Chapter Twenty Four

Izzy laid back with her head in Lance’s lap as they drove to their next destination.

“Do you ever regret joining Nsync?” She asked out of the blue,

“What? No, this has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me.”

“There’s nothing you would change? You don’t miss getting the chance to go to college or trying to be an astronaut?”

“No, because look what else I got to experience. I’ve traveled all around the world, I’m set for life money wise and I’ve learned so much about myself in the past few years. I think I got the better end of the deal.” He said and absently played with a strand of Izzy’s hair.

“Yeah, I guess when you put it that way. I don’t know if I could’ve done what you guys did. Drop everything and move to another country, never knowing what city your in. I think I would hate it.”

“You’re doing it now.” Lance pointed out,

“Yeah but this is different. This is only for the summer then I’m going back home to Edwards. This isn’t my life; it’s like a vacation for me. I couldn’t do this for the rest of my life. I want a house with a white picket fence and a pool in the back yard, 2.5 kids, a husband with a 9-5 job and a possibly a dog.”

“Well I want that too. I’m not going to tour for the rest of my life. There’s only so many years left of dancing in me.”

“So what are you planning to do after Nsync?”

“Manage new acts, act, produce movies, I’ve got a lot of options. Plus somewhere in there I want to get the wife, 2.5 kids, the dog and a cat.”

“How are you going to fit that all in?”

“I haven’t figured that all out yet. I thought that I would work on the wife thing first before the kids.”

“You don’t want to take the Joey Fatone route?” She joked and they laughed,

“No, I definitely want the wife first. I’ve got the house, so yeah just the wife is all I need to complete the picture.” He stared down at Izzy; did she realize how perfect she was? She was sweet, smart, sassy and had this sex appeal. She looked good in anything she wore, even if it was just sweats and a tank top. She was so optimistic about everything and could always make him smile, no matter what.

“Lance! Come in Lance!” Izzy giggled, waving a hand in front of his face,

“What? Huh? Did you say something?”

“Well that proves that you weren’t listening to me. You were off in la-la land over something.”

“Yeah, I guess so. Sorry bout that.”

“I guess I could forgive you this one time.” She said sarcastically,

“Listen you.” He said and began tickling her. She bubbled over with laughter trying to get away.

Joey watched Lance and Izzy from his bunk. They went so well together even though they were so opposite from each other. He guessed that they balanced each other out somehow. Now if they would only give it up and get together.

Joey popped down next to Lance who was doing a little work up in the front of the bus. Izzy and Justin were in the back watching TV and hanging out.

“Hey Lance whatcha up to?”

“Just some work that I need to finish, you?”

“I needed to talk to you.”

“Oh about what?”

“Izzy.” Lance kind of froze and then turned to Joey,

“What about Izzy?”

“About how you need to give it up and tell Izzy how you feel about her.”


“Oh come on, Lance you’d have to be and idiot not to notice that you like her, a lot.”

“Is it that noticeable?”

“The way you follow her around like a puppy dog? Yeah.”

“She hasn’t picked up on it. Has she said anything to you?”

“No, but Izzy’s really, really, slow about relationships. She might be in the same place as you but it takes her a month to realize it. So you kind of have to be blunt with her about it.”

“So I should tell her?”

“Yeah I think you definitely should.”

“How, when?”

“When the time’s right.”

JC fell asleep in the front of the bus on the way to the hotel from an interview. Izzy glanced down at him,

“God we’re haven’t even been on the bus for five minutes and he’s sleeping?” Joey sat down next to her,

“Yep, that’s C, he’s the heaviest sleeper I know. We were in some airport and he passed out for at least twenty minutes. He would have slept all day there if we had let him.”

“He’s a heavy sleeper you say?” Izzy inquired raising an eyebrow.

“What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“Nothing.” She said innocently.

“Izzy.” Joey warned. “I thought you two were over this.” Izzy smiled mischievously and got up from where she was sitting.

“I’m just playing a little, itty, bitty joke.” She went into her purse and found a red marker.

“I know nothing.” Joey said getting up from where he was. Izzy gently wrote on JC’s forehead, “Theta Omega” and on his cheeks she wrote "rules”. She could hardly contain herself. Izzy put her stuff away and left JC alone. The boys saw it but didn’t say anything. Chris high fived her,

“Nice handy work. A girl after my own heart.” She just smiled and winked at him. They arrived at the hotel and everyone got off the bus. Chris woke up JC last,

“Hey, C, you’re the last one off, come on.”

“Oh, sorry.” He said jumping up and grabbing his things and running off the bus. The screams of their fans and the flashes of cameras greeted them. They signed autographs and took pictures. JC couldn’t shake the feeling that the fans were staring at him in the weirdest sense. Some were giggling and laughing at him. JC just shook it off and ran in the hotel. He went up to his room and Izzy hung out in the hall a little bit and waited for it. It was silent and then she heard it, JC screaming and then bounding out of his room.

“Izzy!!!” He shouted and she dropped to the floor in laughter. “This is not funny!!!!”

“Yes it is, you didn’t even know it was there for the longest time!!!!” She said laughing harder and harder each minute.

“I can’t believe you!”

“Well believe it, Chasez. Face it you’ll never win.” She retorted laughing and went back into her room. JC rolled his eyes and went into his room to wash off the marker, praying that it wasn’t permanent.
