Chapter Thirty Five

They boarded their private place and Izzy took a seat next to Joey. It was extremely early in the morning and everyone was really tired. The moment they were in the air she flopped down into Joey’s lap to sleep. Joey laughed at her,

“Hey now princess, not here, everyone can see.” He teased and she laughed with him,

“They’re sleeping, cover me with a blanket and they won’t notice trust me. Just don’t moan to loudly.” She said with a yawn and they both let out a long laugh. Joey leaned against the window,

“Sweet dreams princess.”

“My head’s in Joey Fatone’s lap, how could I not have good dreams?”

“Keep it up, you’re giving me good dreams.” He snickered,

“How about you two shut up so we all can sleep.” Justin grumbled from behind,

“Uh oh, looks like junior’s jealous he can’t join in on the fun we’re having up here.” Izzy retorted setting off her and Joey again.

A while later, Izzy woke to her phone ringing. She answered it quickly,

“Hello?…Tony baby, what’s up?….Uh huh…okay, yeah I’m on a plane…LA for a couple of days….ha ha, you’re just sorry that I made friends with Joey first…” One of the stewardesses tapped her on the shoulder,

“Miss you need to turn that phone off, we’re going to be landing soon.” Izzy nodded and went back to her phone,

“What?…Yeah I have to get off, we’re landing soon, but I’ll call you again as soon as I’m on the ground, that okay?….Yeah, love ya too, bye Tone.” She hung up and turned off her phone as she sunk back into her seat getting ready to land.

“Was that little Tony?” Joey asked,

“Yuppers,” She yawned and buckled her seat belt, “He’s got some girl problem he needs advice on. I have no idea how he meets girls when he’s always at the hospital.” Joey laughed,

“What was that about being my friend first?”

“Oh he was just teasing me about the perks of my job, what he doesn’t realize is that I have to deal with you five everyday.” She teased and he ruffled her hair,

“Watch it now, I just might hire Tony.”

“You might need it with your guys’ record. He could be, Dr. Mariani: Nsync’s medicine man. That’d be a riot, he could do saline IVs when y’all are hung over, think of the possibilities.” She teased,

“Hmm, maybe I should’ve made friends with Tony instead of you.” He teased and Izzy punched him in the arm,


“Hey now, you can’t beat up on your boss.”

“Says who? My contract? I don’t think it’s in there.”

“How do you know? You never read it, I swear there’s a section about sexual favors.” He was cut off when Izzy punched him in the arm again.

“Stop the violence!” He shouted rubbing his arm, “You should be nice to me. I sign your paycheck.”

“I’ll try being nicer if you try being smarter.” She teased,

“Hey!” Joey said and was going to add something but their plane had finally landed and they had to deboard. Once they were in the airport Izzy turned her phone on to call her brother when it rang.

“Hello?…Hey Greg.” She smiled and giggled a little,

“Aw, it’s Greggy-boy.” Joey teased and she rolled her eyes at him and smacked his arm,

“That was just Joey being a pain. You know spending the summer with you is looking better and better…”

“Don’t listen to her Greg! She loves it here with us!” Joey shouted into her phone and she walked away from the group a little,

“Yeah, I know. Actually honey can I call you in a little bit? Tony was expecting a call from me as soon as I landed. Okay, talk to you later honey, bye.” She smiled at Greg’s phone call and Chris saw her face,

“Aw, kissy, kissy, Greg, I love you, I can’t live with out you. I want your hot bod.” He teased her and started making out with his hand,

“Ha, ha, very funny, dork.” She said smacking down his visor. “I still can’t believe that there are people who PAY to see you guys together. Now excuse me I have to call someone who actually has an IQ that’s not in the negative numbers.”

Justin came up to her during the day,

“You’re coming out tonight.”

“And where are we going?”

“A friend of ours is throwing a party. Don’t even try to get out of it.” He teased, “You promised Lance.”

“Do you all know about that?” She laughed, “I promise I won’t. What should I wear?”

“Anything would be fine, it’s not a fancy thing. Just some people getting together and hanging out. No Biggie, just be ready at like ten.”


At ten Justin knocked on Izzy’s door,

“Hey Izzy, you ready to go?” She opened the door and his jaw dropped,

“Is this alright?” Justin stuttered a little and then spit out,

“Alright? Honey we’re gonna have to give you your own body guard tonight.” Izzy was wearing red leather pants with a tight black shimmery top that shot right through her cleavage.

“Cute, real cute junior.” She said rolling her eyes at him, “Let me grab my purse and we can go.” She turned and Justin’s eyes popped even more if that was possible. There was literally no back to her shirt, it clipped at the bottom and around her neck,

“Damn Iz, you’re gonna need a body guard to keep ME off of you.” He breathed and she laughed,

“You’re a little too young for my blood.” She walked towards him and he grabbed his heart,

“Aw Iz, straight through my heart.” She walked past him on her way out the door and ran a finger down the side of his face,

“Young, but legal.” She winked and walked out the door. Izzy didn’t hear a reply because she looked down the hall to see Lance coming out of his room. “Hey sweets.” She called out to him and he turned to him. His eyes nearly fell out of their sockets,

“Izzy, hey, uh, you, look, uh, great.” He stuttered and she met up with him and strung her arm through his.

“Thanks, you’re looking pretty good your self.”

The rest of the guys had similar reactions to her outfit. Izzy knew she looked good but not good enough to expect the reactions of the guys. JC’s eyes barely left her body on the way to the party. He was obviously staring at her chest, so she leaned over to him, grabbing one of his hands and pretended to put something in it,

“Chasez, here’s your eyes back. I found them in my cleavage.” She smiled playfully and the whole car cracked up. JC rolled his eyes and preceded to start our the window for the rest of the ride.

They arrived at the party and it reminded her of the parties she used to go to at school. Guess the rich and famous really aren’t that much different, she thought and giggled to herself out loud.

“What are you laughing about?” Joey whispered into her ear, keeping a firm grip on her waist. She shook her head,

“Nothing, just my internal monologue.”

“If that’s not dangerous.” He teased,

“You have no idea, Joey, no idea.” She laughed back. Joey dropped his arm from her waist to her hand,

“Let’s go get something to drink.”

“You’re the boss.”

“Yes, I am.” He laughed and led her to the bar. He introduced her around to people at the party. They met up with Lance who was hugging a young brunette hello,

“Hey honey!” She greeted him,

“Em! Hey! I didn’t know you would be here.” He said and then she turned to see Joey there,

“Joey! Are all the guys here?” She asked,

“Hey Em, yeah we’re all here somewhere.” Lance turned Em towards Izzy,

“Em, I want you to meet Izzy, she’s Joey’s best friend from way back. Iz, this is Emmanuelle, she was my co-star in my movie.”

“You mean Joey wasn’t your leading lady?” Izzy teased,

“I had a hard time believing that I was too.” She joked and the girls laughed,

“Geez, they just met and already they’re ragging on us.” Joey said and Em pinched his cheek,

“It’s just cuz you’re so easy.” She grinned,

“In more ways than one.” Izzy added and the girls burst out in laughter again.

“Maybe we should separate these two.”

“Aw, we were just getting started.” Em pouted,

“I know we haven’t even scraped the surface of what we could make fun of you for. I mean there’s your under-” Joey covered her mouth with his hand,

“That’s enough out of you.” Joey shook his head and turned to Em and Lance, “Em, I’m sure Izzy loved meeting you, no, I know she loved meeting you but she’s gonna come dance with me now before she really gets herself into trouble.” Joey said not removing his hand from her mouth. Izzy winked and waved at them before she let Joey drag her off to dance.

They had been dancing for a while when she felt someone come up behind her and begin dancing with her. After a few movements from them she knew exactly who it was. She grinned at Joey who rolled his eyes as she turned around,

“Hey squirt.” She giggled and he grinded his hips with hers,

“I resent that name, I’m bigger than you.”

“I have the bigger attitude.”

“You win.” He gave in,

“I always do.” She smiled smugly and glanced over the crowd and saw JC dancing with Em. They were laughing and joking around, ‘Well what do you know he’s human.’ She thought to herself. Em caught her eye, smiled and waved to her. Izzy waved back and then saw JC turn her way. She waved to him and he threw a wave over his shoulder before going back to Em.

“They look cozy.” Izzy said to Justin and nodded in JC’s and Em’s direction. Justin turned quickly to look before turning back to her,

“Yeah, they hang out all the time. She was in Lance’s and Joey’s movie.”

“I met her a little while ago. Lance introduced me to her. Maybe I should let her know what she’s getting herself into.” She teased,

“I think she already knows.” He smiled and noticed her empty cup, “Do you want me to get you another drink?”

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”

“I’m not trying, I am.” He smiled and took her cup from her. “Be back in a few, don’t move.” She turned around to find Joey only to find that he was gone as well, but then she felt another arm snake around her waist and she jumped. She turned to see Lance standing there,

“Jesus, what is it with you guys sneaking up on me!” She teased and put her arms around his neck, dancing with him.

“Sorry, you were just facing the wrong direction.” He shrugged,

“Well you can sneak up on me anytime” She winked and Lance smiled pulling her close. Some girl tried to dance with him from behind but Lance completely ignored them and concentrated on Izzy. A fast Spanish tune came over the speakers and Lance pulled away a little.

“Where are you going? You’re not going to dance with me?” She pouted a little,

“I don’t dance to this.”

“Why not?”

“Because I can’t.”

“Oh shush it’s not that hard, come on I’ll teach you.” She said pulling him towards her and grabbing his hands in hers. She began salsa dancing with him as Lance tried to follow. He got the few basic steps down and Izzy improvised around him making him look like he was leading when in fact it was her. She had him twirl her around and back to him easily then she danced back and forth in front of him. Soon he was having a good time dancing with her because she made him look so much better than he really was. She rolled her hips closely to his as she turned around in front of him and heard him groan. She looked out into the crowd and saw a lustful pair of eyes watching her. She smiled and went back to dancing with Lance knowing that JC was watching her every move. She upped the sexual part of the salsa dancing for his benefit. She moved Lance’s hands down to her hips as she moved them against his and then she had Lance dip her. He was shocked at what he was doing with her but then again it was mostly her that was doing the dancing. The song ended and she hugged Lance,

“See that wasn’t so hard.” She smiled up at him and he laughed,

“Yeah, well it was mostly you. Come on I’ll get you a drink.” He said taking her hand,

“Justin was getting me one and-”

“Here’s another one.” Lance said handing her a shot,

“Okay, okay.” She replied and downed the shot quickly, it was a kamikaze, her favorite. Lance looked at her,

“Want another one?”

“Yes, please.” She said and Lance handed her another one. He had one this time and they both did them together. Lance held up the shaker,

“There’s still some left, can you handle it?”

“Handle it? Honey I just started.” She smiled and Lance filled up their shot glasses once again. They clinked them and drank them down. She placed her glass down, “God I love kamikazes.” She sighed and caught sight of Justin just over Lance’s shoulder,

“Izzy! Just in time to get your drink!” Justin yelled and handed it over a couple heads. Izzy tried to grab it but it slipped from her hands. She jumped back a little but it still caught the bottom of her shirt and her one legs. Lance jumped back and it totally missed him.

“Aw, crap!” She said trying to wipe herself off. Justin saw this,

“Izzy I’m sorry!”

“S’okay.” She waved him off as Lance tried to help her but she pushed him away. “I’ll go take care of it, don’t worry. I’ll be back.” She said and made her way through the crowd. She knew that the bathroom line would take forever so she snuck up some back stairs in search of another one. She hit the jackpot after she searched down a hallway and found a free bathroom. It was completely deserted up here and all that could be heard was the distant roar of the party going on downstairs.

She wiped off her leather pants as best she could and then worked on her shirt. Slowly but surely it was all coming out.

JC stood in the doorway admiring her curvy frame that was leaning over the sink. She was busily blotting her shirt with a towel and didn’t notice him standing there watching her. He slowly made his way into the bathroom and closed the door. Her head whipped up as the door clicked and smile crept across her face.

“Do you need something Chasez?” She asked returning her attention back to her shirt. He locked the door and advanced on her,

“Yeah, you.” He reached her and grabbed her waist with his hands. His hot breath on her neck made her shiver and he grinned at her reaction. He grinded into her behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. Then suddenly he whipped her around to face him and he kissed her deeply. He lifted her up onto the small sink, unzipping her pants.

“Do you have any idea how much hell I've been through with my lower body since I saw you tonight?” He growled, unzipping his own pants.

“No, no idea.” She breathed against his lips, “Tell me how much hell you've been through.” She said and kissed him fiercely.

“How about I just show you through you screaming out my name.” She laughed.

“A little cocky, aren't we?” He chuckled.

“You have no idea how 'cock-y' I can be.” She reached down and stroked his cock eliciting a moan from his throat.

“Oh yes I do.” She whispered watching him closely as he enjoyed the pleasure she created in him. He pushed her hand away and lifted her over him, and slid into her. She groaned at his size, he felt huge.

“God, Izzy, you're tight.” He groaned against her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him as he started to rock his body against hers, sliding in and out of her, slowly to start, but faster and harder as he found his rhythm.

“Fuck, oh God.” She moaned, burying her head in the material of his shirt to muffle the moans. He nuzzled his head in her neck, pounding into her, panting heavily.

“Iz, I don't know how much longer I can handle this.” He groaned.

“I'm so close, so, ah, yeah…” She breathed out and JC took a deep breath, thrusting as deep into her as he possibly could. “Fuck, fuck!” She cried out and he paused, feeling her release surround him, closing his eyes tightly as she shook in his arms.

“I'm going, fuck, Iz, shit, damn…” He whispered trailing obscenities, loosing himself in his own orgasm, the sweet agony of holding himself now released. “I can't move.” He gasped as he lay his head on her chest. She leaned her head back against the mirror.

“Well you better make up an excuse of why you’re in here, like this with me if someone catches us.”

“I was fucking your brains out, case closed.” He said and she burst out with laughter.

“Okay then.” She replied and JC moved off of her and got dressed again. Izzy slid off of the counter and did the same. “Having a good time at the party?” She asked and he looked at her,

“I am now.” He smiled and pressed up against her again,

“I should probably get back downstairs. I may be missed.”

“I don’t care, tell them you had trouble getting the punch out of your shirt.” He started kissing her neck again and she pushed him away,

“You don’t want to get back to the party?”

“Why when the party up here’s much more fun?” He said undoing her shirt.

Izzy walked down the stairs and saw that in the past hour the party had really gotten rockin’. There were about twice the people there that were there before hand. She glanced around for any of the guys as she weaved her way through the crowd.

“Izzy!” She heard her name being called and looked through the crowd to see Em waving her down. She easily made her way over to her,

“Hey Em, having a good time?”

“Yeah! Where have you been the guys have been looking all over for you, especially Lance. He said something about your shirt getting a drink on it.”

“Justin spilt his drink on me or rather my drink and I had to go wash it out really quickly. Do you know where I could find Lance or Justin?” Em pointed behind her and Izzy turned to see Lance on top of the bar dancing around. “Oh goodness me. I leave the boy to his own devices for an hour and look what happens.” She giggled and took Em’s hand leading her over to the bar. Lance caught sight of them and waved them up. He almost fell over backwards in the process. Izzy instantly jumped up there to help him stand. He had a little too much to drink,

“Whoa sweets. Try to keep it steady, don’t need to fall and hit your head now do you?” She laughed and he began to dance with her and sing, “Put it in your mouth” to her. She smiled and sang along with him singing along with the girl part. He knew the whole song by heart and it cracked her up because it wasn’t a song that she thought he would know.

After the song he pulled her to the end of the bar and somehow got a hold of a mike. He turned to the crowd,

“How y’all doing tonight folks!” He yelled into the mike and someone else jumped up on the bar grabbing the mike from Lance.

“How would you like a song from Lance folks!” The guy yelled and the crowd cheered. Lance backed away a little and protested and Izzy hugged him from behind,

“You were just screaming into that mike a few seconds ago and now you won’t touch it?” She whispered into his ear and he grinned,

“What about you?”

“Me?” She asked and he grabbed the mike whispering something to the guy. He nodded and jumped off the bar. Lance went back to Izzy dancing with her, “What do you have up your sleeve?”

“Nothing at all.” He winked and she smiled at him,

“I don’t trust you at all. You realize that.”

“Yup, but you’re loving every minute of it. I want you to sing to me.” He said,

“What do you want me to sing to you?” The next song came over the speakers it was ‘I want you’ by INXS.

“This.” He said and handed her the mike. Izzy took a quick glance out into the crowd, no one was really paying attention to them as there were other people on the bar. She shrugged,

“Okay.” She said and began to sing to him lowly at first and then became louder. She danced with him as she sang the song. Izzy got lost in the song and she didn’t know if it was the alcohol or the rush of having people watch her that made her let loose to the song. Soon she was taking over the entire bar and singing to the crowd as well as Lance. She acted like she did this every night for a living and the party goers really got into her act. Izzy bounced around and acted like she owned the joint.

She looked out into the crowd at one point and caught a pair of blue eyes staring at her. She caught the eyes and stared back singing to them and then winked. ‘This definately has turned out to be an interesting summer.’ She thought to herself.
