Times to remember...
Potluck & Sleepover
When: 22/10/2006
With: Sook, Siew, Cze, Michelle, Thiam Beng, Sueh Lung, Kinz, Kah Yang, Andrew, Justin
Where: Siew's house
Pictures: Below, courtesy of Sueh Lung
It was laugh, laugh, laugh all the way. The guys went absolutely crazy reliving their childhood. Haha. It was nice meeting Justin, and too bad Nigel couldn't make it. I had loads of fun. =)
The Long Version
The potluck:
Daniel, Siew's brother, is the cutest thing!! And no, Siew, it doesn't run in the family. Hehe.
The sleepover:
I don't think I've ever talked so long non-stop before. Haha. If you count from the time I reached until the time I left, I had talked for 16 hours! Hehe.
The Place
Siew's house is a toy-haven for kids, as well as teenagers who haven't grown up. Hehe. There were high-tech toys, swords that had light & sound, with motion sensors, a Mcds kiosk complete with fake burgers and McFlurries, a blackboard which we made full use of, hehe...
The Weather
We were inside, so it didn't really matter, but it was drizzling a little when I reached.
The People
One word: Jokers!
The Event
We should do this more often. =p
Little Stuffs
The Potluck
When I reached, I was carrying my pillow and bolster and I didn't want the guys to see it, shy lah. Hehe. So I stuck my head in and yelled, "Okay, everybody turn around!" Apparently none of them understands English, because they continued to stare anyway. Sigh. Hahah.
Yang, Kinz and Andrew were playing Jengka and the loser would have to drink 3 huge cups of water. The way they played was hilarious, because they made it like a life and death situation hahah.
At one point, Kinz put the last tile on top and quickly ran away, and a second later, the whole pile fell. Yang thought he was the loser, since it was technically his turn after Kinz had let go of the tile. Then Kinz was like, "Har, liddet I throw at the pile from far also can la!" Hahah.
Daniel seemed really happy that there were so many older boys to play with him. The guys were being the biggest kids ever, playing with swords and axes and lego people, pulling their heads off. Hahaha.
Daniel jumps out holding his sword and goes...
Daniel: I'll kill you (Yang), you (Kinz), you (Sueh Lung), and you (Andrew)... but not you (me).
Someone: Why don't kill her??
Me: Daniel, you have good taste.
Kinz: Kill her, don't kill me!
Hahaha so young already got good taste. Hehe. ;)
Kinz's drawing of the Kinz-hir family was cute. Weird, but cute nonetheless. Hehe.
Yang, Cze and Andrew played Pac Man on the black board, using chalks to move their Pac Man and the enemies. Plus sound effects. Hahah. Damn funny.
I was bugging a lot of people to eat my meehoon...
Kah Yang: Look waiee, I ate your meehoon already. *shows me his plate*
Me: *looks at his plate* You just put one strand there and tell me you ate right!
Kah Yang: You think I so free ar!
And after pushing Sueh Lung, Thiam Beng and Kinz to take a portion each...
Me: You ate my meehoon already anot?
Kinz: Yalah, ate 3 portions sumore! *runs away*
Me: They made you eat their portions also?!?!
And also...
Kinz: Mmm, this meehoon very nice lah... *eats a nugget*
Kinz: Wah, this meehoon sedap lah... *drinks coke*
Kinz: Mmm, meehoon very nice... *eats pizza*
Dot dot dot... Lol!
I was grabbing a slice of pizza when Cze wanted to introduce Justin to me. Without thinking, I turned around and wanted to shake his hand, and he was going to shake my hand, when all 3 of us suddenly realised that I just licked my fingers. Hahah. So I was like, "Errr, I don't think you wanna do that." hahaha.
Daniel wanted to play teacher, so he pulled the 2 nearest guys, who were Yang and Andrew, to be his students. So we all played along:
Daniel: Good morning class! Take out your science books!
Kah Yang: But we don't have any books.
Daniel: *takes out some sticker books and story books and plunks it down in front of them*
Daniel: Ok, now turn to page 39.
Kah Yang: *flips through the book* But this book is only until page 33.
Daniel: Who never do homework, stand up!
Andrew, Kah Yang and I stand up.
Daniel: I'll take you to the headmaster!
Me: Oh wait, I'll be the headmistress. *sits down again*
Kah Yang: Then I'll become the father. *turns to Andrew* You naughty boy, never do homework ar! *pretends to whack him*
Andrew: Sorry!
(Followed by some more crap about Andrew becoming the mother or something, then...)
Kah Yang: Okay, I ask you (Daniel) something.
Kah Yang: *writes on the board "Why do you want to be a teacher?"*
Daniel: Okay, who knows how to answer this?
Us: He's asking you lah!
Me: He became a teacher because the headmistress is hot.
We were playing Hangman when Daniel wanted to try becoming the person who gave the word. So he drew 8 lines, so we assumed it was a word with 8 alphabets. Then he said it was an animal. He gave the first alphabet, R. Then Cze tried "Got A ar?" and Daniel went, "A" and filled in the 2nd blank. So we thought, oh cool, she got it right. Then someone else asked, "E?" and Daniel went "E" and filled in the 3rd blank. That was when we suspected that he was filling in any alphabets that we were saying, so we simply taroh any alphabets. We ended up with a "Raewzyck" and not knowing what the real answer was. LOL!
I was designing the word "Pictionary" on the board. My masterpiece!! But was rubbed away. Sob. =p
While playing Pictionary, Suehlung was drawing this boat looking thing, then he drew 2 sticks. Of all people, I was the first to guess what he was drawing, and I burst out laughing. And of all people, he got the word "paddle". Refer to PD trip. Lol.
I was on the phone when Sueh Lung threw a pillow at me. Then after I got off the phone, with my phone still in my hands, I threw the pillow back to Sueh Lung, and somehow I ended up throwing my handphone too!! Threw!! Crap. Hahaa. My poor phone.
Michelle is a very convenient person. Hehe. I shall follow Michi next time, and not Siew. Siew never sees anything. Hehe.
Cze wanted to play fireworks, so they were setting the things up in the middle of the road when...
Cze: Kinz!! Car!!
Justin: Quick, keep the stuffs!
Kinz: Huh?? *turns around*
*WHAM*, the fireworks were dragged along under the car.
Us: ......
The Sleepover
As a way of amusing ourselves, whenever someone was quiet for a while, we'd go, "Oh no, we're losing her... Michelle... Michelle!! Oh no, we've lost her!! toooooooooot" Hahhaa. And when they're still awake, they'll go "I'm still awake lah" and then we'd go "toot toot... toot toot..." like a heart-beat machine thingy. Hahaha.
Cze was the 1st to KO, followed by Michi around 5am, Sook at 7am, leaving Siew and I still awake. Siew was going to KO at 8am, but suddenly Michelle woke up, and another round commenced. Hehe.
Kinz smsed Sook around 1am and said that he was playing Lego at home. LOL. Kena racun by Daniel's Lego Set. Hehe.
Michelle was lying down on the bed, so from the floor we couldn't see if she was still awake or not. So she sent her representative, her toy monkey, by holding it high up in the air. So we'd chat and chat, then suddenly someone would notice that the monkey is missing, and we'd go "Michelle! Michelle!", then the monkey would suddenly pop up again. Hahaha. After a while, we noticed that the monkey was disappearing more often, so we were like, "It's okay lah Michi, if you wanna sleep then sleep lah". Then the monkey slowly descended and disappeared. Haha. So cute lah.
Siew was the unlucky person to be my bunking partner, and I refused to let her sleep hehe. She probably won't invite me again. =p
Siew & I were saying that if we were ever stuck for a long time in a cold place together, we'd probably be able to survive it. Haha.
We were going to cook Maggi Mee for breakfast, but Sook and Siew said I looked like I was going to die cause of lack of sleep, so I'd better sit down. But I wanted to help, so when they wanted to pour the mee in, I was like, "Oh, I can do that" and I poured the whole packet in... including the spices, still in its packet! Lol! Oops.
The After-Effects
Online chat the night after:
Me: Daniel is so cute la.
Kinz: marry him la
Me: too young la
Kinz: he's rich
Suehlung: he has good taste.
Me: he has good taste.
Me: EHH you stole my line!! Lol!
Kinz: So wat you waiting for?
Suehlung: waiting for him to have better taste
Me: hahah no no his taste now is very good aredi
Kinz: hahahahha
Suehlung: if he had better taste he wouldn't marry u
Me: Excuse me?!?!?!
Kinz: hahahahahahaha
Kinz: WOW
Kinz: sueh lung i help you!!!!
Me: WAT???
and also
Kinz: siew yen dieded
Kinz: toooooooooooooooooooooooooot
Kinz: 2.05am 24th october 2006, on the first day of raya
Sook: wtheck
Siew: haha... i came back
Me: OMG she's alive!
Suehlung: oh she's back
Me: we have a pulse!!
Suehlung: unbelievable
Siew: stop kicking me towards the white light la you useless doctors
Kinz: wthell...
Me: ahhahaha
Kinz: die means die!!
Kinz: bury her alive then!
Siew: who call you certify so early for wat!
Suehlung: kinz go get the shovel
Thiam Beng & Daniel sword-fighting.
The 2 small kids. Hehe.
Playing Pac-Man on the board.
Thiam showing me how he pulled off the poor Lego man's head.
Me designing my "Pictionary" masterpiece.
Kinz trying to pose like a superhero.
Cze and her cool silhouette pic.
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