Chapter 3

Kevin couldn’t believe it. Suddenly, he felt a need to explain. “You would think that I’d be able to find a place to hide away having the money that I have, but…”

“But your fans are…uh…’determined’ and photographers would sell their mothers for a picture of you skinny dipping in a hotel pool, or coming out of a sauna in your skivvies, right? Please Kevin, not another word. I understand. Why don’t you all come by for lunch tomorrow. You can take a look for yourself. You may not even like it, but if you do, then you’ve got some place to hide and your boys will know you’re alright.” As an afterthought Irene added “You can bring your bodyguard, too if you like.”

“No that won’t be necessary. You can’t imagine how much I appreciate this.”

“Well from the look of complete joy on your face, I think I can.” Wow to wake up to that smile in the morning…I…what the heck am I thinking? Irene gave herself a mental shake.

“Guys, it’s time for the M&G.” Tony, Howie’s bodyguard informed them.

AJ remembered something. “Wait a second. Jessie, didn’t you say you had passes to the Meet & Greet?”

“Yea, I guess I’d better head over there.”

“Is there anyone else with you or is it just you and your Aunt?”

“Nope, just me and Aunt Rene.”

“Well, I think the girl who solves our problem and quite possibly saves our group should get her own Meet & Greet. What do you guys think?”

Jessica Weeks wanted nothing fancy for her birthday. She’d had her party and the sleepover that she’d begged her mom for. When her “Aunt” Irene showed up with 4th row seats to the concert she did what any 15 year old in her situation would have done…She screamed at the top of her lungs. Now after the concert, trying to find a bathroom she’d meet THE men of her 15 year old dreams.

This time she decided on a more mature, adult response.

She fainted.

Chapter 4
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Chapter 5