Times to remember...
Port Dickson
When: 23/06/2006 - 25/06/2006
With: Sher Huey, Suan Li, Ying Shyen, Li Lynn, Kinz, Sueh Lung, Andrew, Zong Liang, Mo Jern, Tsing Yoong
Where: Corus Apartment
How: Bus, while Mo drove Kinz, Lung & Lynn
Total hours of travel: 2 hours (one way), stopped for a while at Seremban
Pictures: Below; more to come soon. Courtesy of Andrew, Kinz & Zong Liang
It was by far the best ever trip with friends, far more than Langkawi. Maybe because we planned everything together and did everything together, and we had the freedom to do anything we wanted. We had so much fun that many of us didn't want to leave. And definitely, the company was the best. I knew I loved my classmates when I was with them for 2 years back in school, but crap, this just confirms it even more. =)
The Long Version
I just know that writing this won't do justice to the trip, simply because my words won't be able to bring out the true measure of fun that we had, and also because I probably have forgotten some parts along the way. Hehe. But I know that if I could've stayed there for life, I would've. Just being with my classmates, laughing, sharing, talking, bonding yet again... it was as if nothing had changed between us from our high school days. I like to think that I came back from PD not only with a bag full of clothes, but also a bag full of precious, sweet memories that I will never trade for anything in the world.
The Places
We didn't really stray far from the apartment. Just went to a nearby beach, went to the swimming pool & to the lagoon to kayak.
The Weather
It was fairly good weather, except for the 2nd day when it rained in the morning and we were at the beach!! And when we went later in the afternoon, there were dark clouds but it didn't rain, so yay! Not burning hot either, so that was good. =)
The People
Oh man, do you really want me to gush about my classmates? Haha. Yes, they are amazing people. The guys are pure gentlemen and also great fun and good sports. The girls are sweet and comfortable to be with. Between most of us, there is this bond and trust that surpasses even my understanding. I only know that I thank God for them. :)
The Trip
Let's just say it was so much fun that it left us all feeling sad that it ended so soon. It felt like we just got there, and we already had to go home. But it made us also say enthusiastically, "Let's go again next year!!" =D
Little Stuffs
While having lunch at a&w before leaving to Puduraya to take the bus to PD, it so happened that Zong Liang ordered waffles. And I couldn't help remembering you. Waffles will always remind me of you. =)
A very big thank you to all my dear gentlemen: Zong Liang, for helping me carry my bag from the lrt station to the bus station, and from the lrt station to my car. Tsing Yoong, for helping me carry my bag for a while from the lrt station to the bus station. Drew, for buying the bus tickets. Sueh Lung, for offering to carry my bag from the apartment to Mo's car. Mo, for driving us everywhere, and buying things for us. And Kinz, for er, waking up to eat my maggi mee? Lol!
Bus was delayed, so we sat at the bus station for over 1 and a half hours. But it was okay, we chatted and took pics. Bus ride was bumpy, but I like bus rides. =)
First time seeing a beach with cement shores. Lol!
Sharing 1 bathroom with 10 people is a big no-no. Hahaha.
Kinz brought his woofer/speakers, Tsing brought a DVD player. Some of them brought various DVDs. There were 2 frisbees, a beachball and a volleyball. We also had our own BBQ pit, ice box & frozen food. Seriously like moving house la. Hahaha.
When we first reached the apartment, the guys wanted to take the main bedroom, but the 5 of us girls bullied the guys into taking the smaller room, even though there were 6 of them. Hehe! The main bedroom was so much nicer. In the end, the girls' room became like a "hangout room" and finally, everyone just slept anywhere la, as long as can sleep. Haha. Poor Zong slept on the floor in the living room for both nights. Oh, which reminds me, thanks again to Zong for giving me his blanket or I would've shivered to death on the 2nd night sleeping in the living room.
In order to try to get the main room back, the guys and girls had this conversation:
Guys: "We're gonna watch football until very early in the morning. Very noisy. So you all sure cannot sleep wan (since the main room was right next to the living room)."
Girls: "You guys can mute the tv wert, since you only need to see the game, not listen."
Guys: "Where can? Then when got goal, we'll shout "GOAL" very loudly, so you all sure cannot sleep also."
Girls: "Nevermind, sure can sleep wan."
Guys: "But we'll run around the apartment screaming "GOAL" and even bang on the windows (of the main room)!!"
Girls: *speechless*
LOL!! =p
Shocked to see that PD beaches weren't that bad, it was quite clean actually. So yay. ^^
The beach at night is the same as it is during the day: I love it. Hehe. I love the sound of the crashing waves... so soothing, ya know? Hehe.
Went to a nearby beach on the 2nd morning even though it was drizzling slightly. After playing there for about 5 minutes, it started to rain heavily! Kinz was the first to cabut to the public toilets for shelter, so he was super dry! Hahaha the rest of us ran to get our stuffs then by the time we reach shelter, we were all drenching wet! Did some crazy stuffs there while waiting for the rain to stop, like Sueh Lung and his "hurricane" pic and my "orang cacat" pic. But it didn't stop raining so we went back to the apartment.
Later in the afternoon, we came again to the beach and although there were black clouds, it didn't rain. We had a blast playing with the water, burying Zong, playing hantu galah and Ice&Fire. During Ice&Fire, it was only the first game but I was so out of stamina!! So I just sank into the sand, put up my hand and yelled, "I surrender! Don't save me!" Hahaha. Seriously tired wei. Hahah. Another proof of my out-of-stamina-ness, is when we were playing hantu galah, I suddenly declared a 5-minute rest cause I beh tahan aredi. Hehe!
Swimming! Actually, only 2 people at a time were allowed to swim, but yours truly seems to have good persuasive skills! Hehe. I managed to ask the guy to let another 4 people in, another 2 ppl asked by themselves, and Mo just jumped in without asking. Lol! It was fun, I haven't swam in a looooong time. Didn't plan on wearing a swimsuit, cause it's like, shy la. But had to, if not cannot enter the pool. So terpaksala. I really wanted to swim...
While swimming, suddenly Lynn & Shyen noticed these 3 Indian guys standing on a balcony, staring at us in the pool. So the 3 of us girls swimming were like, "Er, how now?" But our guys told us to go under the rocks (which was a huge rock by the side of the pool like a shelter, so if you go underneath it, the person on top can't see you anymore), so we did. As we were moving there, Tsing suddenly turns around to the guys and shouts, "What's your *censored* problem??" Wahlau. Lol. The Indian guys left then. So yeah, it's nice to know that our guys look out for us girls, and the girls are smart enough to notice all these things. Me? I'm just blur, so it's a good thing I have friends like this. Hehe!
Something happened, and there were 3 upset people. But because of that incident, I realized how much the words "I trust you" meant to me. And I truly treasure the amount of trust between the few of us. Somehow just knowing that we trust each other, it makes me really, really happy.
In the evening of the 2nd day, we went kayaking. Because there were only 3 boats, we took turns. We went one guy & one girl cause most of the girls didn't know how to kayak. First was suanli&kinz, sherhuey&tsingyoong, and lilynn&zongliang. Zong was damn lazy, let Lynn do all the rowing ahahahah. Funny la. Then when they came back, it was me&suehlung, yingshyen&mojern, and kinz&andrew. At first Sueh Lung & I went really fast (thanks to Sueh Lung teaching me how to kayak) and I was like thinking, "Wah, not bad ar, I kayak so little strength only, but can move so fast!" Hahaha I later found out that Sueh Lung was kayaking until his hands ached. Haha oops! =p That's not all. We kayaked to the ocean then decided to go to a nearby shore. Mana tau, kena stuck there, and the waves kept crashing into our kayak. We had to get out to drag it back into the ocean, then continued our kayaking. But thanks to the water in our kayak, which was almost full, everytime we tilted a little to the side, the water would make the kayak tilt even more. So we were balancing for our lives! Finally Sueh Lung told me, "If anything, just jump out k." A few minutes later, we tilted a little too much to the right and *splash* we capsized. LOL. Thanks to what Sueh Lung said, I was ready to jump out. Drank a little sea water and crap, it's *toot* salty wei! Hahaha. When we surfaced, we hung onto our overturned kayak while the other 2 kayaks tried to help us turn our kayak over or pull us to shore. In the end, the guy who handled the kayaks came over in a jetski and told us to swim back to shore and put the oars back into the kayak. When I was putting the oar back into the kayak, I um accidentally hit Sueh Lung on the head. OOPS!! Sorry!! Didn't see... Haha... Thank God for lifejackets that actually float! Until that day, I didn't know that lifejackets could actually float! Hahaha... sorry la, my first time testing them out. I was really worried that there would be jellyfishes, but there weren't any. Sueh Lung looked like he was having trouble swimming cause his arms hurt from kayaking so much, but luckily we weren't too far from the shore. We managed to reach the cement-shore safely, although it was a little difficult climbing back up, cause it was quite steep. But yeah, it was a great experience! Come on, how many times does a person capsize?? Hahaha. I had so much fun!! Definitely something I will remember for a long, long time. In fact, I think it's something all of us who went for this trip will remember... every time see me only sure remind me about it. EESH! Hahahaha... =D
Referring to the capsizing incident, Mo Jern said he saw it all from his kayak. He said that he saw Sueh Lung trying to balance the kayak, while I was going, "Whoa whoa whoa!!" and tilting everywhere like an idiot. LOL!!! And Li Lynn said that from far away at the shore, she heard a scream and said straight away, "That's waiee!! Sure capsize aredi!!" Hahahaha. I don't remember screaming. Hehe.
Went back to the apartment after capsizing to bathe. I was the last to bathe, and everyone else was down at the bbq area, setting it up. Only Tsing, Sueh & Kinz were left. Then while I was bathing, I heard Kinz go, "Bye waiee!" So I just said, "Bye!" Hahaha. I thought they wanted to scare me, but I thought I'd call suanli or sherhuey, so no big deal. But later I heard the main door open, so I thought someone came back to wait for me. Then when I finished bathing, I came out and the whole apartment was empty. So I was like thinking, "Eh, so weird wan." Then I saw the guy's room's door slightly ajar, and inside was really dark, and I dunno why but I just went to check it out. When I opened the door, I saw 3 stooges sitting on the bed going, "Woiiii... how you know we're here?" Lol! Looks like they (Tsing, Sueh & Kinz) didn't leave after all. Hehe.
BBQ was okay, but I didn't have anywhere to sit. And everyone took pics without the 4 of us! Sigh. Anyway, I just stood around, and it was quite funny. Once in a while, someone would pass me a skewer full of food and go, "You want?" So I would just pluck the food off the skewer and makan. Hehe. So cool, got people bbq for me. Hehe! Yes, I'm lazy and I know it. Hehe. =p
The 2nd night, Li Lynn and Mo Jern went out to buy some beer and shandy for us all while we tried to play games like "Honey, If You Love Me Please Smile" and "Mafia" (although we were all pretty dead and didn't manage to play in the end). Then when the 2 of them came back, they told us this story: They went to 7-11 to buy the drinks, and when the guy at the counter saw what they were buying, he grinned and went, "Nak ini tak?" And well, I think you can guess what he was asking... if you can't, then it's okay, you don't want to know. LOL. When we heard the story, we laughed like crazy! Hahah.
I slept on the couch in the living room on the 2nd night, after sleeping on the mattress in the main room on the 1st night, just to be fair to the others. It wasn't exactly uncomfortable, but it wasn't comfortable either. Hehe. Oklah. New experience. =)
On the 3rd and final morning, I was the 2nd to wake up! So I decided to cook maggi mee for everyone (since it's like, the only thing I know how to cook... hehe!). Sueh Lung helped. So weird, some of us cook by putting the seasoning first, but some cook by putting the mee first. Lol. Cool. Anyway, the first 3 was cooked by me, and I found 3 victims to eat them. Hahaha. The next 3 was cooked by Sueh Lung. The next 2 were cooked by me again. And somehow, I don't know why, most of the people who ate my maggi mee except Kinz had to erm, bomb the toilet. Hahaha. I honestly didn't poison anyone la hahaha. And I've cooked maggi mee so many times before, but nothing happened. So I think it must be because after 3 days of not bombing the toilet, it would've happened eventually. Right? Right. Hahaha. Not my fault! =p
Because we had to check out at 1pm, and our bus was at 4.30pm, we decided to extend the checkout time and pay a little extra. It was nice just lazing around the apartment and enjoying the last few hours of being in PD with my friends. Mo decided to cook spaghetti for us, and it's really nice, no joke. I want the recipe!! Haha. Mojern, who was one of the people who ate my maggi mee and er bombed, lol, said he wanted to poison me back in the spaghetti. Hahaha.
Took lots of pics before leaving. Took group pics by setting the cams on auto, and putting it on the bed. But it was so funny, Drew's cam will alwiz be okay, but Zong's cam will alwiz fall down at the last minute, and snap only the ceiling and a bit of the people. Hahaha. Happened like 2 or 3 times. Lol! Funny la these friends of mine. Hehe.
Finally the trip came to an end. 7 of us took the bus back, while Mo went to Seremban in his car with Sueh Lung, Kinz and Li Lynn to wait for us. Then after Seremban, they followed behind our bus. Lol. They wrote things like "Hi" on a piece of paper and showed us. Hehe. Kinz & Sueh Lung said the bus driver drove very recklessly. Oh well, as long as we're safe, it's ok. =)
When we reached the lrt station, Sueh Lung called and asked if we wanted to have dinner together with them. The 7 of us couldn't make it due to reasons, and so we all left for home. I would've gone for dinner with them, but I already had plans with my family, so I couldn't.
While waiting for my sis to pick me up from the station, Zong waited with me. We chatted a little. It's been a long time since I've chatted with him, so I guess it was nice. And it was nice of him to wait with me, so thanks! =)
Before I end this, I must say that there are a lot of other things that happened on this trip, but are not here for reasons, like I forgot or something else. Either way, this trip is definitely one of the highlights in my life. Kinz is now talking about having another trip in a few months' time! Hahah. We'll see. =)
The view of the lagoon & ocean from our balcony
The rock which we girls hid under
The group that followed Mo
The group that went by bus
waiee, suanli & sherhuey... =)
suehlung, kinz & waiee... =)
After capsizing... I look super happy hahah... It was seriously fun la. Hehe. Dangerous but fun nonetheless. =p
The whole group after swimming
The whole group at the beach
Food we BBQ-ed
Breakfast by lilynn & sherhuey
My maggi mee that everyone is blaming... *sob*
Group photo before leaving
We all signed the volleyball bought by Kinz... this pic is missing 3 ppl cause not enough space... but I like this pic alot... =)
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