Chapter Nineteen

A couple days later they were ready to hit the road. All of the guys were really excited to start the new tour and hoped that the new tour would go off without a hitch. Izzy was excited just for the fact that they were all excited. She had never been to one of their concerts before and really wanted to see what her Joey could do.

On the day of their first show Izzy walked around bored with nothing to do. Joey had given her the day off, not that she wanted it, but she took the time to explore the arena they were performing in that night. She didn’t know what else to do, so she popped on her headphones and put a mixed CD in. Izzy was walking around while the guys were working on the stage. One of her favorite songs, Fantasy by Mariah Carey came on; she didn’t really like pop music but for some reason she had a soft spot for Mariah Carey. She bopped along and sang along to it,

“But it's just a sweet, sweet fantasy, baby! When I close my eyes, you come and you take me. On and on and on. So deep in my daydreams, but it's just a sweet, sweet fantasy, baby! Shoo-be-do-be-doop-do-do! Images of rapture creep into me slowly as you're going to my head. And my heart beats faster, when you take me over. Time and time and time again…” She was dancing around behind the stage. The guys heard her familiar voice belting out from back stage and turned to see where she was. She finally came out singing her lungs out and lost in her own world dancing away. Most of the boys laughed at her presence. JC wrinkled his nose at it,

“Now, I have to hear that banshee sing too?” He grumbled.

“Oh come on C, you got to admit that it’s cute.” Joey laughed.

“Cute my ass.” JC muttered and Izzy noticed the guys staring at her and she danced her way over to them. She grabbed Lance’s hand and began dancing with him. She saw JC’s scowl and stopped, pulling off her earphones.

“What’s your problem Chasez?”

“You and your annoying self.” He spat out at her and stalked away.

“Well isn’t he just a bundle of sunshine.” She said sarcastically.

“Don’t let him get to you, Izzy. He’s just upset over everything. I’m sure he’ll be back to normal jolly JC in no time.” Lance said and Izzy cocked her eyebrow.

“That thing can be jolly?” She said pointing in the direction that he left.

“Very much so. Didn’t you watch any of the those videos I sent you?”

“What tapes?” She asked innocently,

“The home videos that I took of us and sent you when we first started out.”

“Oh, those. Bet they would be worth millions now, huh?” She smirked, “Maybe I’ll sell them on e-bay.” She joked.

“Hey our french toast sold for over a thousand dollars.” Justin quipped.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” She said and they all nodded. “Unbelievable, four years ago you couldn’t give your french toast away.”

Izzy looked out into the stadium in awe, as it filled. The simple fact that these five guys could fill a stadium like this was mind bending. How things have changed since she last saw them in concert. It was back when they had just formed and she went to see them perform for some record company. That was for a small group and now look at the crowd. She didn’t know whether to stay backstage or go out into the crowd to watch. An arm slid around her waist,

“What’s a sexy thing like you doing out here all by yourself?” It was Justin and she smiled,

“Hey, Justin. Aren’t you supposed to be at the sound check?”

“Come by to say hi and you kick me out. I’m hurt Iz.”

“No, I just don’t want you to get in trouble on account of me.”

“Tell you the truth, it’d be pretty hard for any of us to get in trouble, plus JC’s always late. So as long as I’m there before him, it’ll be cool.”

“Ah, I see. This is so crazy, Just.” She said motioning out into the crowd.

“You’re telling me. To this day I still can’t believe that this is all for us.” He looked down and saw that she was wearing the black ‘Nsuck’ shirt that Chris had given her.

“You might not want to go out into that crowd with that shirt on.” He smirked.

“What this thing?” She said looking down and running a hand over it. Then she picked up her pass that hung around her neck. “It’s okay, I have an all access pass. They will kiss my feet to talk to me, all because I know you guys.” Justin chuckled.

“So true, so true.” He looked at his watch, “Well I’ve got to get off to the sound check. See you around Iz.”

“Bye Justin.”

Izzy was waiting on the bus for the guys after the concert. They bounded on the bus full of energy and sweaty.

“Hey Izzy!” Lance shouted before he ran back to the fridge and Chris chased after him,

“Lance, don’t drink that mountain dew! It’s mine!” Izzy laughed at the crew and Joey came by and flopped down next to Izzy.

“Hey Izzy-bell.”

“Hey Joey-bear, what’s happening?”

“Definitely not me. I smell.”

“Yes you do.” She joked back and playfully pushing him.

“So, did you like the show?”

“Personally I thought that the Backstreet Boys were much better.” She said sarcastically and Joey gave her a look.

“Oh, you did not just say that.”

“I think I just did, Mr. Fatone. What are you gonna do about it?”

“This.” He said and dived at her giving her the full tickle attack.

“I was kidding! I was kidding!” She yelled trying to get away from Joey unsuccessfully.

“Hey you two get a room!” JC yelled as he walked up front. Joey stopped and let Izzy up.

“Jealous Chasez? Do you want to join in?” She retorted and he walked towards the back,

“Yeah that’ll be the day.” He muttered and Izzy and Joey giggled as he walked into the back again.

“Oh, he so wants me.” She joked and Joey turned to her still laughing a little,

“Okay, so, seriously, did you like the show?”

“I loved it Joey. Pop’s not really my thing, but it was a fantastic concert. I was very impressed and I’m really proud of you.” Joey grinned the biggest smile she had ever seen.

“You don’t know how much that means to me, Izzy-bell.” He hugged her tightly,

“This show makes me wish that I had time to see your other shows.”

“Nah you didn’t miss much trust me. We had the worst outfits imaginable and our hair! What were we thinking? We were dorks.”

“And you’re not now?” She teased poking him in the ribs,

“You’re asking for it princess.”

“Don’t you dare, Mr. Fatone!”
