Chapter Twenty Three

After the concert that night when they were back at the hotel Izzy walked down hallway on her way to Justin’s room. They were going to watch TV and then go for a drive or something. It was nice having some down time.

JC happened to come out into the hallway at the same time. He narrowed his eyes,

"How did you get out here? Did someone leave your cage open?"

“I didn't know there was a fairy convention going on. Come on Chasez, show me how you prance. I need a good laugh.” She retorted as she walked by,

“Hey Mariani, if I throw a stick will you leave?” He snapped back,

“Oh that was cute, did you sit around all day thinking it up?”

“Fuck you.”

“Ooo, tempting, but I’m not your type, I’m not inflatable.”

“I’m not in the mood to deal with your attitude.”

“My attitude? Look who’s talking, Mr. I’m so much better then everyone else.”

“Just because you’re jealous.”

“Of what? That you can pick up more guys than me?” She shot back and he threw up his hands,

“You are the most impossible thing I have ever met!”

“Only because I don’t fall to the ground worshipping your ass. Boy if those girls only knew the real you they’d go running in the other direction!”

“You know I can’t wait till the day where I never have to see you again!”

“I’m counting the days and then I’m going to throw a huge fucking party!”

“Likewise! Argh you are such a bitch!”

“You’re the biggest stuck up asshole I have ever met!”

“I’ve got better things to do than argue with you!”

Little did they know that while they were arguing in the hall the other four had come out of their rooms. They all looked at each other and knew what they were going to do. Lance went for Izzy and the other three took JC from behind, shocking the two.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Izzy yelled as they carried the two down the hall.

“Guys! Put me down! What are you guys doing?!” JC yelled,

“Something we should have done a long time ago.” Justin said and they shoved Izzy and JC into a spare room and closed the door locking it shut so that they couldn’t get out. Izzy was immediately at the door pounding on it trying to open it.

“Guys, open the door!!! This is not funny!!!” She shouted,

“No! Not till you two decide how you can live in peace with each other! Think up a truce and we’ll let you out!” Joey yelled from the other side.

“Joey I’ll die before that’ll happen!!” Izzy shouted and now JC was on the door pounding on the door as well.

“Guys I have plans for tonight! You can’t keep me locked up with this bitch!!!”

“I think I got the worse end of the bargain, Chasez. Being this close to you!!” She stopped banging on the door and walked away from him, disgusted with everyone. JC whipped around,

“Yeah right, like I want to be close to something as vile as you!”

Justin, Joey, Lance and Chris looked at each other as they listened to JC and Izzy fight inside the room.

“Are you sure about this?” Lance asked, “They are going to be so pissed when they come out.”

“They have to learn to get along or else none of us are going to survive this tour.” Joey said actually making sense for once.

“Are you sure you’re going to have two people alive in there later?” Justin asked, “I mean, Izzy’s pissed off as it is and she’s got a mean right hook, as we all know.”

“Kung Fu mama could mess up Jace pretty bad.” Chris said unsurely. The three were all rethinking this plan now but Joey remained strong,

“No they’ll be fine.” There was a loud thump from inside the room,

“Chasez you are so dead!!! Nsync’s gonna be holding auditions for a fifth member tomorrow!!” They all heard Izzy yell from inside and Joey swallowed hard,

“Okay, I hope they’ll be fine, come on let’s go.”

”Should we leave them?” Justin asked and winced at another loud crash from inside the room.

“Heck maybe they’ll work it out of their systems.”

JC and Izzy sat on opposite sides of the room two hours later. After they had fought for an hour they both just went to their present spots, refusing to speak to each other. JC finally got up and tried the door again. Izzy sighed to herself,

“It’s fucking locked, just like it was locked five minutes ago and just like it’ll be the next time you try it!”

“Well at least I’m trying, you just gave up.” He crossed his arms and she turned around,

“It’s pointless, it’s locked, dumbass.”

“Careful now, don’t let your brains go to your head.”

“Chasez, right now would be an excellent time to become a missing person.” She said forcefully and stood up.

“I should say the same for you.”

“Trust me anything would be better than being locked up with you.” Izzy bit back another retort remembering her conversation with Joey earlier. She sat down on one of the beds in the room thinking a minute, “They said that they would let us out if we figured out a truce of some kind.”

“So we make up one and we’re out of here?”

“Yeah, looks like it.” She stood up again and held out her hand, “Truce?”

“Anything to get away from you.” He said taking her hand, “But for the record I would like to say that I won.” Izzy glared at him,

“By the looks of your eye, I’d say that I won.”

“No, I got you last.”

“Do you want me to make the other eye match?” She challenged,

“Only proves that you couldn’t compete.”

“I could kick your ass with my hands tied behind my back. I’ve got so many things up my sleeves you won’t know what hit you.”

“Bring it Mariani, I can always out do you.” He sneered,

“Love to see you try.”

“So we agree on one thing?”

“Yep, you’re on.”

It had been quit in the room for a while and Joey decided to check on them. He knocked on the door,

“Is everyone still alive in there?”

“Unfortunately yes.” Izzy said back through the door and Joey sighed, “Have you two worked out your differences?”

“Yeah we have, we’re best friends now.” JC yelled back sarcastically. Then he heard Izzy hit him,

“Chasez, don’t mess around or they won’t let us out.” She heard her hiss,

“I was just kidding with him, geez, get a grip.”

“What ever, Joey can you let us out now?” Izzy asked and Joey opened the door to see them standing next to each other with their arms crossed.

“You guys have come to an agreement?”

“Yes.” They both said throwing each other looks.

“Okay, let me see you two kiss and hug.” Joey said and they jumped away from each other,

“Joseph, I would like to stay disease free, thank you very much.” Izzy said,

“I’m not even touching that thing, you only said that we had to come to an agreement. There was no touching involved.” JC agreed,

“Aw, come on one little hug and you guys are scott free.” Joey said and the two turned to each other. Izzy shuddered,

“I just want to leave.” She said to JC,

“Me, too.”

“Okay, on the count of three.” She said moving closer,

“Okay, fine.”

“One, two, three.” They said together and hugged barely for like a second before jumping back from each other. Izzy turned back to Joey,


“That wasn’t a hug. Come on.”

“Chasez you hold him down and I’ll beat him.” She said,

“I’m with you on that one.” He said and they both moved toward Joey. He put his hands up in protest.

“Hey now I was only trying to help.”

“You better start running Joey.” JC warned as they both moved closer to him and Joey ran out of the room with the other two close behind.
