Let the Adventure Begin....
Lady Emorah's JC Fan Fiction
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Latest Updates!

2.17.2007-I'm back! I've decided that it's been long enough. Though I may not post any NEW JC stories, I at least feel I should finish the ones I've started here. Kind of a personal thing for me... So the updates may not be frequent, but I'll try my best. As for the title, I figured that most of my stories involve JC (even if the other members are in the stories) so my title should reflect that, otherwise... yeah... so read on!

5.20.05-Well, I've been the laziest host I've ever known. I apologize for that. I've been trying to update and thank you to everyone who e-mails me about updates, it really kicks my butt into gear! So I added a few updates and hopefully that will keep you tuned in till I can really get some updates up!!!

1.2.05-I promised you more and you got it! I updated Heaven In Your Eyes... and From Here to There. Enjoy!

12.29.04-Hello everyone, sorry I've been away from the site for awhile, but since I've been on vacation this past week, I've been able to get up more of the stories that have been just sitting on my computer, gathering dust. I hope you enjoy them!!

11.17.04-Hey! I've been working really hard on Heaven in your eyes... but to tide you over till I am able to upload the story, I started a new one, From Here to There. This one is almost finished, so it should be updated regularly! Enjoy and let me know what you think!

10.4.04-Well, guess who hasn't been around in a while! I started up school again, but I swear this is my last year! So anyways, I've been busy doing that thing, but I promise to get more of Heaven In Your Eyes... up as soon as I can. When I get my laptop, it'll be a lot easier, trust me!

9.5.04-Well I've been a little busy bee and I completed two of the on going fictions: "My Dream Come True..." and "Complicated Coincidences". Maybe I'll finish "On the Road of Life" sometime in the next two years :).

8.26.04-I've updated more fiction, check it out.

8.10.04-Wow, it's been a long time since I updated this page! Well actually since I wrote an update. If you check out the screen saver, I added more recent pictures of JC, which if you have the screensaver will have already started to show up on your computers. I've been archived at NsyncFiction.com and I revamped the Fiction site a little bit, so check it out. The fiction updates are now on the Fiction page. I think that's about it, but it's been so long since I updated that I can't remember everything I did! So cruise around and see what's new!

6.27.04-Wow, so I just read the last update and I don't think I understood it. So yeah, I've been updating a lot more than I used to and I'm writing new stories that I don't know if I'm going to put up yet. Yes, folks, that's how I work, I write like ten stories all at one time...I don't know how I keep them all straight... well keep checking back to see what's going on here.

6.21.04-All those who are lazy bastards raise their hands ...So, I've updated the site a little, changing the colors and shit around and I added chapters to OTROL, MDCT, and HIYE. I'm working on HFWYGFL and CC, PLUS a sequel for AFFTP! Hopefully I'll get everything up soon!

5.31.04-Well, look at that, I'm a big fat liar and I apoligize for that... I know I said that I would have weekly updates and I didn't...well that's okay, because now that I'm back from school and I have my computer back in action, things might be different! Keep checking back!

2.9.04-It's been a while since I last posted, sorry about that, but to reward all of you patient people, I've added at least three chapters to the four new stories! Plus I added a new Lyric section to the webpage that will be updated as soon as I get new song lyrics! Enjoy and let me know what you think!

1.19.04-Ahhh...I'm back at school now, but don't you fear, I'm going to try to keep the stories updated on a regular basis, we'll see what happens. I added Chapter three to "How Far Would You Go For Love?" and "My Dream Come True..."

1.17.04-Just for all of you, a late Christmas present...Four new stories that I started over the break. I've been working on them so expect updates soon!

1.10.04-Well, I've worked hard and added chapters 22-30 to On the Road of Life. I'll try to put the rest of it up soon....

1.5.04 - Chapter Twenty-One to On the Road of Life was added.

1.2.04 - Happy New Year! And to mark this happy occasion I've added a new layout, hope you enjoy it!


PLEASE e-mail me back with your constructive feedback!! Or any feedback, personally I think that hatemail is mad funny.

P.S. If you e-mail please put an LE in the subject box so that I don't actually think that it is junk mail (I get a lot) and delete it!

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