Chapter Thirty One

Justin, Lance, JC and Chris came running into their ‘quiet’ room fooling around. They had a couple of hours to chill before they were supposed to go on. Izzy caught JC’s eye quickly and he smiled with a quick wink. Lance flopped down on the couch next to Izzy, distracting her from JC.

“Hey Iz, what movie do you want to watch tonight?” He asked,

“Oh, I don’t know,” She turned to the rest of the guys, “What do you guys feel like watching?”

“Indian Jones and the lost ark.” JC piped up and she took that time to stare at him and lick her lips with a quick lift of her eyebrows,

“I don’t care.” Justin said,

“Space balls!” Chris shouted and Lance looked confused. Izzy noticed,

“Oh,” Izzy said, “I thought that it would be great if we all got together to watch a movie, you don’t mind do you?”

“Oh not at all.” Lance said trying to hide the disappointment in his voice.

“Okay great! Then why don’t I find what Joey wants to watch and we’ll decide, okay?” She said getting up and leaving the room.

“Kay, hurry back.” Lance said and she left the room.

“Kay, hurry back!” Chris mocked him and Lance threw a pillow at him,

“Shut up.”

“Oh come on could you be any more obvious.”

“Yeah, well thanks for all of you guys for jumping in on my movie idea tonight.”

“We didn’t know.” Justin protested,

“Yeah, I mean Izzy just asked and I thought it was a good idea.” JC said and they all stared at him. Chris felt his forehead,

“Are you alright? You just said that you wanted to hang out with Izzy.”

“I didn’t say anything about her.” He said pushing away his hand, “I was talking about you guys. I’ll put up with her if I have to. Anyways we have early day tomorrow and staying in is a good idea.” He shot back and Chris held up his hands,

“Chill boy it was just a comment.” He said and JC got up from where he was sitting,

“Whatever, I’m going for a walk.” He said and stormed out of the room.

“Jesus, what’s got his panties in a twist?” Chris asked and they all shrugged,

“Maybe he just needs to get laid.” Justin commented,

“Look what happened the last time he tried to get laid.” Chris said and they all began laughing. Then Justin turned to Lance,

“Do you want us to bail on tonight so that you can have her all to yourself?” Lance shook his head,

“No, that’s way too obvious, she’d totally pick up on it. Just leave well enough alone, kay?”

“Lance you’ll never get her-”

“Justin can it!” Lance shouted and Izzy walked back into the room,

“Hey, what’s going on? You two aren’t bothering my Lance are you?” She eyed them playfully and wrapped her arms around his neck from behind.

“No.” Justin and Chris chorused together and Lance looked up at her,

“What was Joey’s movie suggestion?”

“Swinging in the rain, I don’t think we want to heed his suggestion.” She rolled her eyes and the guys broke down in laughter,

“I don’t know I kind of feel like watching porn tonight.” Chris joked and Justin agreed,

“Nothing like a good porn before you go to bed.”

“Oh my god I so don’t think so.” Izzy protested,

“What you don’t like porn?” Chris teased,

“It’s not the porn I mind, it’s being trapped in a room with five horny guys being the only girl that I don’t like.” She laughed,

“I think you’re going to be outvoted.” Justin warned,

“I think I can persuade some of you into watching the matrix.” She said and looked down winking at Lance

“How about ‘the mattress’?” Chris joked and she rolled her eyes at them looking at Lance,

“I can’t believe that voluntarily joined up with these buffoons. What were you thinking?” She joked and he laughed with her,

“I did it for the hot chicks. Yeah, the women.” He joked and she sighed,

"Please tell me that Joey hasn't corrupted my Lancsten."

"Nah it was us." Chris said wiggling his eyebrows and she groaned,

"That's it I forbid you to hang out with these boys anymore. They're bad influences on you." She teased, then her phone rang and she answered it,


“Side room by the lighting booth now.” JC commanded and hung up the phone. She rolled her eyes and flipped her phone shut.

“Who was that?” Lance asked and she shrugged her shoulders,

“Don’t know, prank call. The number was blocked.”

“Strange, did they say anything?” Justin asked and she shook her head,

“Nope, just breathing.”

“That’s a bit creepy.” Chris added,

“Yeah.” She replied.

Izzy watched the concert form backstage. JC kept giving her a weird look every time he saw her. She sighed figuring that he was just being his natural jerky self again. After the concert was done Izzy waited on the bus for the guys to come on. Like usual they were all sweaty and gross as they trampled on. Chris headed directly for her trying to give her a hug,

“Ewww! Chris get away!” She squealed, he put on an upset face and walked dejectedly away. “Oh Chris you know I love you, just not when you’re all sweaty and gross!”

“Oh, I see, you go for those showering kind of guys!” He joked,

“Exactly and cologne isn’t a bad touch either!” She laughed at him. JC was the last one on the bus and he didn’t even look her way when he got on the bud, she found this very interesting. Justin came up to her and sat down across from her,

“So who’s room are we going to watch the movie in?”

“Um, mine I guess.” Lance said coming up from the back and downing a bottle of water.

“Great, so once you guys all shower, come to Lance’s room.”

“Aw man we have to shower to watch the movie?” Chris whined coming up to the group and sitting down next to Izzy,

“Yes, I’m not sitting in a room with smelly boys for two hours.” Izzy said and stuck her tongue out at Chris.

“First no porn and now we have to shower, I’m thinking of not going at all.” Chris retorted and then he looked at her, “Are you going to shower?”

“I’m not all sweaty and gross.”

“How do we know that?”

“Because I don’t smell like you do.” She said and shoved him off the seat and he fell on the floor,

“Joey! Your secretary’s abusing me!” Chris shouted and Joey started to laugh,

"That's personal assistant, buddy." She retorted.

“Hey good job Iz! I might have to give you a raise!” Joey yelled from the back making everyone laugh and the bus pulled up to the hotel. Everyone went to their rooms to shower. JC spent a little more time getting into his room, which happened to be right next to Izzy’s. She looked his way,

“What’s got your boxers in a bunch tonight?” She asked coolly and he turned to her,

“You and your teasing.” He hissed coldly, “What is it with girls and teasing? Do they take you aside when you're little and give you lessons in it?”

“What are you talking about?” He went and got really close to her, “You giving me the eyes like you want me. It’s not funny, guys can’t just switch it off like girls can.”

“And that’s my fault?”

“Why didn’t you show up after I called you?” He whispered forcefully, trying to keep their voices low so that no one would hear them,

“Because I’m not a dog, Chasez. Plus I didn’t want to go.” She replied haughtily,

“I never said that you were a dog!” He whispered,

“You could have fooled me because that’s how you treated me, calling me up and demanding that I come to you. I don’t take orders from you.”

“Well you seemed to like it last night.” He shot back and she just glared at him,

“That was then. I have to go make some popcorn.” She turned to go into her room and JC stopped her,

“Are we still on for tonight?”

“If I’m awake maybe, if I’m not go back to your room.” She shrugged and went into her room. JC sighed and muttered,

“Freaking women.” Before going into his room.

Izzy quickly made popcorn and went to Lance's room. She knocked on hiss door. A short while after he opened it, he was standing there in a towel dripping wet.

“Well that’s one way to answer a door.” She winked and Lance scratched the back of his head.

“Uh, yeah, I just got out of the shower, sorry.”

“Trust me, it’s fine with me. I was just bringing over the popcorn.” She held up the bowl of popcorn, “I can wait, it’s not problem.”

“No, No, come on in. I’ll only be a few minutes.” Lance let her in and grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom. She walked in and put the popcorn on the coffee table by the couch and glanced out his balcony,

“Your view is so much better than mine is, I’m jealous.” She walked over to the glass door and stared out into the city,

“Yeah, too bad I don’t have too much time to appreciate it.” He yelled from the bathroom and then came out fully dressed. “Heck half the time I don’t even know what city I’m looking at.” He said and came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, she leaned back into him.

“Crazy, it really is.” She replied and Lance was about to say something when there was knocking on his door. She turned around and smiled, “Guess we should let the kids in.” They both laughed and Lance ran to open the door while Izzy took a seat on the couch. Chris immediately ran in and jumped on Izzy,

“I’m all showered so now I can jump all over you!” Izzy squealed and squirmed under him,

“Chris I swear if you don’t get off of me I’m gonna kick your ass and I’ve done it before so don’t think I won’t do it again!” She shouted playfully and Chris jumped off of her,

“Okay, okay! Don’t hurt me!” They all laughed and the other three joined them at the couch. Justin sat down quickly next to Izzy and Joey took the other side. Lance gave Justin a look and he quickly hopped onto the floor,

“I think I’ll sit on the floor!” He shouted and Lance groaned,

“Smooth, curly, real smooth.” He muttered and sat down next to Izzy who grabbed the remote,

“Kay let’s start this movie!” Izzy shouted

“Wait,” Lance said, “Where’s JC?”

“Why would JC be on time? He has to do his hair perfectly and pick out the right outfit for this shindig. He may be hours.” Izzy replied sarcastically. “I don’t want to wait for his dumb ass. I’m not putting my life on hold because he feels like taking his sweet ass time.”

“But he’ll miss part of the movie.” Justin said,

“Well then it’ll teach him a lesson not to be late.” Just then JC breezed in the room.

“Hey look who finally shows up.” Chris retorted and JC rolled his eyes and got comfy on the floor using the couch as a backrest.

“What movie are we watching?” He asked ignoring Chris’s comment,

“Sex party eight. We got it from your collection.” Izzy ripped,

“All right! PORN!” Chris shouted and JC sighed,

“Ha ha very funny. Anyways I wasn’t asking you.” He replied coldly stressing the you.

“Hey kids can’t we all get along?” Justin asked playfully,

“The matrix.” Joey answered him and Izzy pushed play.
