Chapter Eighteen

JC didn’t even go near Izzy for the next couple of days, which suited Izzy just fine. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him. The time came for them to load up their buses for the tour. Lately they had all been traveling around Louisiana on one and now they were getting the ones for the tour. They had two buses for the five of them. Joey insisted that Izzy share his bus with Lance.

“Think you’re ready for the touring life?” Lance asked as they walked out to the buses.

“I don’t know ask me in a week.” She said and Lance grabbed Izzy’s bag and put it by the buses. He then took her hand and led her on the bus.

“You get to ride Joey’s and my bus.”

“Hey why do you two get Izzy?” Justin shouted and they backtracked a little,

“Because you already have three on your bus.” She shouted back at the trio, who was placing their luggage on the bus,

“We’ll trade you for C!” Chris shouted and JC hit him in the arm, “Ow hey! Jesus C!” Izzy laughed with Lance,

“I think I’ll stick with you two.” She said quietly to Lance and he smiled.

“Good, come on and I’ll show you around and where to put your stuff.” He led her onto the bus again. He showed her where everything was, “You don’t mind animals, do you?”

“Nope love them, as long as they don’t smell.”

“Great, we have a few in the back. This is where you can sleep.” He waved over the bunks, “I’m there and Joey’s across from me so you can have your choice of the other two.”

“Hmm, so who do I want to be on top of?” She wondered out loud with a wink to Lance and he blushed a bit. “Do you mind if I’m on top of you?”


“The bunk Lance.” She giggled a little and he laughed too,

“Yeah, sure that’s cool.” She placed her stuff on the bunk and then sat down in the back with Lance,

“So you spend a lot of time on these things huh?”

“Last six years of my life basically. Only difference now is that we get two buses instead of one.” Izzy stretched out her legs across Lance’s lap.

“They had all five of you on one bus? How did you now kill each other?”

“Trust me there were plenty on times where I thought that we were going to, but somehow it never got to that point.”

“I don’t know might have helped with Chasez there.”

“I don’t get why you two don’t get along. I mean he generally gets along with everyone and you do too. I don’t get why you can’t get along together.”

“Got me, he just rubs me the wrong way. Most of the time when he opens his mouth I want to smack him. Which is why I put a lot of distance between us lately.”

“He’s still convinced that you were behind Sherrie.” Izzy looked away with a smile on her face, “You didn’t.”

“Can I help it if he happened to take home one of my sisters who knew that he had dicked me over?” She shrugged and Lance just stared at her,

“I can’t believe that you were behind that. We all defended you.”

“I wasn’t really behind it, JC just picked the wrong girl to take home. You have to admit that I didn’t force Sherrie on him.”

“But you made that bet with him.”

“And there were hundreds of other girls that he could have taken home. You guys all said that he didn’t have to take Sherrie home and he didn’t have to let her tie him up. Believe me he totally deserved everything that he received.”

“Izzy, JC said that there were pictures taken of him. What if they get out to the press?”

“They won’t.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I have them.” She said nonchalantly,

“You do?”

“Yes, and as much as I would love to do that to Chasez. I wouldn’t do that to the rest of you. I’ve only known you guys for a little while but you mean a lot to me. I do anything and everything to protect the people I care about.” Lance saw the seriousness in her eyes and knew that she wasn’t lying.

“You should give them back to JC.”

“Nah, then what would I black mail him with then?” She teased.


“Lance.” She mocked him and he looked at her with a raised eyebrow,

“Lance, don’t give that look.”

“What look is that?” He smiled,

”The you-should-do-the-right-thing look. I don’t care what you think I’m not giving them back and you better not say anything to him that I have them.”

“What’s in it for me?” He smirked,

“I won’t kick your ass.”

“Hmm, maybe I’d like you kicking my ass.” He teased and she started tickling him,

“We’ll see about it, Bass!” Lance and Izzy began wrestling and soon she had him pinned on the ground face down, “Hah! See! Promise you won’t tell him!”

“Okay! Okay! I promise I won’t tell him!” Lance said.

“Tell who what?” Joey said coming in on the two and Izzy looked up. Izzy got up quickly,

“Chris, that I drank his last mountain dew.” She winked at Lance and he began laughing.
