school psychology.”

“Izzy’s really smart too. She had a 4.0 gpa for the last four semesters.” Joey quipped and Izzy cell phone rang. She jumped up and answered it missing any comments after that.

“Hello?” Izzy moved away from the chatter of the table.

“Izzy?” It was Lucy and she sounded really worried.

“What’s wrong Lucy?”

“Oh, Izzy it’s a huge mess here.” Lucy cried.

“Lucy honey, calm down. What happened? Tell me.” She said in her best soothing voice.

“Well we were all up at the Kappa house last night and they had alumni up.” Lucy took a deep breath to calm the sobs, “Well one of the sketchy alumni trapped Marie in a bathroom and tried to get it on with her, but you know Marie. She made a huge scene and then punched two of the brothers. Brad got pissed and started throwing bottles everywhere almost hitting our sisters a bunch of times. Then Julie got out of hand and wound up peeing on Danny’s couch to piss him off, which he is. Then Sara took Julie out of the house and when she came back John got all up in her face about everything. He wouldn’t let her back in, so Sara went off on him calling him all sorts of names. He tried to kick her out but she wouldn’t leave and she started crying and making a huge scene, but John wouldn’t get out of her face. She flipped and kicked him in the balls and ran away from the house. Now there’s talk of charges being pressed and they want to pull out of the philanthropy that we really need to do to remain on campus. I don’t know where to start, Izzy. What do I do?” Izzy took a deep breath,

“Lucy, everything’s going to be okay. I’ll take care of it. I’ll call Kappa and then I’ll call you back about everything.”

“You sure you don’t want me to do anything?”

“Tell Julie that she is on probation and that she will be having a long, long, conversation with me tonight. Make sure that everyone stays in tonight and tomorrow. Also make sure that Marie is okay; if she needs any help make sure that she gets it. I think that’s about it.”

“Okay, when are you gonna call back?”

“I don’t know, but you need to chill. This can all be fixed, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

“Okay, hon, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye Izzy.”

“Bye Luce.” Izzy hung up the phone and sighed. She noticed that it was really quiet and all the boys were staring at her.

“Is everything okay?” Joey asked.

“No, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. Where was that vacation you were talking about, Joey?” She said sitting back down at the table.

“Is it the sorority?” Joey asked quietly and she picked at her food.


“Wait a minute, you’re a sorority girl?” JC said amused.

“That puts a whole new spin on you Izzy.” Justin said smiling but Izzy wasn’t in the mood.

“Why, oh let me guess, you think we shower together and run around in our underwear.” She replied shortly.

“They do, I saw it with my own eyes.” Joey joked and she smacked his arm.

“You just walked in at an un-opportune time.”

“Oh but what a time it was.” He smirked and she rolled her eyes,

“Whatever, look I’ve got to work on my new problems. See you guys later.”
