Chapter Forty

The girls sat at the bar with their drinks.

“Izzy can we go hang out with the guys in the VIP section?” Niquita asked.

“What? I’m not good enough for you?” She joked. “Nik, the boys aren’t even here yet. It takes them a while to get places because JC takes so long to get ready. Once they get here we can hang out with them, but right now I think we need to strut, y’all with me?” She said placing her drink down on the bar and stood up.

“You know it baby girl!” Jenna said following her lead and the rest of the girls got with them and followed Izzy out onto the dance floor. Izzy spotted a cutie standing off to the side and was talking to a couple of guys. She walked straight up to him and took the tie he was wearing in her hand,

“I want to play with you.” She said smiling and pulled him onto the dance floor by his tie and he followed willingly. The girls were soon tearing it up on the dance floor and having a great time.

The boys showed up and were ushered into the VIP section quickly. They were expecting to find the girls waiting for them there, but it was deserted of their friends.

“Hey Joey, the girls supposed to meet us here, right?” Lance asked.

“Yeah, well Izzy’s stuff is here so she’s here somewhere.” Joey went and looked out into the club and didn’t see her.

“Wait, I found them.” Justin said, “They’re on the dance floor near the stage.” The boys glanced over there and saw the girls. Izzy was dancing with three guys at once. Joey smiled,

“Looks like they decided to start the party without us.”

“Well let’s show them what a real party is.” Justin grinned at the rest of the boys. They started a loud party up in the VIP section. Joey was soon shouting down into the crowd,

“Isabella Mariani!!! Isabella Mariani!!” The music was so loud that it was lost in the crowd till Jenna took notice and tapped Izzy on the shoulder,

“I think someone’s trying to get your attention!” She shouted over the loud music and pointed up to the VIP section. Izzy glanced up and saw Joey waving frantically,

“Nice way to be subtle, Joe.” She said shaking her head and laughing. Izzy smiled and waved at Joey to let him know that she had seen him and turned to the girls, “Do you want to stay or go hang with the boys?” The girls gave her death looks, “Okay I guess that means that we’re going to see the guys, let’s go!” The girls with Izzy in the lead made their way over to the VIP entrance when Izzy stopped in her tracks.

“What is it?” Lucy asked,

“It’s Jennifer.” Izzy snarled, “What the hell is she doing here?” Jennifer used to be a good friend of Izzy’s until she sold her out and stabbed her in the back by lying about her to a professor. Deep down Izzy hated her but was still cordial to her. Jennifer saw Izzy and smirked, she smugly walked over to the girls.

“Funny running into you here, Isabella.”

“Yeah funny isn’t it?” The tension was evident in their voices,

“So what brings you girls out here? Aren’t you from the ghetto, Izzy?”

“I’m from Brooklyn, Jennifer.”

“Whatever, did you come here for the Nsync concert? Couldn’t get tickets to Giant’s Stadium? My daddy got me private box seats right above the stage. I didn’t see you girls where were you? Nose bleed section I suppose?” Lucy had to hold back Izzy from knocking her out.

“Actually we had front row tickets and back stage, all access passes, Jennifer.” Jenna shot back.

“I guess you got lucky and won a radio contest, because I know none of you could ever afford them.” Jenna was about to interject when Izzy stopped her,

“Yeah, something like that. You know I heard that Nsync’s here tonight in this club.”

“I know that’s why I’m here, I’m going to meet them.” She said confidently and then looked down at them, “Is that why you’re here? Because I don’t think they’d talk to white trash like you.” This time Lucy almost lost it but Izzy held her back and remained calm.

“Really? Would you like to make a bet on that?” Jennifer smiled smugly thinking that she had the upper hand.

“What kind of bet?”

“The first one to meet Nsync, all of Nsync, gets a hundred and twenty-five bucks, twenty-five per member. And if you kiss them, you get seventy five more per member.” Jennifer laughed,

“If you’re sure that you have that, I wouldn’t want you to sell all of your earthly possessions to pay me off.”

“Let’s just say that I have some extra cash lying around.”

“Well that’s a bet, first to meet and kiss, really kiss, all five Nsync members gets $500. I can always use some pocket change.” Jennifer smirked as she held out her hand and Izzy shook it confidently.

“We’ll see who gets the pocket change.” Izzy said before walking past Jennifer. As they walked up to the VIP section entrance, Mel piped up,

“I can’t believe you just did that! She so deserves everything she gets!”

“God I can’t wait to see her face when you win, does anyone have a camera?” Jenna said and they all laughed,

“I’m sure that we can dig one up somewhere.” Izzy said as she waved to the guard at the VIP entrance,

“Hey Eric.”

“Hey Izzy, the boys were wondering where you girls had gone off to.” He said and she smirked,

“We were, uh, just taking care of some business.” She said and all the girls laughed as they walked by Eric.

“Well look who finally decides to show up!” Justin yelled as the girls joined the boys, Joey stood up,

“We thought that you gals were never gonna come and hang out with us.” Izzy hugged him and kissed his cheek.

“We ran into an old friend.” She said and all of the girls burst out into laughter once again.

“What are you up to Isabella?” Joey asked and Izzy feigned innocence,

“Me? When am I ever up to something?” She said and the girls laughed harder,

“Why do I have the feeling that we are on the outside of an inside joke.” JC said

“That’s cause you are always on the outside of the inside joke, JC.” She joked as she sat down next to Lance and JC squeezed in next to her. “Come on girls you’ve been dying to hang out with the guys all night long and I’m the only one sitting with them!”

“Izzy!” Mel said obviously embarrassed,

“Oh, please, you are not going to deny that five minutes ago you were all whining about not being able to hang out with the guys. Really I don’t see why y’all would want to hang out with them, they’re kinda funky, like capital F funky.” She said and the girls burst out laughing and sat down.

“Once again I’m feeling left out.” JC said and she smirked,

“I can’t,” She said giggling, “it’s too much of a temptation to make fun of you, do you realize how much you bring this on yourself?” But before she could let him answer she was talking to the rest of the boys, “So how are you guys doing tonight?”

“Much better since you arrived.” Lance said and wrapped an arm around her shoulders,

“Oh, Lance you’re so sweet that you’re liable to give a girl a toothache.” Izzy said in her best southern belle imitation to the chuckles of the group. The girls had piled in the booth and were sitting variously in between the guys Joey had a girl on each side and he stretched his arms around each of them.

“Now this is how I like to spend my night, surrounded by beautiful girls.”

“Not all night, we were warned about you.” Jenna joked.

“Warned about what? Izzy what are you telling these girls?”

“The truth.” She said and they all laughed. Izzy crossed her legs under the table and ran her foot up JC’s leg. He shot her a look and she just smiled. Izzy caught Jenna’s eye and she nodded towards the bar. Izzy looked over the railing and saw Jennifer staring at her from the bar. Izzy smiled and waved smugly at her. Jennifer was in shock; her mouth was on the floor.

“Hey Iz, who you waving at?” Justin asked and Izzy turned her smile to her girls who had all seen the interaction.

“Someone from school, no one special, trust me.” She said and the girls began laughing once again.

“Why do I feel like we are missing out on one hell of a joke?” Chris stated.

“Oh Chris you have no idea.” She said giggling with the rest of the girls.

They hung out up there for a while and then Niquita, Mel, JC and Lance went to hit the dance floor.

“Now boys stay with the good girls tonight, no making out with random, skanky hoes or taking girls home tonight.” She joked looking at JC, who shot her the dirtiest look he could muster to which she laughed. Jenna and Lucy took a trip to the ladies room, which left Izzy with Joey, Lance, and Chris. Justin slid closer to her and placed an arm around her,

“So your sisters are pretty hot, Izzy.”

“And you’ve got a girlfriend, Timberlake. Taken people are off limits.”

“You’re not taken so does that mean that you’re fair game?” Chris asked wiggling his eyebrows at her and she smiled seeing an opportunity,

“Maybe, it depends.”

“On what?” Joey asked intrigued,

“Whether or not you’re a good kisser.”

“Really now.” Justin said smirking.

“Izzy, knows that I’m a good kisser.” Joey said puffing his chest out a little.

“Well all of America thinks that I’m a fabulous kisser.” Justin shot back.

“Yeah, well my grandma said that I’m a good kisser.” Chris shouted at all of them causing looks from the trio. “Well, she does!” He said and laughter burst from everyone.

“Well I think we should have Izzy decide.” Joey suggested,

“Wait, I don’t think so.” She protested even though she couldn’t believe her luck, three at once!

“Come on three little kisses wouldn’t hurt anything.” Joey pleaded.

“Yeah, come on Iz.” Chris said,

“You know if you don’t settle this argument then it could cause us to break up the group. You don’t want that resting on your shoulders do you?” Justin joked and she relented,

“Well if it’s for the sake of the group then I guess I have to do it!” She said throwing her hands up in the air. “Joey first, come here.”

“Well if that doesn’t get you in the mood.” Chris joked and Izzy rolled her eyes at him, leaned over and kissed Joey. His kiss was familiar and comforting, just like Joey was. She pulled back,

“Okay Chris you’re next.”

“Saving the best for last I see.” Justin said rubbing his hands together. Izzy ignored him and grabbed Chris’ shirt, pulling him to her.

“Damn Izzy.” Joey muttered. Chris’ kiss was sweet and endearing, she expected him to lick her face so it was a bit surprising. She smiled at him afterward,

“Not bad, Kirkpatrick.” She said and he grinned,

“Okay my turn!” Justin said pushing Chris out of the way.

“Okay, Mr. Justin Timberlake let’s see if you’re everything America makes you out to be.” She said playfully. Justin surprised her by grabbing her and kissing her deeply, tongue and all. Izzy’s mind went blank and all she would think was, ‘Damn he was a good kisser.’ When he let go, Izzy was a little disoriented, “Well now.” She said trying to collect her thoughts. Justin sat back with a smug look on his face. Izzy recollected her thoughts and sat back in her seat.

“So, who’s the best kisser?” Chris asked,

“Guys, I’m sorry but I have to say Justin. What can I say? The boy’s got it.” Justin jumped up with his arms raised over his head,

“I am still the reigning kissing champ!”

“Izzy you just made the monster bigger.” Joey said and sadly shook his head. Justin looked her way,

“Hey baby, you want more?” He said playfully and she groaned,

“That’s my cue to leave.” She said getting up from the table, “I’m gonna go find my sisters.”

Izzy found all the girls on the dance floor with Lance and JC. Niquita and Mel wanted to go get more drinks so Izzy accompanied them. While they were at the bar, Niquita and Mel needed to go to the bathroom so they left Izzy alone at the bar to get their drinks. She looked into the crowd and saw Jennifer dancing with Lance. She had yet to kiss Lance or JC, but she knew JC wouldn’t be a problem. Izzy caught his eye, winked and waved to Lance. He all but stopped dancing with Jennifer to smile and wave at her. Jennifer gave her a dirty look and pulled Lance back to her.

Izzy saw a large man standing next to her eyeing her up and down. She smiled at him,

“Hey, I’m Chuck.” He said to her,

“Hi, I’m Isabella.” She replied and he began chatting her up. Izzy kept on catching Lance’s eye every now and then, especially when Chuck got a little too close. Lance did not like the situation and he excused himself from a disappointed Jennifer and went over to Izzy at the bar. Jennifer glared at her as he walked up to Izzy. She was looking really uncomfortable at that point and saw Lance coming her way. She quickly pushed past Chuck and jumped into his arms,

“Sweetie!” She exclaimed kissing him deeply. Lance just held her there not believing his luck with Izzy. “Thank you.” She whispered against his lips and then said out loud, “I was just going to find you!” Lance played along,

“Well, I beat you to it, honey. Come on let’s go dance.”

“Okay.” She agreed and Lance slipped his arm protectively around her waist and led her to the dance floor, right past Jennifer. Izzy gave her a smug look and a little wave as they passed her into the crowd. She was laughing as they found her group of girls. Lance immediately started dancing with her keeping her as close as possible. Her girls kept on giving her eyes and smiles. Izzy just rolled her eyes at them and kept dancing with Lance. After a couple of songs he went to go get him and Izzy drinks and Jenna came over to her,

“Izzy, he is so wrapped around your little finger.”

“Yeah, he’s just really nice.” She said dancing to the next song that had come on. Two strong and familiar hands wrapped themselves around her waist. Lips brushed against the back of her neck and she smiled, “Someone’s awfully friendly tonight.”

“My body wanted to get reacquainted.” JC said in her ear and his hot breath rolling down her neck made her shiver. JC smiled at her reaction and turned her around to face him. He pulled her further into the crowd and away from the girls. Izzy began grinding with him, placing her arms around his neck.

“How reacquainted did your body want to get?” She replied,

“As much as possible.”

“Right now?” She said as she pulled him closer, and JC glanced around,

“Think anyone would notice?” His hands went lower on her back till they reached her ass. He grabbed it with both hands and lifted her up on him,

“If you do that people are bound to notice, plus just to clue you in, you’re not the most low profile person in this place.” She teased,

“Guess we’ll just have to go somewhere else, like my room.”

“I have company I have to tend to.”

“You won’t be gone that long.” He said and Izzy just smiled as she leaned back still dancing with him. It put him right level with her breasts. JC couldn’t hold back and he had to taste her. He trailed his tongue up from her valley and Izzy moaned. JC pulled her up to him and kissed her deeply. He knew he was breaking all the rules but he felt that all the rules had been thrown out the window that night for some reason. Izzy pulled back from JC.

“You’re breaking the rules.” She smiled.

“I’ll blame it on the alcohol.” He grinned and leaned forward kissing her again.

Joey looked out into the club for Izzy and almost choked on his drink when he saw her.

“Holy shit, hell has frozen over!”

“What, Joey?” Justin asked and Joey pointed,

“Izzy and JC are making out!” Justin and Chris both froze and stared at him,

“No! Let me see!” Chris said scrambling over to the side of the booth.

“Oh my God! I wouldn’t believe it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes!” Justin shouted,

“How much have they both had to drink tonight?”

“I don’t know but that’s really freaking me out!” Chris shouted and Joey nodded,

“You got that right! He’s so going to regret that move tomorrow.”

Lance walked back on the dance floor with Izzy’s drink. Thing’s were going great between them. He so wanted to tell her how he felt about her. How he’s always felt about her, since she walked into the dance studio that one day with Joey. She was his princess and he planned on treating her that way. He found the group again and glanced around for Izzy. He froze when he saw her, plastered all over JC. His hands groaping every intimate place on her. They were basically fucking on the dance floor! When they both finally came up for air, she smiled at JC and broke away from him. Lance went over to them; Izzy broke into a huge grin when she saw him,

“Lance! You’re back!” She said loudly moving over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck, “I was wondering where you had gotten off to.” Lance pulled her away from a disappointed JC.

“Iz, how much have you had to drink?”

“Lance, I’m fine. Why?”

“You were just making out with JC.”

“Lance, it was just a bet. Lucy said that I couldn’t get JC to kiss me. Boy did I prove her wrong.” She giggled and he smiled,

“How much had he had to drink?”

“I don’t know but it must have been a lot. I don’t even think he knew who I was.”

“Whoo, is he ever gonna be shocked tomorrow.”

“I know.” Izzy giggled again.

Izzy went and found Jennifer who was leaning against a wall.

“So Jennifer, about that bet.” Izzy smiled viciously at her.

“It’s wasn’t fair! You already knew them!”

“And you only took the bet because you thought that you did. So pay up.” Izzy said holding out her hand.

“Fine.” Jennifer said slapping a wad of crumpled bills in her hand. Izzy began counting and straightening out the bills.

“Jennifer, I’ll have to say that’s been a pleasure doing business with you. If you’re ever in town again…”

“Oh shove it where the sun doesn’t shine, Izzy.”

“No, I don’t have too. Toodles!” She cooed and walked away from Jennifer. She had never felt better in her life as she walked back up to the booth. Izzy threw a bill down on the table and shouted,

“The next round’s on me!”

They all walked tiredly back to their rooms and JC pulled Izzy back from the group as they passed his door.

“What are you doing?” She asked

“Are you coming over tonight?”

“I have company, JC.”

“They won’t notice, say that you’re going for ice.”

“No, it won’t work. You’re drunk, go to bed.” JC grabbed her waist.

“I’m not drunk.” Izzy looked him square in the eye,

“Chasez, let go of me right now.” She said forcefully and he dropped his hand.

“Go to bed and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“But Izzy-bella.” He slurred a little, “I want you to come over and play. You got me all worked up on the dance floor.” He went for her hips and pulled her close trying to nuzzle her neck.

“JC let her go.” Lance said strongly from behind Izzy and JC looked up at Lance.

“Lance, this is between me and her.” Izzy glance up at Lance,

“Sweets, I’ve got this under control.”

“See?” JC slurred and lost his balance a little bit. Izzy caught him and held him up. “Izzy’s a big girl and she can handle me.”

“Iz, you don’t have too.” Lance said gently and she smiled,

“I’ll be just fine. Can you check on everyone else while I take care of Chasez?”

“Sure.” Lance said standing there a few second and then leaving.

“Come on Chasez.” She said and he began to sing as she opened up his door,

“You’re all I ever wanted, you’re all I ever needed, and I want you back.” She groaned and dragged him through the door.

“It would be just like you to sing when you’re drunk.” Izzy shut the door and JC picked up Izzy.

“Chasez!” She hissed, “Put me down!” JC grinned mischievously.

“Okay.” He said and threw her on the bed. JC happily crawled up on her. She looked at him,

“You were acting drunk?”

“Yep.” He replied as he pulled her to him and kissed her neck.

“JC, I said that I can’t, my girls.”

“Just say that you were taking care of my drunken ass.”

“How much have you had to drink?”

“Not a drop.” He said and worked off her top, “It’s been water all night, but if anyone asks there was gin in it.”

“I can’t believe you did all that because you wanted to sleep with me.”

“What can I say, I’m horny and you’re my solution.”

“Oh, so eloquently put, Chasez.” JC kissed her lips,

“Less talking and lots more action.”

Izzy quietly closed JC’s door behind her and walked towards her room.

“You’re just leaving his room?” Lance said and she jumped,

“Lance! Jesus! You scared me! What the hell are you doing out here?”

“I couldn’t sleep and I was going for a walk. What the hell were you still doing in JC’s room?”

“I was having my wicked way with him.” She said sarcastically, “Jesus Lance, I was taking care of his drunken ass. After he puked his guts out I put him to bed and watched him to make sure he was okay. Now, I’m tired and I want to go to bed.” She said forcefully and Lance took a step back.

“That’s awfully nice of you.” He said with a touch more edge than he wanted to.

“You know, if JC was found dead from choking on his own puke, it’d be a bad thing. Don’t you think?”

“He was that bad?”

“Pretty much, I made sure he got to the toilet. He has pretty good aim for a drunk guy.”

“He’s gonna be hurting tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I guess. Well I’m gonna go to bed.”

“Wait, can we talk a bit?”

“Lance, all I really want is hot shower and my bed. Can we talk later?”

“Yeah, sure, no problem. Good night Izzy.”

“Good night Lance.”

Izzy went into her room and was bombarded by the girls.

“Where have you been missy?” Jenna teased and Izzy just rolled her eyes.

“You guys are like three year olds. I was taking care of JC, he was a little drunk.”

“He was a little all over you too,” Mel quipped,

“He was just drunk, he didn’t know it was me.”

“Uh huh, that boy had been eyeing you all night like you were kool-aid and he was dying to taste the flavor.” Jenna joked,

“He was not eyeing me all night. We can’t even stand each other.”

“Right,” Lucy said, “You know I think JC has already tasted the flavor.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Please we all saw you on the dance floor tonight. For two people who seemed to hate each other, you sure liked each other then.”

“That was just part of the bet.” Izzy countered,

“Him dragging his tongue through your cleavage was not part of the bet.”

“So we improvised, so what? You’re all jealous that I got to make out with every member of Nsync and you didn’t.”

“Oh, Izzy you were practically fucking him on the dance floor.” Jenna said, ‘I was fucking him a few minutes ago.’ Izzy thought to herself and Lucy saw her face,

“Oh my God you are sleeping with him!” Lucy pointed at her.

“Will you shut up!” Izzy hissed.

“It’s true, you are!” Mel whispered and Izzy sighed,

“Jesus, yes, I’m sleeping with JC! Are you all happy now?”

“What about Lance?” Niquita asked.

“What about Lance? We’re just friends.”

“He frickin follows you around like a love sick puppy dog!”

“That’s just the way he is. You know I have to get up early tomorrow.”

“For a quickie with JC, right?” Jenna retorted and Izzy sighed,

“So are you dating or what?” Lucy asked and Izzy shook her head,

“No we’re just messing around, nothing serious.”

“So you’re fuck buddies?”

“Yeah, I guess, you can call it that, but it’s more like fuck partners. We’re not buddies.”

“What does Joey think about this?”

“Joey doesn’t think about this because he doesn’t know and neither do any of the guys, so keep your traps shut.”

“Oh how can’t they know? You two are so obvious!” Lucy exclaimed, “Every time you guys get in a room together you can’t keep your eyes off each other.”

“Or their hands.” Mel muttered,

“Shut it Mel.”

“I just can’t believe that they are that dumb or oblivious.” Niquita said.

“Well believe it, they’re boys and they’re thick.”

“Why not just tell them? Then you wouldn’t have to hide it.” Lucy asked,

“Are you kidding me? They would all totally flip, especially Joey. That’s the last thing they need.”

“So you’re just gonna keep hiding it?” Jenna asked.

“Yep and you’re all gonna promise to keep quiet about it.”

“This is so cool I knew something like this would happen with you guys. I can say that I knew someone who slept with a member of Nsync!” Niquita squealed,

“Don’t you mean two members of Nsync?” Mel quipped and Izzy shot her a look,

“You’re sleeping with two of them? You little slut!” Jenna said,

“I’m only sleeping with JC.”

“But Mel said…” Izzy sighed,

“Fine, but you guys really have to promise not to tell anyone about any of this. Lucy and Mel I’m going to kill each of you tomorrow.” She sat down on one of the beds, “I used to date Joey back in high school and we slept together back then. So technically yes I’ve slept with two of the guys.”

“Only back then?” Jenna asked, “Don’t I remember a certain naked boy running around your room back in April?”

“You guys know way too much about my life. Yes, goodness me, we got really drunk and slept together back in April. You guys have to promise not to tell anyone because he has this girlfriend and sometimes she’s not the most understanding person. Come on all of you pinky swear that you’ll take this information to the grave.” Izzy held out her pinky finger all the girls hooked their pinkies with hers, “You can’t even tell other sisters.” She said looking straight at Lucy and Mel. “This stays in this room and dies in this room. This could really hurt the guys and I can’t do that to them. Do you all understand?” Each of the girls nodded their heads, “I want to hear it.” She said and they all smiled and chanted together,

“A T-O always stays true, a promise of the gold and blue.”

“Thank you guys, now can we please go to sleep? I’m so tired.”

“Well an after all that exercise with J-” Mel muttered and Izzy shot her a look stopping her in her tracks.

“Good night guys.”
