Chapter Thirty Two

Izzy leaned on Lance’s shoulder while her feet rested on Joey’s lap as they watched the movie. Somehow during the movie Lance’s arm wound it’s way around her shoulders cradling her against him. Izzy snuggled into him, he smelled so good, clean and fresh with a touch of cologne, not too much and not too little. In fact it was so comfy that Izzy drifted off to sleep during the movie as did Lance. After the movie ended the guys all stretched and got up,

“Man, I’m beat.” Justin said and turned towards the couch, “Aww look how cute they are.” He said and everyone looked at Izzy and Lance curled up on the couch together.

“Should we leave them?” Joey asked quietly,

“I’m sure Lance would love that.” Chris said,

“She’d probably scare the living daylights out of him in the morning. Wake her up and send her to her room.” JC retorted, he had other plans in mind for her.

“I say we leave them. I don’t want to drag her to her room when she’s half asleep. I’m not that dumb, we’re better off leaving them.” Joey said and grabbed a blanket from the bed and covering them up.

“We all need to go to bed.” JC grumped, “Let’s go.” He said and ushered Justin and Chris out of the room.

“Okay, okay, C we’re going!” Joey leaned down and kissed Izzy on the forehead before getting up and leaving. He took one last look at them before he left and laughed a little to himself. “Those two should just give it up.”

The next morning Izzy half awoke curled up in someone’s arms. She didn’t pay too much attention to it and buried herself further into the solid form pulling the covers up over her head. Lance groaned and opened his eyes trying to move his arms only to notice that someone was laying on his left one. He looked down and saw Izzy’s head buried face down in his chest. How did this happen? Last thing he knew was that they were watching the movie and Izzy was leaning against him. Not that he cared because he couldn’t be happier than having her in his arms. He smiled at her sleeping form, he was sure that the guys had left her and covered them up. Once again he would have to thank them for this.

Izzy began to stir and opened her eyes. She looked up and saw Lance smiling down at her,

“Good morning princess.” He rumbled and she sat up a little,

“Hey, I guess I missed the end of the movie. Did we sleep here all night?”

“It looks like it. They probably didn’t want to wake us after the movie and just let us sleep.”

“Oh, I’ll have to thank them, you were a pretty comfy bed for the night.”

“You’re not to bad either.” He teased tweaking her nose and she laughed,

“Is it time to get up yet or can we sleep a little longer?” Lance glanced across the room at the clock,

“Sorry to say but it’s time for us to get up.”

“Argh!” She said burying her face in his chest again trying to snuggle deeper. He let out a low chuckle,

“You’re acting like JC.” Suddenly she came up,

“Please, don’t compare me to him.” She groaned and sat up on the couch rubbing her face, “I’m gonna go get a shower before the circus begins again.”

“Okay.” She got up off the couch and threw the cover back on Lance,

“You showered last night, you could probably catch a few more winks.”

“Nah, I need one to wake up.” He pushed back the comforter and sat up stretching a little,

“You are the cleanest boy I know Lance.”

“I try.”

“Okay see you in a little bit.”

Later that day they were at another boring photo shoot and Izzy went over to Joey,

“Hey slave driver, you have to call James about that directing bit and I snuck you a twinkie from the food cart.” She said slipping him the pastry,

“You’re a God send.” He said quickly munching down on the food, “So, did you have a good night, or should I say good morning?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she shrugged her shoulders,

“Nothing happened, I slept and only cause none of you woke me up, I might add.”

“But you liked it, didn’t you?”

“I’m not having this conversation with you.”

“Come on you’re always hanging out with Lance, hanging on Lance.”

“I treat him just like I do you. How many times have we slept in the same bed? We’re friends, that’s it. There’s nothing more between us, I swear.”

“Okay.” He snorted and she sighed,

“If you’re not nicer to me I might not get you another twinkie. In fact I might stop the twinkie train all together.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.” The photographer called for Joey and she pushed him away, “Go look pretty for the camera.” Joey skipped away singing at the top of his lungs,

“I feel pretty! Oh so pretty!” Izzy laughed shaking her head a little and then looked up to catch JC staring at her. She stared back at him, she wanted him and she wanted him right then. JC got up and left the room; Izzy waited a second and followed him out. She came into a large empty hallway. As she looked down the hall she saw JC bent over a water fountain getting a drink. Izzy watched him intently, moving closer. The water rushed over his lips and she remembered what those lips felt like on her skin. Instantly her skin got all tingly craving the contact of his smooth perfect lips. He lifted his head a little and droplets of water fell from his mouth back down to the fountain. He turned to see her advancing on him and he took the sleeve of his shirt and wiped his mouth.

Izzy reached him and pushed him up against the wall and kissed him hungrily. JC pulled her against him tightly and after a five minute make out session they broke away trying to catch their breaths. JC didn’t let go of Izzy and kept her tightly against him,

“Glad you got the hint.” He said and she smiled seductively,

“Me, too.” She kissed him again and grinded against him and she heard him groan. His one hand found it’s way down to her ass and grabbed if firmly. The other was in her hair fingering handfuls at a time.

“Why’d you have to wear jeans today?” He growled against her lips,

“First thing I put on today.” She said and he flipped her around, pressing her against the wall and devouring her mouth. He moved her into the little alcove that held the water fountain. She moved her leg around him to move him in between her legs and pulled him closer, if that was possible. He was itching to be inside her and Izzy felt his need. It took all her might but she pushed him away,

“Chasez, you’re too potent.” She said through heavy breaths. He moved in closer again and began kissing her neck.

“So are you, Miss Mariani.” He whispered against her skin and she groaned as his lips made a trail down to her collarbone and then back up to her lips. His hands were fumbling with the button on her jeans and once again she pushed him away.

“We can’t do that here.” JC looked at her as if she was crazy,

“Why not?”

“Think with the head on your shoulders and not the one in your pants.” She teased,

“When I’m near you the lower one takes over. I don’t have any control when he’s concerned.” He said kissing her again and rubbed up against her. He was about to burst from his pants any second and this was going to get way out of control. So with the last once of strength she had left she pushed him away quickly and stooped down,

“What are you doing?” He growled and she unbuttoned his pants, freeing his member,

“Helping you out a little.” She said and took his manhood into her mouth. JC groaned pleasurably and moved closer to her as she licked her way up and down his shaft.

“Don’t tease me.” He moaned and braced himself against the wall with one hand with the other was entangled in her hair pushing himself further down her throat. Izzy sucked him with all her might and smiled with each one of his groans. It took no time at all for the flutter of her tongue and the hungry suction of her mouth to have him exploding down her throat. “Oh, God…” He groaned out when he was done and leaned heavily against the wall. Izzy quickly packed him all up and moved out from between him and the wall.

“You owe me big time.” She said and leaned over to gulp some water. JC finally stood up and smiled at her, he moved behind her and grabbed her ass,

“Trust me I plan on returning the favor tonight.” He whispered huskily in her ear and felt her shiver. He gave her ass one last squeeze and walked off towards the photo shoot again.
