Chapter Thirty Four

Izzy groggily answered her door to see Lance standing there,

“Hey sweets, what’s up?”

“How ya feeling?”

“Okay I guess.”

“Are you feeling good enough to go out with us tonight?”

“Not really, I’m still kind of tired from the attack.”

“You sure? We’re all going.”

“You guys have a guys’ night out. I really need some more sleep or else evil Izzy will come out and that will not be pretty.”

“Okay.” He playfully pouted and she smiled leaning against her door,

“How about next time I promise that I’ll go out with y’all, kay?” Lance brightened up instantly,

“Kay, I’m gonna hold you to that.”

“I’m sure you will, sweets. Have a good time and behave.”

“Me? I always behave.”

“You’re not the one I worry about.” She winked, “It’s your other cohorts that I worry about.”

“I’ll keep them in line.”

“Okay, good night Lance.” She saw some of the guys come out into the hall and she yelled down, “Lance is in charge tonight! I better not get any bad reports from him in the morning.” She said playfully and Chris yelled back,

“Yes mom!” Izzy laughed and turned back to Lance,

“See ya.”

“Good night Izzy.” He said and she shut her door, locking it so that she couldn’t be disturbed. Though it was a beautiful night out and she opened up her balcony door letting the cool night air float through her room. She flopped back down into her bed and quickly fell asleep.

Izzy dreamed that JC was kissing her all over her body, working his way down her belly.

“Mmm, God, Jace you feel so good….” She moaned as he continued his oral assault on her body. His slipped his fingers between her legs into her molten core making Izzy groan at the sensations rippling through her body.

Her eyes fluttered open to find his face was hidden partially from her sight by her thigh. She realized that this was indeed not a dream and she moaned with pleasure,

“Ohh…” His tongue brushed her intimately again and she gasped. Her fingers moved down and tangled in his hair and her hips moved forward on their own accord seeking his firmer touch. He licked her harder, slipping inside slightly before brushing her sensitive peak and pulling away and lowering again to repeat. His fingers slid in and out repeatedly, until she couldn’t take it any more and cried out in passion. “Oh, fuckkk, yesss…” JC smiled at his handy work and moved up her body,

“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” He smiled lustfully and she slowly opened her desire heavy eyes,

“Hell yeah.” She breathed causing a laugh to fall form JC’s lips. She looked up at him, “What are you doing here? I thought you went out with the guys.” JC moved his hand under her shirt towards her breasts,

“I was feeling a little bit under the weather at the last minute and decided that spending the night in was a good idea. Plus I had to pay someone back for some special treatment that they gave me this morning.” His hand reached one of her breast and he rolled it between his fingers, “What do you think?” Izzy arched her back,

“Thank God for sudden sickness.” She whispered reaching for him, gripping the back of his neck and drawing his mouth to hers. She tasted herself there and listened to him moan. Her hands moved to the front of this shirt tearing at the buttons, releasing them one at a time as his lips devoured hers, his tongue swirling deeply. His body moved away but not his mouth and he flung the shirt across the room before leaning towards her. She locked her legs around his waist as he moved her shirt over her head and tossing that aside as well. Her hands slid over his skin, loving the feel of his strong body, “JC fuck me please….” She moaned and this time, he did as she asked. Shedding his pants, JC moved above her and eased into her slick heat.

“Izzy, you feel so good.” He moaned against her skin as he rode her slowly. She clenched him and he doubted very much her mind was on anything beyond the pleasure he was giving her. Lowering his head, he suckled first one breast, then the other.

“Oh…” She began to raise her hips to meet his thrusts. Despite the fact his movements were slow and deliberate, he was rapidly driving her to a new peak.

“Come with me.” He whispered as he lowered his head so their mouths could meet. He began driving into her harder and faster, feeling her go taut beneath him. “Iz!…”

“Ah!” The explosion of bliss was like a white heat that swamped her.

“Damn, fuck, fuck fuck!” He groaned as he felt her body clench and milk him violently. One final push and he jetted into her, then collapsed on top of her. A few moments later he rolled off of her with a sigh, flopping back on her bed. They were both quiet as their breathing became normal again. Then a realization hit Izzy,

“Chasez, how the hell did you get into my room? I locked the door. Don’t tell me that you’ve taken to breaking an entry as a hobby now.” She joked and he chuckled,

“Nah, I just hopped over the wall between our balconies. It was pretty simple actually and no one’s the wiser.”

“Why didn’t you just use the door? Everyone’s out and no one would have noticed.”

“Okay, Miss I’m so smart. Remember how you just said that the door was locked? I’m not that good at picking locks as you are.”

“Maybe some day I’ll give you a lesson.”

“Trust me I think we can find more constructive ways to spend our time together.” He grinned looking down at her.

“Oh really and what would that be?” She smiled as he moved over her again,

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” He said and pulled her to him.
