Chapter Seven

Back in Las Vegas, Joey suggested that they go out clubbing. JC ran over to Emma’s to ask her to come with them. JC knew she say yes because she had promised to come and hang out with them that night. He grinned at the thought of Emma and what she could probably wear. JC knew he had fallen for Emma hard-core and if things went well tonight he had planned on asking her to come on tour with him. He figured that if she was already on vacation, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, plus the boys absolutely adored her.

JC knocked on her door, there was no answer. ‘She must be a sound sleeper.’ He thought to himself. He knocked louder and yelled,

“Emma? Emma? It’s JC! Wake up!” Still nothing. ‘Wow a really sound sleeper.’ He pounded and yelled louder.

“Emma! Wake Up! It’s JC! Em-“

“Young man! Young man! Please refrain form beating on the hotel’s property!” A stern voice form behind him said. JC turned to see the manager of the hotel, Michael Madissio.

“Oh, sorry. I was just trying to get my friend up. Apparently she’s a sound sleeper.” Michael raised his eyebrow at JC.

“Really, why did you want to see your friend, hmm?”

“Why is it any business of yours why I wanted to see Emma?” JC said defensively.

“If you’re looking for Miss DeCour you won’t find her here, she checked out this afternoon.” Michael retorted snottily. JC was in disbelief.

“What are you talking about? I just talked to her a few hours ago. Why would she check out and not tell me?”

“You tell me, Mister?”

“JC Chasez. Why would I know why she checked out? Did she leave a note or a number to call? Did she say where she was going? Why she left?”

“No, no, no and, no. If we are all done here, Mr. Chasez. I have work to do. Good-bye.” Michael swiftly left the floor. JC was in shock; he leaned against the wall and banged his head against it. He was completely crushed, why would she leave so suddenly? Why didn’t she say good-bye? He dejectedly walked back to his suite. The boys looked up as JC walked in, he looked like someone who had just lost their best friend.

“Hey JC, is Emma coming tonight?” Joey asked. JC shook his head and flopped down into a chair.

“What happened JC?” Justin asked

“She’s gone.” JC still trying to believe what he was saying.

“What do you mean, she’s gone.” Chris asked.

“She’s not there, she left.” JC said staring into space.

“Did she leave a note saying where she was going?” Lance asked.


“That’s strange.” Joey said

“I know.”

“Well maybe something came up and she’ll call tomorrow. Come on, Jace let’s go hit the clubs.” Justin suggested.

“Nah, I don’t really feel like it, you guys go with out me.”

“No, you’re going, now get your stuff on and get going.” Joey said pointing to JC room.

“But,” JC started but Joey cut him off.

“No buts mister get going.” JC gave in and went out to the clubs.

At the club JC watched the rest of the guys have a great time. He just sat at the bar, some girls tried to get him to dance but he just pushed them away. Every once in a while he would get a glimpse of a girl who he thought was Emma, but it never was. He wound up leaving the club early and went to bed, it was a restless sleep. He missed Emma so much, even though he had only met her a couple of days ago. All he wanted was to see her.

Emma went back to the hospital early the next day. They long sleep from last night helped her a great deal. She felt like she could take on the world. Stuart had sent over a huge bagel basket to the nurses and doctors taking care of Tommy. They were in much better spirits then the night before. The doctors said that Tommy had not changed much from last night. She went in to see him and jumped when she saw Jason sitting there.

"Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t think anyone was in here.” Jason quickly stood up.

“No, no, it’s okay. Here, I’ll leave. I’ve been here for a while anyways.” Emma didn’t look at him; she just stared at Tommy.

“Okay, thank you.” She said quietly. Jason left the room and Emma let out a breath slowly.

“Oh, Tommy, how am I going to do this?” She sat down and took his hand.

“I’ve never hated anyone before. I hate him Tommy.” She said quietly. She sat silently for a moment. Then her mood suddenly changed.

“So, how are you doing today? Just fine and dandy I see, huh?” Emma laughed to herself. She talked to him for over half an hour. People probably thought that she was psychotic. Mama Oliver knocked softly on the opened door.

“Can I interrupt?” Emma smiled.

“Sure, it was a one sided conversation anyways. Tommy’s unusually quiet today. I wonder what’s wrong?” They both laughed and Emma got up.

“Here, I’ll let you take over. Do you want anything to eat?”

“No, honey, I’m fine.”

“Okay.” Emma stepped outside Tommy’s room and closed the door behind her. Jason was sitting outside with his head down, it lifted when Emma closed the door.

“Is everything alright?” Jason asked getting up and stepping toward her.

“Yes, everything’s fine.” She said coolly and started walking down the hall to go outside to get some fresh air. Jason followed her.

“So are you ever going to talk to me?” He asked Emma as she was going out the door; she stopped and said,

“Probably.” And then went out the door. Jason followed Emma out the door.

“Well what do I have to do to at least get you to talk to me? I don’t care if you yell at me, scream at me, something! Beat me up, but don’t shut me out Emma. God I love you so much and for six months you’ve spoken maybe ten words to me. We spent two great years together, and you want to throw it all away on a mistake! God I think I deserve at least a few words from you!” Emma couldn’t believe his nerve, she was trying to ignore him but six months of rage and anger took over.

“Deserve? You think you deserve something from me? YOU DON’T DESERVE ANYTHING FROM ME!!!! Let me tell you something else, Mr. Jason Lee Scott! I wasn’t the one who threw our relationship away! I wasn’t the one who cheated, you were. I was always faithful to you; I didn’t even look at other guys, because I only wanted you! I loved you more than any guy I’ve ever loved! And you threw that away on a cheap whore, all because you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants!” People outside the hospital were being to stare. Emma didn’t care this was the best she had felt in six months. “You want to know why I haven’t spoke to you in six months? It’s because every time I look at you, think of you, smell your cologne, I want to vomit. I hate you more than anyone in my life. I would save a jar of pond scum over your life. And I can’t believe what you’re doing to that poor girlfriend of yours. You disgust me, you say you love me, yet you’re dating her? There is, nor will there ever be an ‘us’, again!” Emma was out of breath and she was glaring at Jason with her fists clenched at her side. He was speechless and tears were trickling down his face. It almost gave Emma joy to see him hurting, but it hurt her at the same time. She knew deep down that she still loved him, though she hated herself for it.

“You’re right Emma, everything you said was right, I am an ass. And I don’t deserve you, but that doesn’t mean I will ever stop loving you, and I won’t stop till things are right between us. The least I want is to be friends again, please say you allow me to do that.” His eyes pleaded with Emma’s.

“Did you hear a word of what I said?” Emma said.

“I heard every word you said, and I know that you meant everything that you said. But I know the only reason you’re so angry with me is because deep down I know you still love me. I know this because I know you, Emma.” Emma was now the one who was speechless, he was right and she wanted to kick herself for it. Emma regrouped herself,

“Jason, the reason why I’m so angry with you is because you put me through hell when you broke my heart. If I had my way I would never see you again.”

“Well Emma you’re going to see me and we can either make it pleasant or we can make it miserable. Me, personally, I would rather make it pleasant, especially since we’ll probably only see each other around Tommy, so don’t do it for me, do it for Tommy.” Jason had laid his ace out on the table. He knew that she would do anything to make Tommy happy, especially now. It was a low blow but he was desperate. Emma eyed him, indecisive of what to do.

“Fine, just for Tommy’s sake, but if I catch any inkling that you are trying for more than ‘just friends’, I will never, ever speak to you again. Tommy be damned.” She turned around and walked towards Tommy’s room. She couldn’t believe that she had agreed to be friends with him. “It’s for Tommy’s sake.” She repeated to herself all the way there. Emma had a feeling that she would be saying that to herself a lot in the future.

Jason was on cloud nine. It wasn’t much, but it was a start and that was better than nothing at all. Jason knew he had a long road to go to win Emma back, but he was willing to do anything to do it.

Emma relieved Mama Oliver and sat back down with Tommy.

“Well, you at least have more color than you did before that’s good. You’ll never believe what just happened. I agreed to be friends with Jason. Ugh, it gives me a bad taste in my mouth just saying it. Oh the things I do for you Tommy.” She stared at the ceiling; suddenly Tommy squeezed her hand and said,

“Thank you.” Emma was shocked and looked at Tommy, he was awake! “Ugh, what am I doing here? What happened?”

Emma called in Mama Oliver and Jason to see Tommy. They were all excited to see him. Tommy didn’t remember any of the accident, just driving the car and then waking up in the hospital. Tommy had to stay in the hospital for a couple of weeks. Emma basically stayed with him twenty-four/seven. A couple days later Tommy was allowed to get out of bed and be wheeled around the hospital. One day she was pushing him around in his wheelchair outside.

“I’m so glad that you’re home, Emma, even though it took me almost dying for the to get here.” Tommy said jokingly.

“Watch it, Oliver, you do realize that I am in control of where your wheelchair goes.” They both laughed.

“So you never told me, what happened on your “date” with the rock star?” Emma had almost totally forgotten about JC and the guys with everything going on. She realized that she didn’t tell JC that she was leaving and that she had no way of reaching him. ‘Great job, Emma, way to lose a guy.’

“Emma?” Tommy pulled her from her thoughts.

“Huh? What?” She stammered, disorient. Tommy laughed,

“I guess your “date” went well, if just the thought of him put your head in the clouds.” She smiled.

“Yeah, it was a great dinner, we talked all night long, we walked around Las Vegas and then watched the sunrise on the roof of our hotel. It was amazing.” She dreamily said, but then her mood changed. “It was only a date, he probably goes out with thousands of girls, so I doubt that he even remembers me.”

“Emma you are pretty unforgettable.”

“Thanks Tommy.”
