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The Studio

Lily moved the clay between her hands as the wheel spun in front of her. She was aware of the eyes that were watching her from behind. Those mysterious blues eyes gazing at her and drinking her all in. She added more water to the clay making it more malleable. She pulled the clay up in between her hands not really knowing what she wanted to do with it. Those eyes that were staring at her were breaking down her concentration. It had been a mistake to let him come and watch her work. She needed to get him out of the room for a few minutes.


“Yeah, Lil?”

“Can you go get me a coco from the machine down the hall?”

“Yeah, sure, no problem.”

“There’s money in my coat pocket.” She said not looking up from her work.

“That’s okay, I’ve got it.” He said getting up from his seat,

“Thanks.” She mumbled trying to concentrate on the clay. JC walked out of the room and she let out a deep breath. The pottery studio was always deserted at this time of night, which is one of the reasons why she liked it. Lily slowed down her wheel and got up wiping her forehead. She really needed to relax and chill out to get her work done. Having JC stare at her constantly was not helping her at all. She was surprised that he had wanted to come down to the studio with her. Lily had just met the boy that day. Unbeknownst to Lily her apartment mate Nikki’s cousin was Lance of Nsync. She had left this little tad bit out all the years Lily had known her. Lance, JC and Joey had stopped by to visit Nikki while they were in town. Lily and JC had talked about her pottery throwing earlier that day; she thought that he was just being polite. So it surprised her when she left for the studio JC asked to come and watch.

Lily turned up her music, it was DMX’s, “It’s all good” and bounced along to the beat. Music always helped her relax. She sat back down at her wheel and played with the clay a little. She was completely out of ideas, there were only so many bowls and vases that you can make. She pulled more clay from the pile next to her and molded it into the pile on her wheel.

JC stood in the doorway of the pottery studio watching Lily work with the clay on her wheel. She was concentrating so hard on the clay that she didn’t even notice that he was there. He smiled to himself, she was a little bit like him that way. He had to admit, she was captivating on that wheel.

Lily looked up when she felt his eyes on her again.

“Have any problems with the machine?” She asked and he walked into the room handing her the cup he was holding.

“No, it worked fine.” He nodded down to the mass of clay, “You haven’t done much with that, having problems?” He asked. ‘Yeah, you staring at me.’ She thought to herself.

“Um, I guess I just don’t have any inspiration, it’s just not coming together right.” She said and JC slid off his leather jacket and placed it on a chair behind them.

“Is it hard?”

“What, throwing or finding inspiration?” She asked closing her eyes to keep from staring at his body. JC came up behind her,

“Throwing, I was wondering if you would show me how to do it.”

“Your clothes will get all dirty.” She said distracting herself with her coco.

“I can always wash them. I don’t mind.” Lily was quiet for a minute deciding if this was a good idea, she was here to work, not to teach him how to throw. But she wasn’t doing much as it was,

“Lily?” He asked and she looked up at him,


“Can you teach me?” He asked and Lily couldn’t think of a reason not to.

“Um, sure.” She said putting her coco down on the table next to her wheel. She went to get up to show him what wheel to use when he sat down on her stool and pulled her on his lap. “Okay.” She said slowly,

“Is this okay?” He asked gently. Was this okay? Was this okay!? It was more than okay, the feel of his body on her back made her simply melt inside.

“Yeah it’s fine.” She said situating her legs so that his were in between hers, making it easier for him to kick the wheel.

“So where do we start?” He said clapping his hands in front of her and rubbing them together. She could feel his breath on her neck making her hair stick up. Did he know what he was doing to her? “Lily?” He asked resting his chin on her right shoulder.

“Huh?” She asked turning and looking at him,

“You okay? You seem to be somewhere else right now.” ‘Oh yeah, I’m somewhere in my fantasies having my wicked way with you.’ She thought to herself and smiled. “What?” He asked and she shook her head,

“Nothing, I’m fine, you have to get wet.” She said with a grin on her face,

“Excuse me?” He asked a little shocked, and she pulled his hands down into the clay, dribbling water on them from the bowl.

“Your hands, you have to get them wet first before working with the clay.”

“Oh.” JC said letting her massage clay into his hands making sure that they were covered.

“Now slowly kick the wheel a couple times.” She said and JC did as he was told. The clay began to spin under their hands. Lily leaned her body forward to get a better grip on the clay. JC almost let out a groan, it was sweet torture having her like this on his lap. It was the perfect position to have his way with her, that would be if they didn’t have any clothes on.

“You’re not trying.” She said taking his hands, putting them deep into the clay and pulling it up forming a bowl.


“That’s okay, you just won’t learn unless you try. Here, reach into the bowl and pull up from the bottom.” JC did as he was told following her hand down into the bowl they had created. He placed his hand over hers entwining their fingers and together pulled up more clay from the base of the bowl. “Good, you just made the walls thicker, you’re actually good for a beginner.”

“Thanks.” He mumbled. She smelt so good it was intoxicating. It must have been her shampoo or something like that.

Lily actually began to feel comfortable sitting on JC and started to get into the clay. She bopped along to the music that was playing in the background while she hummed to herself.

When Lily began to bounce around on his lap to the music he bit back his groan again because it felt so good. She had his hands trapped against the clay moving them all over the bowl. Then she began to softly grind unconsciously on his lap and this time he let the groan out. Lily sat up suddenly and looked at him,

“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?”

“Uh, no, not by far.” He said and Lily realized what had happened and turned to keep him from noticing her blushing. She could feel the bulge in his pants now that she was leaning back from the wheel. Lily quickly leaned forward and focused on the clay again not caring that JC’s hands were not helping.

“Can you kick the wheel again for me?” She asked timidly, JC kicked the wheel and leaned in on her back and put his hands back into the clay with hers. He ran his hands over hers, sliding them all over the clay. Soon he was dropping kisses on the back of her neck. It sent shivers down her spine and through her body.

JC smiled as he felt the tremors go through her body. It urged him to go on and he pulled her away from the clay, back against him. Lily turned to see what he was doing when he kissed her. Lily was shocked, what the hell was JC from Nsync kissing her for? He must have gone insane, she decided but went along with it. She couldn’t deny herself the taste of his lips. The kiss deepened and Lily turned around to face him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and her hands found their way into his hair, leaving clay everywhere they touched. JC slid his hands under her shirt as they kissed, barely coming up for air.

Soon JC pulled her shirt up and over her head. He tossed it aside while kissing her again she moved his shirt over his head and tossing that aside as well. Her hands slid over his skin, loving the feel of his strong body. Her legs were locked around his waist and JC picked them both up, moving over to a clear table. He laid her down and crawled up on top of her, never breaking their kisses.

JC fumbled with the buttons on her jeans as he hastily undid them and slid them down. Lily helped him and kicked them off before returning the favor to him. Both of their hands roamed each other bodies as if they were trying to memorize every detail. Soon enough their roaming hands had rid them of their remaining articles of clothing. JC moved in between her legs positioning himself at her entrance. He leaned down kissed her and slid into her. He paused after filling her completely,

“God…” She groaned at his size, he felt huge.

“Lily, baby, you're so tight.” He groaned against her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him as he started to rock his body against hers, sliding in and out of her, slowly to start, but faster and harder as he found his rhythm.

“Fuck, oh God.” She moaned, burying her head in the crook of his neck to muffle the moans. He did the same with his head in her neck, pounding into her, panting heavily.

“Lil, I don't know how much longer I can handle this.” He groaned.

“I'm so close, so, ah, yeah…” She breathed out and JC took a deep breath, thrusting as deep into her as he possibly could. “Fuck, fuck!” She cried out and he paused, feeling her release surround him, closing his eyes tightly as she shook in his arms.

“I'm going, fuck, Lil, shit, damn…” He whispered trailing obscenities, loosing himself in his own orgasm, the sweet agony of holding himself now released. They both laid there for a few minutes trying to calm their breathing.

“Well at least something got done at the studio tonight.” She joked, “Too bad it wasn’t my work.” They both laughed and JC looked at his watch,

“Well it’s after two now, we’ve got all night to work.” He mused,

“I don’t think you’re working includes clay.”

“It could Lily, it definitely could.” He smiled leaning down to kiss her again.

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