Chapter Forty One

Having Izzy’s sisters there gave her a renewed strength and energy. She usually placed that energy towards JC…

All the guys gathered in the hallway to leave for their sound check party. Izzy was chatting and joking around with Lance and Justin when JC came out of his room dressed in pink and purple jeans, a gray t-shirt and wired shoes. Izzy snickered as he walked over to them,

“Well I see you set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.” She said looking him up and down, making Lance and Justin snicker with her,

“What are you talking about?” He said looking down at his outfit. Izzy turned to Lance and Justin,

“You’re not really going to let him go to the sound check like that, are you?” Justin held up his hands,

“He’s a big boy he can dress himself.”

“Obviously not, and here all this time I thought it was your stylist that was bad. Now I realize it was just him.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” JC asked and Izzy looked at him,

“Let’s play a little game. Look at Lance and Justin, normal guy clothing. Yours, well let’s just say that no STRAIGHT man would ever be caught dead in those pants.” She pointed to Lance and Justin, “Straight.” She pointed back to him, “Gay.” She pointed back to the other guys, “Straight.” And back to JC, “Gay. Are you getting my point?” JC simply crossed his arms across his chest.

“Maybe I’m just secure in my sexuality.”

“Yeah, that’s it. I’m sure.” She laughed and JC narrowed his eyes,

“You know Mariani, I will always cherish those initial misconceptions I had about you.”

“I’m just warning ya. Everyone already thinks you’re the gay one and you’re just adding fuel to the flames.” She said and the trio broke down in laughter again,

Chris and Joey walked over to the group,

“Whoa C, what’s with the pants? Is the circus in town again?” Chris joked and JC threw his hands up in the air,

“Fine! I’ll frickin change!” he exclaimed and stomped into his room.

“I hope he puts on something normal.” Justin said and Izzy sighed,

“By himself that would take a lifetime. You guys go ahead so that you’re not all late. I’ll make sure that he looks normal.” She said and walked towards JC’s room,

“Ooo, JC may be naked! No hanky panky!” Chris shouted and the guys laughed,

“So many freaks, so few circuses!” She exclaimed and they walked away laughing hysterically. Izzy waited till they had left to knock on his door.

“Chasez, you decent?” She yelled through the door and it suddenly swung open to reveal JC still in the same outfit.

“What do you want?” He growled, not happy at all with her. Izzy brushed it off and smiled sexily at him,

“To make sure you’re, uh, taken care of.” She licked her lips at him and a grin grew on his face,

“Come on in.”

Izzy and JC walked into the stadium. He was now dressed in slightly baggy, regular colored, jeans that hung at his hips. Even though they had just satisfied their sexual urges, watching him walk in those jeans made her want him again.

“I should have let you keep those other pants.” She whispered to him and he glanced at her quickly,

“What? Why?”

“Because then I wouldn’t have this sudden urge to jump you right here.” She said saucily and he grinned shoving his hands in his pockets.

“If I didn’t know any better I’d say that you only wanted me for my body.” He teased,

“Well it’s not your charming personality that I stick around for.” She teased him back and he laughed shaking his head as they walked behind stage, meeting up with the guys.

“Wow, that took a while.” Lance commented and Izzy rolled her eyes,

“You should have seen the pants I had to wrestle away from him. I’ve never known someone with so many fashion disasters in their suitcase. I swear you should never let this man go shopping alone, ever.” She grabbed JC’s mike, “Up with the shirt, Chasez.” She motioned to him and he lifted his shirt.

“Wow, she’s dressing him and ordering him around. If I didn’t know better I’d say they were married.” Justin laughed,

“Watch it junior. I have no qualms about kicking your ass.” She warned playfully and he put his hands up,

“I know when to shut it.”

“Ah, it’s fear, not marriage.” Chris joked, “Actually you both know Kung Fu. I wanna see you both go at it. That’d be great, we could sell tickets to the crew and set up betting boards. Everyone would turn out to see these guys go at it.” Izzy smiled to herself as she wired JC. Little did Chris know they were going at it a while ago.

“That feel okay?” She asked JC standing up again and he nodded,

“Yeah, I’m good.” He replied and Chris was still going on about their ‘fight’ he was setting up,

“We could have t-shirts, ooo, then a rematch! It’s be so cool! Then we could-”

“Chris if you don’t shut your trap I’m gonna shove your foot in it!” She yelled at him and Chris instantly shut up. Justin came up and wrapped Izzy in a huge hug,

“Thank you! I didn’t think that anyone would ever shut him up!”

“Ha, ha, SQUIRT.” Chris said and Justin turned on him,

“Hey man, only one person is allowed to call me that and that’s because she can kick my ass.”

“Alright kids, I think you’ve all stalled enough. Go out there and make some teenies happy.” She teased and they laughed as they went out on stage.

Izzy was getting a piggy back ride from Chris when they saw JC talking with two older people. Chris jogged over to them,

“Mom and Dad Chasez! What’s up?” He said cheerfully. The trio turned towards them,

“Hello Chris, how are you dear?” Mrs. Chasez smiled warmly an Chris let Izzy go before hugging her,

“I’m good, I’m good. Izzy’s being a slave driver making he carry her everywhere.”

“That’s what you get when you lose a bet.” Izzy teased Chris lightly bumping her hip into his. JC motioned towards Izzy,

“Mom, Dad this is Joey’s best friend from New York, Izzy Mariani. She’s helping Joey out and being his personal assistant for the summer." Izzy shook their hands,

“It’s nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Chasez.”

“Nice to meet you too. Is this your first time touring with the boys?”

“Yeah, boy was I shocked. I can’t believe that they’ve done this for the last six years. They’re really special guys to put up with all of this.” Chris faked wiping away a tear,

“Aw Iz, that’s so sweet.” Izzy pushed him playfully,

“Keep it up Kirkpatrick, you’ll be carrying me around for another week.” She teased and everyone laughed, she turned to his parents,

“So what brings you to this show? I mean from the obvious reason that you came to see your favorite member of the group, Justin.” She joked and JC rolled his eyes,

“It never ends with you does it?” He groaned and she smiled,

“Nope, you’re just figuring this out?”

“We live in the Chicago area, so that’s why we’re here.” His father said interrupting the two,

“We’re in Chicago?” She asked seriously, “I swear I thought that we were in Milwaukee.”

“Dave didn’t change the sign.” JC said,

“Okay, good, so I’m not going crazy.” She said and then caught Chris making faces at her, “Though another two months with these guys and I just might be.” She laughed and turned back to his parents, “It was really nice meeting you Mr. and Mrs. Chasez. I’m sure I’ll see you around at the concert, then I can tell you what your son is really up to.” She grinned evilly,

“Chris?” JC said,

“On it chief.” Chris said and picked up Izzy tossing her over his shoulder and hauling her away.

“Chris! Put me down!” She shouted as he waved to the Chasez’s and ran off with her. The Chasez’s waved after them, laughing at the two and turned back to JC,

“She’s nice, I bet she keeps things lively around here, especially with Chris.” JC laughed,

“Trust me she doesn’t need Chris to keep things lively. She’s enough by herself, adding Chris to her mayhem is just asking for trouble.”

Izzy slid up to JC while he was off to the side before the concert.

“What do you want?” He asked rudely and Izzy ignored it,

“Are you coming over tonight?” She smiled,

“Yeah, why not?” She shrugged,

“Your parent’s are in town.”

“In town, not in my hotel room.” He retorted and she crossed her arms,

“Your parents are so nice, how the hell did you come from them?”

“Pure luck. They liked you too. They called you “lively”, they have no idea. I’m actually surprise you were all nice to them and polite.”

“Actually I thought of introducing myself differently, something to the accord of, ‘Hi, I’m Izzy and I’m fucking your son. Oh no, we’re not dating, I’m just using him for sex.’” She grinned and he let out a chuckle,

“I’m sure they would have loved that one. Can I introduce myself like that when I meet your parents?”

“Who says that you’re going to meet my parents? That I’ll let you anywhere near my parents.”

“I just want to know what kind of people could have created such a sexy, tempting, bitch like yourself.”

“It’s the same way your wonderful parents created a mouth watering, desirable, asshole like yourself.” She retorted making him smile.

“I’ll be over at twelve.”

“See you then.” She said and walked away.

During the concert Izzy sat next to JC’s mom and talked to her during the whole show. She was a complete doll and really easy to talk to. After the concert they made their way back to the hotel to meet the guys. The guys were out in the hallway waiting for them. Izzy hugged JC’s mom,

“It was so nice to meet you. I had a really good time talking to you, it was so nice to have someone to sit with during the concert that doesn’t scream like a maniac.”

“You too dear, I’m sure we’ll be seeing you later on in the tour.”

“I look forward to it. Goodbye Mr. Chasez, have a good night.” She waved as she walked down the hall towards the guys.

“Good night dear.” His father called out after her and she threw a smile back their way before Lance grabbed her an started tickling her. JC made his way over to his parents,

“Hey did you enjoy the show?”

“Yes, baby, it was wonderful as always. Izzy was such a sweetie during the whole thing. I don’t think I’ve talked so much with someone I just met. She’s so smart and nice.”

“You really like her?”

“Yes, you don’t?”

“No, uh, I like her just fine. We get along most of the time, it’s just our personalities clash sometimes.”

“Really? I thought that she’d be someone you would go for. I kind of thought that she was perfect for you.”

“Really?” He said scratching the back of his head,

“Yeah,” His father said, “she reminds me of someone, though I can’t place my finger on it, she just seems so familiar. You say that she’s never been on tour or anywhere with you guys before?”

“Yeah, she apparently been really busy going to college and stuff and never made it out.”

“She was telling me about that. Well anyways we should be getting home, it’s late and way past out bedtimes.” His mother said and hugged JC,

“Okay, goodnight, thanks for coming.” JC went and hugged his dad,

“Good night son.”

Izzy walked into her room and kicked off her shoes, she was completely exhausted. She had been hanging out with Lance and Justin for a while before making her way back to her room. Walking into her room more she noticed a red box with a silver ribbon tied around it sitting on the table.

“What the hell is this?” She said and plucked out the note that was sitting under the bow of the ribbon. She quickly read the note,

“Saw this and I thought of you, hopefully you’ll be wearing it when I come over tonight.”
She knew that hand writing, it was JC’s, but what the hell was he doing buying her a gift? This had to be a gag, the box would explode when she opened it, or it’ll have dead rats in it or something. Finally she just untied the ribbon and opened the box. She pulled back the tissue paper and pulled out the blue mesh chemise with keyhole cut outs on the sides and a matching g-string. It was completely see through, she might as well not wear anything at all, which was probably the point of the garment. What she didn’t understand is why he bought it for her? It was a weird kind of gesture, they just had sex, but now he was trying to spice it up, because apparently trying to hide it from everyone wasn’t dangerous enough, Izzy thought sarcastically. She put the outfit back in the box and sighed. She went down to JC’s door and knocked, he answered shortly afterward and a smile spread across his face when he saw her standing there.

“To what do I owe this pleasant visit?” He asked and she rolled her eyes at him,

“What’s with the present?”

“You liked it huh?”

“Why’d you do it?” She asked and he shrugged his shoulders,

“I just really wanted to see what it looked like on you. You know, one of those gracious efforts.”

“Yeah, well next time use your brain and don’t buy it.”

“So you didn’t like it?”

“I didn’t say that, I just don’t need you going round and buying me things.”

“Okay point taken, no more buying you things that you would look hot in.” He said crossing his arms smugly, leaning against his doorframe and she just rolled her eyes again at him,

“Whatever, I’m going to take a nap.”

“Rest up but don’t sleep the entire night away. I plan on making an appearance in twenty minutes.”

“Come over, if I’m awake, cool, if I’m not go away.”

“Well if that’s not a turn on.” He said sarcastically,

“It’s just sex.” She said shrugging her shoulders and walking away. Izzy refused to let him have the upper hand in their situation, she liked having the control and him buying her things was giving him control.
