Chapter Eight

Emma decided to take on the task of being Tommy’s nurse when he was released from the hospital. On top of that she picked up a few classes at Tommy and Jason’s school, worked at the bar most nights and was helping Stuart more than ever. She was trying everything to keep busy. It was the only way she could get her mind off of JC but she couldn’t help but think about him constantly now. It seemed like every time she turned on the radio or the TV there was something about the group or their tour. She kept on seeing him wherever she went, well at least she thought that she saw him, but it never was. Emma figured that he didn’t even want to see her, hell he probably didn’t even remember who she was.

Tommy recovered quickly and soon he didn’t need Emma’s help as much. He was well enough to get around on his own and start helping out at the school. So Emma worked at the bar more. Emma and Jason were rebuilding their relationship bit by bit. She was able to talk to him now and they were teaching a class together. Emma even hired him as a bouncer at the bar.

One day Kitty, Emma’s best friend, noticed her far away wistful looks that occupied her face. Curiosity got the best of her and she asked Emma while they were shopping.

“Okay Em, who is he?” She asked crossing her arms.

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Emma said not letting on.

“Oh, come on Emma. It’s me Kitty, your best friend? I can read you like a book. I've seen the far away looks. So who is he? Has he been at the bar? Or have you been secretly seeing him on the outside?” Emma laughed at her friend.

“Oh, Kitty, there’s no guy, well there isn’t anymore.” She sighed as they passed a record store with a huge *Nsync poster in the window promoting their “No Strings Attached” album.

“I knew it! I knew it! Who was he? What did he look like? What did he do? What was his name? Tell me! Tell me!” Kitty pulled Emma to a bench and made her sit. Emma couldn’t help but laugh at Kitty’s energy.

“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.” Emma said trying to calm down her friend.

“I met him in Las Vegas and his name is Josh but everyone called him JC. He was so sweet and nice and wonderful.” She happily sighed thinking of him.

“JC? Did he have a last name?”

“Chasez was his last-“

“Ahh! You met JC Chasez!!! Of *Nsync!!!” Kitty screamed loudly, as she jumped off the bench. People stopped and stared at them. Emma quickly pulled her down next to her.

“Shhh!!! Yes, what is it with this *Nsync group!” Kitty looked at Emma like she had three heads,

“Emma, they’re only the greatest pop group of all time! They are so hot! I can’t believe you met them! Did you take pictures?” Emma was amused by Kitty’s antics. To her JC was just a normal guy hanging out with his best friends, not some international super star. Emma pulled out the booth pictures that they had taken on their date. Kitty practically jumped out of her skin when she saw them. “You are so lucky! What’s your secret to attracting hot musicians? First Jason, now JC Chasez! I just don’t know how you do it. Oh, We have to meet up with Kim and Tasha. They are never gonna believe it about you and JC Chasez! Eee! It’s just too much. So is he going to visit? How cool would it be to hang out with *Nsync! Personally Joey’s my favorite, but hey I’d take any of them. So, tell me?” She said excitedly.

“Oh, it’s my turn to talk now?” Emma laughed. Kitty rolled her eyes at her.

“Whatever, now tell me.” Emma sighed.

“Well he won’t be coming to visit, he probably has forgotten all about me. We only hung out for a couple of days and then I left suddenly because of Tommy, I basically just disappeared. So even if he did want to see me again, he probably doesn’t now.” Kitty was a bit stunned.

“You didn’t leave a note, anything?” She asked. Emma shook her head.

“No, it all happened so quickly that I didn’t think and now he’s all I think about.” Emma said sadly. Kitty stood up off the bench determined to cheer her best friend up.

“Well, I know what will get your mind off of him, shopping!!” Emma smiled as she let Kitty drag her off through the mall.

JC wasn’t doing that well either he missed Emma terribly. He had tried to find her but to no avail. It was like she didn’t even exist. He was completely miserable. But the only people who saw this was the group. JC never went out any more he basically sat in the hotel after every concert. He had energy for the concerts but that was because of the screaming fans. All he thought about was Emma, why she had left without saying goodbye or at least a note. He looked at their pictures from the booth on their date all the time. He always had them with him. The guys tried cheering him up but nothing worked. No girl was ever pretty enough, smart enough, and basically, they weren’t Emma. It was driving them mad.
